The (Foodie)Force is Strong with Us...a Feb/Mar 2016 trip! THE END - NEW 9/13 Disneyland TR link!

You will love DCA and DLP now. Everything will be a lot different at DCA. It reminds me of what DHS should be in a lot of ways, and hopefully will be after SW land is done. I loved DCA. We are thinking of going back to DLR for the opening of SW land. They are talking of switching to electronic FP at DLR that use an app on the phone. I think they are just testing it now. I really recommend the Unofficial Guide to Disneyland and the Disneyland DIS Podcasts. They are audio, so you can listen during your commute. They come out once a week.

They still have the sub ride, but it's Nemo themed. And yes, the waits are still horrendous, at least they were when we went in 2013. Radiator Springs Racers is worth the wait. It's so much better than Test Track that it's hard to describe. We waited in line for our FP+ for about an hour and then waited in the FP+ line for about 2 hours to ride:scared1: I have heard it's gotten somewhat better though. Carsland is so cool. I would like to spend more time there next time.

I am so jealous of the Grand Californian. I really wish we had stayed there. We stayed across from the main gate. It was very convenient and well-priced, but it was a bit ratty, cheap, and old. Not very Disney-like at all:(

The Hungry Bear is a good QS in Critter Country in DLP. They used to have this fabulous fried green tomato sandwich and these good lemon honey cupcakes. I heard about the sandwich from chefs talking about some of their favorite casual foods in S California. We ate at Carthay Circle, which was excellent, and did the World of Color package. There's no seating at all for WOC, but the view from the package area was nice. The Disneyland podcast just did a review of the new WOC dessert party, which sounded good. I think the food overall, including the QS, at DLR is way better than WDW.
Aloha from Maui!!

Haha, I love that you are going to Disneyland in September!! We are there *just* before you - literally, we leave on September 2nd!

Yes the submarine ride is still there, but it's a finding Nemo theme now. I'm not much help on where to be during shows and parades, we usually just sneak in the last minute (not budging, mind you, watching from the rear) because we don't want to waste 3 park hours sitting around waiting for the parades. Haunted Mansion may be closed while you are there as they close at the end of August to put up the Halloween overlay. Check the refurb schedule closer to the end of summer to see what is up and running. I'm excited to see the new Soarin' that opens in a few weeks.
Day 4 Part 3: Say goodbye to Hollywood...

I made my way towards the Lights Motors Action show to meet DH. On the way I walked through the Muppets Studio Store. They had stuff that was pretty unique, and not just muppet stuff. I saw lots of Minnie mouse and even princess themed merchandise.


We met up at the theater and walked in. It was actually very crowded but we managed to find decent seats in the center.

We have not seen the LMA! show that often but I was glad to catch it one last time. It's sad when familiar shows and attractions are being closed for bigger and better things. Granted, the new Star Wars Land will trump everything but you can't help but feel like something familiar is gone.





Here's some video of the show:

Say goodbye to Hollywood Lightning McQueen! At least for now...

After LMA! we decided to leave DHS and head back to the Poly for some pool time before dinner. Before we left we got some PP pictures.


DH didn't get the memo about the force choke in this pic.



Bye DHS!


We hopped on a bus back to the Poly. When we got there, I headed straight back to the Pineapple Lanai for my abbreviated "lunch" Hehe.


A Dole Whip Float!! I was supposed to share with DH but there was barely any left for him by the time I got back to the room. Oops.

It was around this time that I got a Facebook message that an old Disboard friend, topdog, was actually in Disney at the same time as us! Do any of you remember his epic TR from 2009, it's awesome! Him and his wife had just arrived and were gearing up to go to the parks. We were hoping to meet up later since Epcot was having EMH until 11pm but I wasn't sure when dinner would end so we'd just play it by ear. We were definitely going to meet up at some point during the week though! We had no idea we were going to be here at the same time until we both posted on Facebook!

We changed and headed out to the pool area. It was packed! Apparently lots of people had the same idea, probably because it was nice and warm today which was a change from the weather just 2 days ago.


We managed to get a seat by the beach area which was nice as it allowed me to get this view behind me whenever I stood up.



It was nice to enjoy the pool and the sun. I haven't been to the new pool since they refurbished it (it was closed in 2014 when I was here with my sister) and it really is nice, although definitely a bit small when you compare it to some other resort pools.

As we headed back to our room after our afternoon by the pool, I took some time to look around our longhouse (Tokelau). It was actually really cute and I love the retro-modern furnishings! These were found around the common areas by the elevator. We didn't see it much since our room was closer to the outside staircase so we never went through the proper entrance.



Whenever I win the lottery, I'm buying a house in Hawaii and these are the first chairs I'm purchasing!!


So cute!

After showering and resting in the room for a bit we got ready with much anticipation for our night out at the Grand Floridian! Although DH was like, why do I have to wear a suit in Disney World? :rotfl:


I'm loving this nice weather in Florida as I can actually have a good hair day for once! Maybe I should come back in February for my b-day all the time?!?

We hopped on the monorail and made it to the next stop...the Grand Floridian! It was really cool to actually be able to take the monorail directly to dinner!



We made our way over to Victoria and Albert's and checked in with the hostess. It was like they were waiting all day for us...and welcomed us inside...


"To all that come to this happy place, welcome..." - Walt Disney

Continued in next post...

