Dis Breast Cancer Survivors Part IV - GAGWTA

Hi all! so much activity since I was here last!!
Good to see Snappy posting! cataract surgery sure has come a long way! my father in law and mother in law have both had theirs done lately and it went so well, and they are so happy! My grandmother went blind from glaucoma, and my mother and myself had and have the precursors to it, and today my daughter found out she does too! So far my eyes are fine and believe it or not, but after I was done my cancer treatment, the presure in my eyes has been better! so who knows maybe the chemo helped with it!
on the subject of lymphedema etc. I still after nearly 6 years have a fairly large seroma that bothers me. I had to have a lot of fluid drained I think 3 times after my second surgery and what was left is still there bugging me, but doing no harm. but after my horrible experience with the cellulitis and bad swelling this summer, I know I will have to be careful probably the rest of my life.
on the subject of when they start the clock for that all important 5 year mark, one doctor told me it was from diagnosis, one told me it was from when you finished treatment! so who really knows? Ollallamom, congrats on getting to that important date! I hit my 5 year since the end of treatment and 6 years since diagnosis anniversary this fall, and it feels really good but scarey at the same time, as I won't be seeing my oncologist every 6 months anymore, and he feels mri's are not needed, that an annual mammo will be sufficient, but we are going to talk about that in April. While I don't want the extra radiation from getting a mammo every 6 months, with the type of cancer I had, it grew so fast in the couple of months after I finished chemo, it worries me going a whole year between tests.
Our time in Canada's wine country was very good! and the trip there and back was really nice! I was glad to be back home though in my own bed... I get a lot more tired, and sleep a lot less comfortably on road trips now. I am grateful we did so many when we did. Now I am happy to do day trips, or get on a plane and stay, and fly home, except now I am supposed to wear a sleeve for my arm when I fly. Diana I am still dreaming about the cioppino we had on our trip, and one of the wines we had too. :)
Janet, sounds wonderful. I have been dreaming about a dish we had on our trip too. Fermented tea leaf salad at a little place called Burmatown in Corte Madera CA. Can you believe it? Sounds weird but was so good. If anyone is lucky enough to have a Burmese restaurant nearby, go try one!

Congrats to Ollallamon! I guess I am four years out on one side and one year on the other. I hate going in every six months. It takes so long and is so stressful. My first surgeon only required annual checkups.
Janet, sounds wonderful. I have been dreaming about a dish we had on our trip too. Fermented tea leaf salad at a little place called Burmatown in Corte Madera CA. Can you believe it? Sounds weird but was so good. If anyone is lucky enough to have a Burmese restaurant nearby, go try one!

Congrats to Ollallamon! I guess I am four years out on one side and one year on the other. I hate going in every six months. It takes so long and is so stressful. My first surgeon only required annual checkups.
had to look up the salad! lol looks very good! I see you can buy a kit to make it at home, from amazon if you want to try :) I wont' try cioppino at home, I will leave it to the experts, with all that expensive seafood! I tried to make the seafood risotto we had in Carmel, it was ok but not good enough to justify the cost and time to make it at home!
We went for a picnic up the mountain yesterday, it was so beautiful and sunny, the leaves are starting to change colour and against the vivid blue sky it was so glorious! the air is so clear and fresh at this time of year, I have always loved september and october the best! Our next trip is over to Vancouver Island, to the city of Victoria. we are going to pretend we are in England because I can't see myself being able to do a 8 hour flight! I am already scoping out the restaurants! lol! we will go to Butchart gardens too, it won't be until our anniversary at the beginning of December, but it will be all decorated for Christmas and they have Victorian carolers and such.
I'm going to try one more long flight, making it as short as possible. Next spring, we will fly to Orlando, spend the night at OKW, then get on a flight to Copenhagen the next night. Meet up with DD there, and fly to Paris. We should have time to take the metro to Nyhavn and walk around. We will fly back to Orlando from Gatwick in London, spend the night then fly home. The long flights are on Dreamliners, so I'm really hoping I won't have edema issues this time. If I do it will be our last long flight. Need to save more money anyway.

Included in our plan is a day spent at the WB Harry Potter studio tour outside of London, and maybe see the Aladdin musical at West End. Silly excited about this!

The best risotto I've had lately is made in the Instant Pot! It's so easy. Best probably to cook the seafood separately and use the broth for the risotto, then reheating the seafood in the rice at the last. Usually make mushroom risotto but tried lobster and it was very good!
I'm going to try one more long flight, making it as short as possible. Next spring, we will fly to Orlando, spend the night at OKW, then get on a flight to Copenhagen the next night. Meet up with DD there, and fly to Paris. We should have time to take the metro to Nyhavn and walk around. We will fly back to Orlando from Gatwick in London, spend the night then fly home. The long flights are on Dreamliners, so I'm really hoping I won't have edema issues this time. If I do it will be our last long flight. Need to save more money anyway.

