Line holders

Whoa! Lots of responses I haven't gotten a chance to read yet. But today, again, I witnessed a few girls jump way up in the line with their "family." They knocked down the rope by accident and caused a bit of a ruckus. I looked at the cast member, she looked at me (clearly in agreement that they're wrong.) so I asked her if that's allowed. And she sort of whispered saying while she thinks it's wrong, they're not allowed to tell guests they can't get in line with their family. And what she did next shocked me. We were talking and I was saying since I travel solo (for now), I have to wait the full wait and others don't. So she took me back to the next cast member and let me be in the next group for this attraction. Very nice of her.
  • No, it isn't right.
  • I have not had it done to me enough to let it bother me.
  • If there are 400 people in line in front of me and 4 more cut ahead, then the line has increased by 1%. My 30 minute wait has increased by 18 seconds. Again, is it right? No. But I won't let my blood pressure rise over 18 seconds.
  • Do I think that the exaggerated claims of one person holding space for 20 more happens with any amount of frequency that it is worth discussing? No.
  • Do I think that a line for a ride at WDW is the proper place for a confrontation that could escalate into foul language or physical contact with a bunch of kids around? No.
  • Do I know what every other person here has experienced with enough certainty to know that this is or isn't a major problem? No. I only know what I have observed, and what I have observed doesn't warrant action or confrontation.
  • On many rides, one or two people joining up with one or two other people won't change my place in line. All it does is make the vehicle ahead of me, (which I wasn't going to ride in anyway) more full. Instead of two people riding in Honey Pot #12, there are now four people riding in Honey Pot #12. My family was always going to be in Honey Pot #13, so my lot in life has not changed. At other rides, perhaps the cutting person/people push me back by one boat, or one mine train, or one rocket ship. Again, is that fair? No. Does it ruin my day? No.
Just my $0.02. Your mileage may vary.

Thank you for sharing your opinions! On a ride with single seats, like Soarin', it does affect the wait. I wasn't able to get in a "gate" for the same showing but the line cutters were and they didn't wait the whole time. So in turn I waited an extra 10 minutes, or however long Soarin' is. It's just simply not fair! I found out today that cast members are not allowed to say anything to anyone jumping the line to get with their family. Very disappointing.

  • On many rides, one or two people joining up with one or two other people won't change my place in line. All it does is make the vehicle ahead of me, (which I wasn't going to ride in anyway) more full. Instead of two people riding in Honey Pot #12, there are now four people riding in Honey Pot #12. My family was always going to be in Honey Pot #13, so my lot in life has not changed. At other rides, perhaps the cutting person/people push me back by one boat, or one mine train, or one rocket ship. Again, is that fair? No. Does it ruin my day? No.

actually, the 2 people would be in the first seat of honey pot #12 and hubby and I would be in the 2nd seat of honey pot#12 . the 2 people joining them would push us back one honey pot (boy does that sound silly).
and this could happen a few times during a one hour wait. would my place in line be the same as it would be if all the line cutters were inline in the first place? yes. but I didn't have that knowledge when I made the decision to enter that line. the est. wait time wasn't based on that knowledge.
People really happily send someone out of line for "drinks and snacks?"

Seriously, have we really gotten to a place where people need to eat something every 5 minutes?

If you are going to die without food, bring it in the line with you. If you need water that desperately, I would think you would have brought water with you.

Otherwise - you can wait until after the ride for that Mickey bar. No?

