The Running Thread - 2016

ATTQOTD: Yeah... no. If I "warmed up" for 3 miles, I'd be done with my run on short days, lol! ;) I think this is intended maybe for faster runners - and I am not that. My "warm-up" is some stretching, foam rolling and moving before a run - maybe around 10 mins - and then I ease into the run over the first mile. I walk and/or paddle around the pool for a cool-down - and that's critical in summer, when I literally do need to cool down.
QOTD: Not to long ago we discussed what to do for warming up and cooling down before races and hard workouts. Below is a bit from the book "The Little Red Book of Running" by, Scott Douglas. I thought I would share the information with everyone and ask if you agree or disagree with what it says. Would you consider changing your routine based on this info?
That's interesting info. I think I'd have to consider it a little bit more if I want to change my routine. I do very minimal warm ups and it's probably not the best I guess. I'll just have to put some more thought into it I guess. Warming up with 3 miles seems like a bit much for a warm up to me but I guess I'm still kind of new to running maybe I don't know.
ATTQOTD: I'm too slow to really see a noticeable pace difference between a WU run and my easy pace. Right now I'm walking for 5 minutes to WU and CD. I don't count those towards my running time. At Disney races I'm in the corrals for so long I feel like warming up beforehand would be a waste and just put unnecessary wear on my legs. Other races I can see doing a quick walk/jog would be helpful to avoid starting stone cold.
ATTQOTD: I'm too slow to really see a noticeable pace difference between a WU run and my easy pace. Right now I'm walking for 5 minutes to WU and CD. I don't count those towards my running time. At Disney races I'm in the corrals for so long I feel like warming up beforehand would be a waste and just put unnecessary wear on my legs. Other races I can see doing a quick walk/jog would be helpful to avoid starting stone cold.

This is such a valid point. For people in the top couple of corrals you really are not waiting around very long before a race, but for folks in the middle to back it is quite a long time to stand around. I appreciated a race in Chicago that I did earlier this year the had two "waves" where the A-D corrals got "locked down" at a certain time and then the E-H or whatever did not have to be in their corrals until a full 20 minutes later before they got locked down. The A's were already off on their way before I had to be in my spot. Would love if Disney did that too for the sake of us middle-packers/backpackers.
This is such a valid point. For people in the top couple of corrals you really are not waiting around very long before a race, but for folks in the middle to back it is quite a long time to stand around. I appreciated a race in Chicago that I did earlier this year the had two "waves" where the A-D corrals got "locked down" at a certain time and then the E-H or whatever did not have to be in their corrals until a full 20 minutes later before they got locked down. The A's were already off on their way before I had to be in my spot. Would love if Disney did that too for the sake of us middle-packers/backpackers.

You don't have to be in your corral for a long time. I'm usually in C-E and arrive when the fireworks are going off for A. Wait time in the corral is usually no more than 10 minutes.
You don't have to be in your corral for a long time. I'm usually in C-E and arrive when the fireworks are going off for A. Wait time in the corral is usually no more than 10 minutes.

That's really good to know. The only WDW race I did was from corral B (yay for that one crazy fast race in the fall to use all year for proof.) I thought dis was way more strict, glad to hear for my next trip where I'm guessing I'll be not in B could be better for waiting :)
You don't have to be in your corral for a long time. I'm usually in C-E and arrive when the fireworks are going off for A. Wait time in the corral is usually no more than 10 minutes.

This is true, but when you're really in the back of the pack (like worrying about being swept) you want to get in the front of your corral if possible, which means arriving before they open up. My training is going well so far and I don't want that to be a worry in January! But I'll still probably get there early for peace of mind.
Ugh had a horrible evening and night yesterday! We had been having internet trouble so I scheduled them to come out between 5-8 last night so I would be home with my mom when they came. My mom texted me that they showed up at 3:30 and they let my beagle, Hunter out. He is a runner, so he was gone in a flash. When I was driving home I got almost to my house and they had my road closed, so I had to backtrack and come in a different way, an extra 10 miles (I live in the woods, basically). Then about 30 minutes after I got home, a severe thunderstorm came through. It had 80 mph wind gusts! I had never seen it blow so bad! Knocked my power out and it is still out. And poor Hunter is afraid of thunder so he never came home last night. Currently have ice blocks in both my fridges and freezers to try and save our food - power is supposed to be on by midnight, hopefully. My mom had just stocked up at Sam's for the month so hopefully we don't lose much.