Included in our plan is a day spent at the WB Harry Potter studio tour outside of London, and maybe see the Aladdin musical at West End. Silly excited about this!

The best risotto I've had lately is made in the Instant Pot! It's so easy. Best probably to cook the seafood separately and use the broth for the risotto, then reheating the seafood in the rice at the last. Usually make mushroom risotto but tried lobster and it was very good!
Oh that sounds amazing!! That is a very good plan, splitting it up like that! Will you or have you been to Disneyland in Paris?
What is an Instant pot? That is what I did, cook seafood seperately then use the broth, and also bought a carton of seafood broth which was very expensive as well, but I made it in a regular pot.
We are going through some really tough emotional issues with our sons widow right now and I would love nothing better than to be on the other side of the planet, even if it meant dealing with lymphadema :( we just can't afford anything like that right now though. I am getting pretty fed up of the universe sending one nasty thing after another my way. really fed up. Just as we feel like we are starting to be happy again, something else, brought on by someone else in our family comes along.
Aw, Janet, sorry to hear that. Big families are a blessing and a curse, no? With just my one daughter to worry about, I've got all the stress I can handle.

An Instant Pot is a separate, digital pressure cooker. Somehow less intimidating than the ones that go on top of the stove. Though I still make DH release the lid when it comes to that.
Aw, Janet, sorry to hear that. Big families are a blessing and a curse, no? With just my one daughter to worry about, I've got all the stress I can handle.

An Instant Pot is a separate, digital pressure cooker. Somehow less intimidating than the ones that go on top of the stove. Though I still make DH release the lid when it comes to that.
Oh I have wanted one of those for a long time! I have a presure cooker for on the stove but never use it because it is too much work!
yes, mixed blessings for sure.
thanks Pea and me....... Today we spent the day out at our sons house, packing up everything in his shop, because his wife/widow is selling the house. it was like loosing him all over again. everything was exactly like how he left it, except covered in dust and cobwebs. the totes with his hockey cards he was keeping for his kids, his hunting stuff, tools, posters and things off the walls, I have not cried so hard and hystericaly in a long time. Our daughter came and picked us up and took us to her house for dinner and brought us back home after. we were in no state to be driving around, or sitting at home feeling miserable. our little grand daughter ava, wanted me to pick her up and was giving me hugs, sat on my lap the whole time. it's like she knew gramma needed hugs. now we have to find a place to store everything, until his children are old enough to want it. I told hubby that's it, I honestly just can not take anymore. I am at the end of my rope.
Today we spent the day out at our sons house, packing up everything in his shop, because his wife/widow is selling the house. it was like loosing him all over again. everything was exactly like how he left it, except covered in dust and cobwebs. the totes with his hockey cards he was keeping for his kids, his hunting stuff, tools, posters and things off the walls, I have not cried so hard and hystericaly in a long time. Our daughter came and picked us up and took us to her house for dinner and brought us back home after. we were in no state to be driving around, or sitting at home feeling miserable. our little grand daughter ava, wanted me to pick her up and was giving me hugs, sat on my lap the whole time. it's like she knew gramma needed hugs. now we have to find a place to store everything, until his children are old enough to want it. I told hubby that's it, I honestly just can not take anymore. I am at the end of my rope.
That is so sad. I can't imagine how hard that must've been. :hug: Be good to yourself this week. :grouphug:
And I am wondering why this task fell to you. Did you want to do it? Sorry it was so hard, hope things turn around for you.
smiley - thinking of you and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Day today. Sorry you have way too much on your plate to deal with lately. Sending you lots of hugs.

Diana - that trip sounds wonderful

Peg - how is the house selling and building going? Glad things werent too rough in the Orlando area during the hurricane. Hope all is well

A week from today we will be in Disney. I think dh needs a vacation. He is busy working on the west coast and flying to Calif. from Seattle tonight. Poor ds3 is working 5 or 6 days in a row to get next week off.

We are still waiting on the other ins. company. Dh filled out some paper they required. I dont know how much more run around and lies they can tell us. I think even they are running out of them and so it goes on and on. sigh
Just popping in quick as I've got ice packs on me. 1 week post surgery for lymph nodes. Surgery day was crazy. Scheduled for early morning and wasn't operated on til 10:30pm! It was a fiasco!