If your three year old has to pee, that's one thing, but someone coming back bearing pretzels and sodas would really annoy me.
the 2 people joining them would push us back one honey pot (boy does that sound silly).
See? When one stops to type it all out, it brings to the surface just how silly this is. Getting moved back one honey pot sets you back what?...maybe 5 seconds? Is this what people are getting so worked up over?

this could happen a few times during a one hour wait.
...and now we are up to maybe 20-30 seconds. Besides. Who waits in an hour long line for Pooh? :goodvibes

but I didn't have that knowledge when I made the decision to enter that line. the est. wait time wasn't based on that knowledge.
First, the wait times are done in 5 minute intervals. A few instances of people joining up with their family won't shift the wait time enough to make a posted 25 minute wait become wildly inaccurate. Yes it is true that with a posted wait time of 25 minutes, your true wait time might have grown from 18 actual minutes all the way to 19 actual minutes. Had you been armed with that knowledge before you entered the line, would it have altered your decision-making?

Look. I get that people hate rude behavior. I do too. But if we are all being honest with each other, this scourge of a family member or two joining the rest of their group in line is not such an epidemic, nor is it such a time-shifting phenomenon that it warrants the level of angst and discussion that it gets here. Anyone reading this thread who is planning their first trip to WDW would think that they are going to witness groups of 10 to 20 people barging their way through each and every line that they wait in. The situation just isn't that bad. And when one really stops to analyze the overall impact, one starts to see just how silly this all is. "OMG. I'm in honeypot #13 instead of honeypot #12." Try saying those words out loud and see how insignificant this all becomes. :thumbsup2
Is there a limit to how many line holders in front of you would not be ok?






How do you think that would affect the flow of the line, and the wait times experienced?

IMO, only special circumstances should be accommodated to allow by-passing lines.

1000 lol I asked later in the thread "does this ever really happen (20 people coming up) which was clarified that it does". IMO I still wouldn't get worked up b/c it doesn't happen (ever actually to me) where more than 2-3 people are catching up to their families.

1000 still laughing...
Also, when you're at a very crowded counter service restaurant, wait until your food is up to sit. All 60 of you from the Brazil tour group don't need to horde the tables when your leader is still in line. Same for mommy and kids while daddy waits in line.
This is what I've taught my kids. If we are separated, then they let people pass until I catch up. I will be using a wheelchair at times during the upcoming trip, and if I'm not using a wheelchair then I will be walking quite slow. My athletic boys will be miles ahead of me...but they will need to wait before they get in line.

This is how you teach children to have manners.

A normal stroller age child might not understand, verses a Disney stroller age child. But if the children are old enough to run ahead and get in line, then they are old enough to learn to wait. What a perfect opportunity to teach them how to wait for others.
I don't mind at all. It usually appears to just be a family member or two who maybe had to use the bathroom, or were entertaining their child out of line until the other parent got a little closer. Small potatoes in the grand scheme of things to be upset about.
Also, when you're at a very crowded counter service restaurant, wait until your food is up to sit. All 60 of you from the Brazil tour group don't need to horde the tables when your leader is still in line. Same for mommy and kids while daddy waits in line.

I'd never heard that before. It's good logic, but it would have to be universally implemented and enforced before I'd agree to it.
Oh my goodness. I still just don't get it. I think some people struggle with the fact that the world is not black and white and we have to make a lot of decisions just based on common sense and common courtesy And we don't always define that the same way. Does it really make sense that someone (especially a child but anyone really) should not be allowed to get out of line to use the bathroom? Lines routinely are 45-60 mins long or even longer (although I skip those!). People/families are not going to "prepare" before entering every line and go to the restroom before each line, check stocks of water, does grandma have a protein bar in case her blood sugar crashes, what if little Susie wets her diaper, cranky toddler or child might need a few bites of a pretzel. No, not because they are starving or won't make it, lol, but because why not it's Disney and if that helps with the crankies then so be it. Do some of you really make the whole family/party step out of line if something crops up? Is the idea that everyone should suffer because I'm suffering through this line that sometimes turns out to be a little longer than expected? It's crazy to me because all we are talking about is a few seconds longer for the person behind you. Ok, is it an extremely long line then maybe a minute or two.