So I never got my run in last night. No power for treadmill and lightning/pouring rain and wind outside. @DopeyBadger should I run it tonight or skip it and do my long run tomorrow?

So, long pause in my post. I was in the middle of writing this and my DH called. I had to run home and pick up Hunter and take him to the vet as he found him and he was pooping blood. They are keeping him all weekend and think he got into rat poison. I am so stressed out right now I just want to lay my head down and cry. :(

Thanks for letting me vent! Sorry everyone!
In high school cross country we did a whole strider series before speedwork, probably good idea to incoporate some of that again. It included, high knees, karaoke/grapevine, backwards, all out stride, maybe walking lunges, hard to remember.

I have a love/hate with stretching. If I overstretch I have hurt myself but I found in the last few weeks I have to stretch some or my legs are tight causing knee pain. So before runs I'm doing some dynamic stretches, especially for my calves, hamstrings & quads, need to get more of a routine figured out. I start all runs slow and before my speed work attempts I'll do 1/2 mile to 1 mile warmup (more if it's cold out). For cool downs I walk after each run, more if it's a speed work or long run day. Today's easy 3, had no warmup as it was all an easy slow pace and for cool down maybe a 1/4 mile walk. For long runs I gradually build speed, but the first 3 miles are usually easier/slower. Then I'm stick rolling and stretching, but being careful not to overstretch, a fine line I'm trying to find.

Yeah at Disney it is really hard to warmup before hand due to corral waiting (I'm not one to cut it close on time), so I usually do some dynamic stretches, marching in place & things to keep loose without annoying my corralmates. And at Disney the best cooldown is walking the parks after, unlike at home where it's so easy to sit and be lazy he rest of the day. Plus getting in and out of rides helps keep the legs loose or can be painful too!
@michigandergirl Ok, on Saturday morning I will be in corral 6 wearing this tank top with black shorts and a shamrock green sweatyband in my hair. Black brooks sneakers.
This is not me...this is a Walmart model :)
QOTD: Not to long ago we discussed what to do for warming up and cooling down before races and hard workouts. Below is a bit from the book "The Little Red Book of Running" by, Scott Douglas. I thought I would share the information with everyone and ask if you agree or disagree with what it says. Would you consider changing your routine based on this info?

For warm up I always give myself 1-1.5 miles before speed/tempo workouts, but hardly ever do before races. I planned on incorporating a similar warm-up as described before my next race, and see if that helps. Cool downs vary. I try to do them after speed workouts but don't always get them in due to time constraints. Maybe I should just start my run earlier, but that would require me to get out of bed earlier, and who wants to do that?
Ugh had a horrible evening and night yesterday! We had been having internet trouble so I scheduled them to come out between 5-8 last night so I would be home with my mom when they came. My mom texted me that they showed up at 3:30 and they let my beagle, Hunter out. He is a runner, so he was gone in a flash. When I was driving home I got almost to my house and they had my road closed, so I had to backtrack and come in a different way, an extra 10 miles (I live in the woods, basically). Then about 30 minutes after I got home, a severe thunderstorm came through. It had 80 mph wind gusts! I had never seen it blow so bad! Knocked my power out and it is still out. And poor Hunter is afraid of thunder so he never came home last night. Currently have ice blocks in both my fridges and freezers to try and save our food - power is supposed to be on by midnight, hopefully. My mom had just stocked up at Sam's for the month so hopefully we don't lose much.

So I never got my run in last night. No power for treadmill and lightning/pouring rain and wind outside. @DopeyBadger should I run it tonight or skip it and do my long run tomorrow?