Lymph nodes were negative!! This 2nd surgery hurts so badly. Must be nerves because it's burning, searing, shooting pain. Follow up visit is tomorrow. No visible swelling, but a good bit of bruising.
Smiley, thinking of you!

LMP, We had no issues with the hurricane. We were very lucky! Most worst problem was getting my dog to go out. She was afraid of the wind. It was gusting up to 60 mph.

The house purchase process is proceeding. We've picked everything out...including some new furniture! lol! We've cleaned out a ton of stuff from our current homes. Now, we are in wait mode. We are waiting for the permits to come through. Orange County is backed up due to the incredible number of new homes being built in the area. We are hoping to break ground by the end of this month!

The weather here is amazing! It's cool and the humidity is low. It really feels like fall! I plan to take advantage of that by making a few trips to the parks over the next few days. It's been awhile since I've been there. I just have to dodge the party schedule.

As always, ladies. you are in my thoughts and prayers!
And I am wondering why this task fell to you. Did you want to do it? Sorry it was so hard, hope things turn around for you.
Because quite lierally if we didnt gather up things we think will be important for his daughters, it would have gone to the landfill or on the fire. There were also a lot of tools that were my dads he had give my hubby and we had given our son, and we didnt want those to disapear. My dad was a mechanic in the army in WWII and a lot of the tools were from then! As it was we brought home several totes and it will be here one day for his daughters. We hope that she will put away at least some of the money from the sale for them, but we dont have high hopes. She bought an extremely expensive vehicle and is having a hard time with the payments, and the way she is pushing it through we feel she must have more debt to clear. As I have mentioned before, having contact with the girls, having them able to come and stay with us at holidays, is more important than anything else, so we dont dare say anything. She will shut us out. We have been the go between with the carpenter and the yard person and the cleaners, trying to get the place cleaned up. The renters that were in it cUsed so much damage. It was another really bad day for us. I keep wavering between thinking we need to do this to get the most we can for the girls out of the sale, to thinking what is the point they probably wont get it anyway. It is nearly finished now. I so wish we could afford another mortgage we would buy it and keep it for them! But we can not afford that, it is being listed at 500,000 and that is Too much money for us.
smiley - thinking of you and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Day today. Sorry you have way too much on your plate to deal with lately. Sending you lots of hugs.

Diana - that trip sounds wonderful

Peg - how is the house selling and building going? Glad things werent too rough in the Orlando area during the hurricane. Hope all is well

A week from today we will be in Disney. I think dh needs a vacation. He is busy working on the west coast and flying to Calif. from Seattle tonight. Poor ds3 is working 5 or 6 days in a row to get next week off.

We are still waiting on the other ins. company. Dh filled out some paper they required. I dont know how much more run around and lies they can tell us. I think even they are running out of them and so it goes on and on. sigh
Thanks for your thoughts! I am guessing you must be at disneyworld now! So excited for you and a little jealous too! Have a wonderful time! Eat a caramel apple for me please? A scarey mickey one!!
Forgot to mention, we were in an accident last week, driving through a mall parking lot, hunby was driving i was in passenger seat, and a car backed out of its spot right into the door where I was sitting. Scared the you know what out of me and our daughter who was sitting right behind me. The local repair shops are booking into january!! So we are stuck with a badly dented jeep until then. nd our daughters transmission in her van went just today! So we will be helping with shuffling kids back and forth to school :(
Forgot to mention, we were in an accident last week, driving through a mall parking lot, hunby was driving i was in passenger seat, and a car backed out of its spot right into the door where I was sitting. Scared the you know what out of me and our daughter who was sitting right behind me. The local repair shops are booking into january!! So we are stuck with a badly dented jeep until then. nd our daughters transmission in her van went just today! So we will be helping with shuffling kids back and forth to school :(

Oh no! When it rains it pours. Booked til January!? Have you tried a car dealer? My son was in an accident in July. Our insurance gave us a list of where we could take it. It took them over a month to get all the parts in to fix it. That was a long time without a car.
Oh no! When it rains it pours. Booked til January!? Have you tried a car dealer? My son was in an accident in July. Our insurance gave us a list of where we could take it. It took them over a month to get all the parts in to fix it. That was a long time without a car.
Hey Tink! I neglectd to say hurray for your negative nodes!! I remember the day I got that news was so exciting! One of the last messages I ever got from my son, how happy he was, he was doin the happy dance at work. Fortunately we have an extra thing with our insurance, so they will pay for a loaner for us. I Took the day off!! Cooked an amazing cioppino had it with san francisco sourdough bread and some delish autumn wine, and some irish hot chocolate for dessert! Didnt even think about calories or sugar or anything, just savoured and relaxed! Might just keep my phone turned off tomorrow again! Lol
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