Ok, on the flip side. Courtesy when you get out of line and back in is always a good thing. People in a crowded hot line can get cranky so say excuse me and try really hard not to bump into anyone. If you are far into a line then I would rethink getting out for anything other than a true emergency but if it is an outside winding line and you just have to duck around a corner or under the rope to rejoin then have at it. If you are a bunch of people rejoining one then that's not common sense nor courtesy so be reasonable. If you are one or two rejoining family/friends and can do so without disruption then have at it. If you are getting out of line for a bottle of water or some popcorn then share. ;) (ok, I jest here)

All this outrage and attacking one another over small potatoes. I'm referring to those calling others names or the "line police" here. Smh :/

I would love to hear how some of the purists view lines that are not single file or go into a room then exit to a line again. I'm thinking Haunted Manion, RnR, ToT, Test Track? For that matter the wide aisles in Soarinn or the Safari are not intended to be single file so what if you are a family of two, or a single rider. Obviously you don't squeeze through every nook and cranny but what if the CM says to fill in? How do you feel about one person ordering for the whole family? You didn't have any idea that that one person was really three or four ahead of you at the lunch counter. Maybe before every ride a family or group should pick up a flag with a number on it that represents the number in that party, lol. Or we could just do our best to relax and be courteous.

It's obvious to me that people define line jumping/cutting differently. Some are super strict purists, others don't consider rejoining family to be included, still others feel that if you see a friend walking by it's not a big deal for them to ride with you (a little fuzzier in my view), while still others consider it cutting if you know no one and are not rejoining but yet excuse or but your way to the front. It seems Disney is fine with the first two.

Relax, have fun and enjoy Disney :)
Honestly, in all my visits I have only egregious line cutting a couple of times. You would think given these threads it was frequent. I guess if you are a strict person who can't see or deal with the gray it seems that way but even given that I still don't define it as rampant.
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We had this happen to us at Universal. We were waiting in line at Olivander's. We waited for what seemed like quite a while and we were finally near the door.. Finally! There were two teen girls in front of us talking to several girls on the other side of the rope who came up to chat with them. It seemed that they just happened to run into each other and weren't actually together so to speak.

The line is just right out of the shop and there's a rope that separates the line with the walk way.There were at least 6 girls who were in the walk way not waiting in the line.. maybe more. Well the next thing we know the girls go under the rope and join their friends in line. I was flabbergasted. No big deal you say.. Well because these girls cut in front of us we were not allowed in the next show. They cut it off right after these girls all got into the shop. That did affect our wait time, there were 4 of us in my family, our place in line should have had us in the next show if these girls wouldn't have cut in line right in front of us.

I'm the type that hates confrontation so we never said anything.

I have no problem with a parent taking their child to the bathroom. I really don't have an issue if someone in front of us in line leaves the line for awhile and then rejoins. They were always in front of us anyway, it doesn't affect my wait time.
I do have an issue with someone who was never in line joining their group and pushing ahead of us. One or two people ok.. Maybe that's tolerable.. But, even then you have to ask where do you draw the line?

Trust me if people figure out they can get away with this they will do this every ride that has a lengthy wait time. And the more people who figure out that CM's aren't allowed to do anything about this, the more it will happen. There are many selfish, entitled people in our society today.. If enough start thinking this is ok to do eventually it could become a wide spread issue. So the wait time for a ride is 60 minutes but, 20 people cut in front of you joining their family and friends.. That wait time is now 70 minutes. So basically you waiting in line means much less because anyone can come up and pass you by because Disney refuses to enforce their own rules. Does this scenario sound far fetched? Maybe but, it could also be very realistic if enough people realize they can get away with it.
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We had this happen to us at Universal. We were waiting in line at Olivander's. We waited for what seemed like quite a while and we were finally near the door.. Finally! There were two teen girls in front of us talking to several girls on the other side of the rope who came up to chat with them. It seemed that they just happened to run into each other and weren't actually together so to speak.