So, long pause in my post. I was in the middle of writing this and my DH called. I had to run home and pick up Hunter and take him to the vet as he found him and he was pooping blood. They are keeping him all weekend and think he got into rat poison. I am so stressed out right now I just want to lay my head down and cry. :(

Thanks for letting me vent! Sorry everyone!
Aw, poor pup! Hope he's all better and can come home soon...
@Dis5150 Oh no, give that pooch a hug from me. Sounds like you need one too. If you have the time to run an easy run today and your long run tomorrow, I would. If it is tempo/speed today they I'd defer to DopeyB for his advise.
Hope things get less hectic for you!
Ugh had a horrible evening and night yesterday! We had been having internet trouble so I scheduled them to come out between 5-8 last night so I would be home with my mom when they came. My mom texted me that they showed up at 3:30 and they let my beagle, Hunter out. He is a runner, so he was gone in a flash. When I was driving home I got almost to my house and they had my road closed, so I had to backtrack and come in a different way, an extra 10 miles (I live in the woods, basically). Then about 30 minutes after I got home, a severe thunderstorm came through. It had 80 mph wind gusts! I had never seen it blow so bad! Knocked my power out and it is still out. And poor Hunter is afraid of thunder so he never came home last night. Currently have ice blocks in both my fridges and freezers to try and save our food - power is supposed to be on by midnight, hopefully. My mom had just stocked up at Sam's for the month so hopefully we don't lose much.

So I never got my run in last night. No power for treadmill and lightning/pouring rain and wind outside. @DopeyBadger should I run it tonight or skip it and do my long run tomorrow?

So, long pause in my post. I was in the middle of writing this and my DH called. I had to run home and pick up Hunter and take him to the vet as he found him and he was pooping blood. They are keeping him all weekend and think he got into rat poison. I am so stressed out right now I just want to lay my head down and cry. :(

Thanks for letting me vent! Sorry everyone!

Hope you get your power back soon and that Hunter is ok. Poor puppy.
QOTD: Not to long ago we discussed what to do for warming up and cooling down before races and hard workouts. Below is a bit from the book "The Little Red Book of Running" by, Scott Douglas. I thought I would share the information with everyone and ask if you agree or disagree with what it says. Would you consider changing your routine based on this info?

Before every run/race, I first start with about 5 minutes of dynamic stretching with a very few specific static stretches (very light static stretches). For each speed, strength, or tempo run, I also warm-up for 1.5 miles as well as cool down for 1.5 miles. For races, I warm-up for 1 to 1.5 miles before a 5k or 10k; however, for half marathons, I haven't done more than light jogging for a few minutes.
Ugh had a horrible evening and night yesterday! We had been having internet trouble so I scheduled them to come out between 5-8 last night so I would be home with my mom when they came. My mom texted me that they showed up at 3:30 and they let my beagle, Hunter out. He is a runner, so he was gone in a flash. When I was driving home I got almost to my house and they had my road closed, so I had to backtrack and come in a different way, an extra 10 miles (I live in the woods, basically). Then about 30 minutes after I got home, a severe thunderstorm came through. It had 80 mph wind gusts! I had never seen it blow so bad! Knocked my power out and it is still out. And poor Hunter is afraid of thunder so he never came home last night. Currently have ice blocks in both my fridges and freezers to try and save our food - power is supposed to be on by midnight, hopefully. My mom had just stocked up at Sam's for the month so hopefully we don't lose much.

So I never got my run in last night. No power for treadmill and lightning/pouring rain and wind outside. @DopeyBadger should I run it tonight or skip it and do my long run tomorrow?

So, long pause in my post. I was in the middle of writing this and my DH called. I had to run home and pick up Hunter and take him to the vet as he found him and he was pooping blood. They are keeping him all weekend and think he got into rat poison. I am so stressed out right now I just want to lay my head down and cry. :(

Thanks for letting me vent! Sorry everyone!

Sorry things aren't going well. Hope the dog is ok and your power returns soon. No power in the summer sucks.

Happy anniversary.


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