How are we not more outraged about these shootings?


Disney Maniac
Jan 19, 2011
Another police officer shoots a black man last night and it's barely even mentioned on the news. I had to look it up online and couldn't help but cry when I watched the video. I know police officers have a difficult job and I respect them for the job they do. It's just so heartbreaking that this keeps happening. I don't know what the solution is. I think if I were black I wouldn't carry a gun because even possessing one seems to be enough to get you shot. And it looks like it's probably a good idea to video everything. I know that police probably interact with people hundreds of thousands of times per day and nothing bad happens. It's just really upsetting when something like this happens.
Should I be outraged about the shooting, or that it wasn't mentioned on the news?
I don't know the situation, but I don't believe every police shooting (no matter the color of the people involved) needs to be broad casted 24/7 on national news.
However if you want people to be aware of the story, you should post a link.
Should I be outraged about the shooting, or that it wasn't mentioned on the news?
I don't know the situation, but I don't believe every police shooting (no matter the color of the people involved) needs to be broad casted 24/7 on national news.
However if you want people to be aware of the story, you should post a link.
Sorry's the link

And the one from the day before

I think I'm upset that it happened but also upset that it happened but doesn't seem to matter. Like it seems like we should be talking about it more. And trying to figure out how and why it happened and try to figure out how to prevent it from continuing to happen.
Another police officer shoots a black man last night and it's barely even mentioned on the news. I had to look it up online and couldn't help but cry when I watched the video. I know police officers have a difficult job and I respect them for the job they do. It's just so heartbreaking that this keeps happening. I don't know what the solution is. I think if I were black I wouldn't carry a gun because even possessing one seems to be enough to get you shot. And it looks like it's probably a good idea to video everything. I know that police probably interact with people hundreds of thousands of times per day and nothing bad happens. It's just really upsetting when something like this happens.
If you are talking about the one where the boyfriend was shot in the car, he made a tragic mistake. You don't say, "I've got a gun, I'm going to get the paperwork." And then reach down to your pocket(which is what the girlfriend says happened). You put your hands up and let the officer disarm you. With that said... It is a really sad situation. I don't know what else to say. I can't vilify anyone in this situation.
The one in MN last night is just down the road, literally, from my house. In a nice, quiet, suburb. I thought it was staged at first. Just in shock.

I have close friends that are cops, and close friends who hate cops based on these types of things. It's just sickening.
If you are talking about the one where the boyfriend was shot in the car, he made a tragic mistake. You don't say, "I've got a gun, I'm going to get the paperwork." And then reach down to your pocket(which is what the girlfriend says happened). You put your hands up and let the officer disarm you. With that said... It is a really sad situation. I don't know what else to say. I can't vilify anyone in this situation.

I just saw the story on that one. But I thought she was talking about the one in Louisiana.
Without knowing the details I don't know if I should be outragged.

An old story was posted from my area on facebook yesterday due to the Boston Globe doing a piece about mental health issues. It involved an officer that was called to investigate a dead body but found a very heavily drugged mentally ill and still alive man with knife.

The mentally ill man who fully admits to stealing his fathers meds and taking a large number that day claims he put the knife to his throat.
The officer who was an extremely decorated officer says he held the knife out and threatened to kill him.

The officer shot the man.

I was surpised how many people blamed the officer in this situation. Why when you have a highly decorated officer that had no prior issues with violance vs a known mentally instable drugged man do we believe that the one properly relaying his version of events is the drugged man?

Oh in this case both men were white. Not that this should matter.
So in the news article I just posted should it read, "Black man kills convenience store clerk"

It would be even better if everyone would get upset over these too!
Obviously that is really upsetting too. I hadn't heard about it before you posted the link. The two shootings I mentioned were caught on video and the victims were shot by police officers while I would assume that the convenience store clerk was not shot by a police officer.
If you are talking about the one where the boyfriend was shot in the car, he made a tragic mistake. You don't say, "I've got a gun, I'm going to get the paperwork." And then reach down to your pocket(which is what the girlfriend says happened). You put your hands up and let the officer disarm you. With that said... It is a really sad situation. I don't know what else to say. I can't vilify anyone in this situation.
Agree on this. I know some people that carry.

One was talking about being pulled over and the officer asked him to step out of the car (I think the officer thought he might be intoxicated - he wasn't) he kept his hands on the steering wheel and said "Just so you know there is a gun in the pocket of the door, I am licenced to carry and can get you the paper work." then waited for the officer to decide what to do. The officer decided to reach in and open the door from the inside himself and take the gun while he kept his hands on the wheel.
If you are talking about the one where the boyfriend was shot in the car, he made a tragic mistake. You don't say, "I've got a gun, I'm going to get the paperwork." And then reach down to your pocket(which is what the girlfriend says happened). You put your hands up and let the officer disarm you. With that said... It is a really sad situation. I don't know what else to say. I can't vilify anyone in this situation.

In the article I posted from Yahoo it says he was shot as he was putting his hands back up.
Its just too early to be outraged about it because we don't know what happened.
At this point it sounds like a tragic mistake made by the officer. I can't be outraged by that.
If it turns out to be about purposely shooting a black man, well that is a different story.
In the article I posted from Yahoo it says he was shot as he was putting his hands back up.
Its just too early to be outraged about it because we don't know what happened.
At this point it sounds like a tragic mistake made by the officer. I can't be outraged by that.
If it turns out to be about purposely shooting a black man, well that is a different story.
I only watched the video. The girlfriend says he was reaching for his pocket but the officers says in the video, "I told him to put his hands up."...

It's really early to say what exactly happened(if we ever find out).
If you are talking about the one where the boyfriend was shot in the car, he made a tragic mistake. You don't say, "I've got a gun, I'm going to get the paperwork." And then reach down to your pocket(which is what the girlfriend says happened). You put your hands up and let the officer disarm you. With that said... It is a really sad situation. I don't know what else to say. I can't vilify anyone in this situation.
That's not the way it's being reported in the accounts I've read this morning. Everything I've read says he disclosed he had a weapon and concealed carry permit and was complying with the officer's instructions as to how he was to retrieve his license. So there are conflicting stories about what happened (shock - not)

Hoping the officer had a camera that shows what happened from his perspective.
That's not the way it's being reported in the accounts I've read this morning. Everything I've read says he disclosed he had a weapon and concealed carry permit and was complying with the officer's instructions as to how he was to retrieve his license. So there are conflicting stories about what happened (shock - not)

Hoping the officer had a camera that shows what happened from his perspective.
I'll have to look around some more. Everything I've seen was just the video with a few sentences setting the scene.
I'm interested in how you tell someone to retrieve a license from your back pocket when you are sitting in the driver's seat - and have acknowledged you have a weapon on you. Obviously I have no experience in this so I'm curious how the officer would have instructed him to do this


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