The line is just right out of the shop and there's a rope that separates the line with the walk way.There were at least 6 girls who were in the walk way not waiting in the line.. maybe more. Well the next thing we know the girls go under the rope and join their friends in line. I was flabbergasted. No big deal you say.. Well because these girls cut in front of us we were not allowed in the next show. They cut it off right after these girls all got into the shop. That did affect our wait time, there were 4 of us in my family, our place in line should have had us in the next show if these girls wouldn't have cut in line right in front of us.

I'm the type that hates confrontation so we never said anything.

I have no problem with a parent taking their child to the bathroom. I really don't have an issue if someone in front of us in line leaves the line for awhile and then rejoins. They were always in front of us anyway, it doesn't affect my wait time.
Where I draw the line is someone who was never in line joining their group and pushing ahead of us. One person ok.. Maybe that's tolerable.. But, even then you have to ask where do you draw the line?

Trust me if people figure out they can get away with this they will do this every ride that has a lengthy wait time. And the more people that figure out that CM's aren't allowed to do anything about this, the more it will happen. There are many selfish, entitled people in our society today.. If enough start thinking this is ok to do eventually it could become a wide spread issue. So the wait time for a ride is 60 minutes but, 20 people cut in front of you joining their family and friends.. That wait time is now 70 minutes. So basically you waiting in line means much less because anyone can come up and pass you by because Disney refuses to enforce their own rules. Does this scenario sound far fetched? Maybe but, it could also be very realistic if enough people realize they can get away with it.

I would agree with you that six joining two would not be courteous. I guess if they were there and got out for some reason then came right back but even then six would rarely need to do this. However, if a dad and one child finished an activity in just enough time to find that mom and the other kids hadn't even entered the ride/show, etc. I wouldn't have any problem with them joining in. Again, that family shouldn't make a habit of it but "gray area" IMO and come on it is a vacation so let them enjoy it together without making the other children go back to the end of the line. This is what I mean about common courtesy and gray area. Now, if you text your family from 45 mins inside of Splash and say come on and join us we are nearly to the front. Eh, not common sense nor courteous because they were never in line or never intended to be there, the line is long and winding and you are about to be on and finished so they can reasonably just wait for you.
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Another annoying one is the increasing trend of guests trying to do creative / elaborate routines with characters whilst others are waiting behind, eg. Multiple poses / groups, showing them magic tricks or whatever. Just take a photo, get an autograph and move on!
Another annoying one is the increasing trend of guests trying to do creative / elaborate routines with characters whilst others are waiting behind, eg. Multiple poses / groups, showing them magic tricks or whatever. Just take a photo, get an autograph and move on!

We noticed this more on our last trip. I don't mind the kids talking to the characters and playing around that's some of our most treasured memories of our kids there...But what I found a it annoying was the multiple poses - all kids, then all adults, then everyone, then this family only, etc. It's like okay it's a not a personal photo shoot. lol
i generally look at it this way. I don't know what someone else's situation is. I don't know how long they were in line, if they got out and need to come back. i don't know if, for some reason, they had to go to the bathroom, or whatever their excuse might be. I generally tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, if they want to get by me, that's fine, so long as they are relatively polite about it. and if they're not, that's fine too, but i'll silently judge them.

i've been to disney many times. i've never seen the tour groups cut in front of people, though I'm sure it happens. if a group cut in front of me, i'd be annoyed. but it would probably stop there. if one person is meeting up with 2 or 6 people, i wouldn't care. in either instance, i'm going to let it slide because i'm on vacation. i haven't experienced the huge inconvenience of people cutting me. if i'm one boat behind where i would have been, that's ok by me. again, i'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that it seems to be more of a rarity. we're all entitled to get upset at whatever we want, but at the end of the day, this is your vacation. if you choose to get angry about people being rude, or clueless, or whatever, it's your vacation that's being affected. these are your choices.

this is not about a slippery slope where once you let one person in line, then no one will ever respect lines. these are fairly isolated experiences.


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