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Mmmmm, Dole Whip. Less than 2 months now. I need to get another tiki bowl at Pineapple Lanai. We only have 2 and there's 3 of us, so we have to fight over the bowls when we have ice cream at home:) Can't wait to hear about V&A.
I do remember seeing Fantasmic in DL...and thought it was amazing! That was actually my first Fantasmic show and I do feel it is superior to the one in DHS. I like how you don't have to get on line and into a theater. Is it still going on? I heard they paused fantasmic because of construction.
Duh.... Your right, I spaced on the Rivers of America construction. Sorry, I guess I got a little ahead of myself.
Say goodbye to Hollywood Lightning McQueen! At least for now...
Don't worry, you'll see him again at Disneyland! He and Mater actually drive down the street to their meet spots and are interactive. So cool.

I'm loving this nice weather in Florida as I can actually have a good hair day for once! Maybe I should come back in February for my b-day all the time?!?
Sounds like a plan! Also, this is something else you will like about Disneyland - better hair days!

Obviously, I'm a bit backlogged on writing TRs and not sure when I will start writing my Disneyland one. But feel free to throw any questions my way. I also have read a few Disneyland TRs by WDW vets recently, so I'd recommend those ones (by @TheMaxRebo , @afwdwfan , and @Captain_Oblivious ).

We loved Disneyland!
Poly looks great. We'll have to look around when we do 'Ohana because I doubt we will ever get to stay there (unless we win the lottery)! :)
Day 4 Part 4: A Decadent Dinner at Victoria and Albert's PART I

Once we entered Victoria and Albert's it was as if we stepped back in time. You will notice how everything is just very traditional and classic. I loved it. It sounds like an oxymoron but it was actually like a breath of fresh air. Compared to today's very modern and sleek restaurants, this was actually kinda cool and nostalgic, it reminded me of my first fine dining experience ever (at New York City's Daniel).

We were in the Queen Victoria room, which is a separate dining area which only had about 4 tables so it was very intimate.


Here's a picture of us at dinner!


First up was an aperitif which is prepared tableside. It tasted like limoncello and it was sweet and refreshing. It was really yummy!



Loved the simple roses on the table.


And because I have to...this is the last time, I promise, one last shot of the birthday bling.


Because it's V & A!

We were handed menus and to my delight, it was customized just for MEEEEEE!


Here was our menu for tonight. A few weeks ago I called up V & A to discuss the menu for that night since it is seasonal so they don't post it online (they have a sample menu online that is subject to change). The only thing I told them that I don't really eat is game meat, but they said there wasn't any game on the menu for spring so I said ok, then anything is fine! And indeed the menu looked absolutely amazing and some of my favorite ingredients are on it!

Our server was super sweet. I wish I remembered her name or gotten a picture with her. But we were very giddy just from being here I am even lucky I remembered to take pictures!


We did not get the wine pairing as we are not huge drinkers but we did get glasses of Riesling which we enjoyed. I got to taste a few Rieslings until I found one that I liked which was really nice of them.

So on the menu there are upgrade options - you can add osetra caviar, a wild turbot course, and authentic Kobe beef. Since we got the caviar course on the cruise at Remy, this time we opted to add the additional kobe beef serving, which will be plated side-by-side with the wagyu in the beef course. Very exciting!

OK! Are you ready for a 10-course meal? I sure am!


(haha I couldn't resist)

First course...


Cauliflower Panna Cotta with Siberian Caviar

Which was enjoyed with a special mother of pearl utensil.


This was just divine. I've never met a caviar I did not enjoy. :)

After each course they changed out the utensils so that the utensil matched the plate and even the curvature of the dish. This was the same thing they did in Remy on the cruise.

The first bread serving was a lovely crusty warm roll with yummylicious butter and Himalayan sea salt for sprinkling. LOVE.



Next up...


Roulade of smoked salmon with Alaskan king crab

Oh wait, look, more caviar! :cloud9:

Our third course was


Alaskan Sablefish with Baby Bok Choy

This was served with a side of freshly grated wasabi. If you've never tried this, the flavor of real wasabi is actually really delicate and more "moist". The green stuff that you are served in sushi restaurants is usually colored horseradish and more pungent.


Fresh Wasabi

It was a delightful accompaniment to what could possibly be my favorite dish of the night! I loved the sablefish as it had a wonderful flavor and was cooked perfectly.

Our fourth course...


Scottish Langoustine with Nage Crema.

Not sure was Nage is, but I'm sure I was given an explanation which I promptly forgot it seems. But hey, those Scotts are doing something right given the flavor of the langoustines...they are like mini more tender lobsters.

Loved the presentation of this dish. It was kinda like a seafood tic tac toe of sorts.


Our next bread course was a brioche with a truffle butter. Yes TRUFFLE butter. Very similar to the one we had on Remy on the Fantasy, but because this is V & A, it's just that much better. And also because we're in the Grand Floridian in DISNEY WORLD, this dinner has already been elevated to such heights that I may never want to come down from. See ya from up here because I'm staying! :wave2:



Two words that speak to my heart....Truffle Butter

Our fifth course of the night...(no we were not full yet, these are frou frou portions)


Truffled Bell & Evans Chicken with Chanterelle Mushrooms.

Truffles everywhere! Let's sprinkle it on everything! Yay!:Pinkbounc

So with this course, it got much heartier in serving. The chicken was great, perfectly executed and the mushrooms and truffles brought it all together and elevated the chicken so it wasn't just...chicken. :laughing:

Our sixth course was a meat course:


Berkshire Porchetta with Sherry Vinaigrette

It was a juicy roulade of pork that was really tender. the vinaigrette was a nice complement to the fatty pork.

Our final bread of the night...a crust grain bread, served with fresh butter curls which were curled in front of us from a massive barrel of butter.




And now the grand finale of the "savory" foods, the seventh course, the side-by-side pairing of the Australian Wagyu and the Miyazaki Kobe beef.


Australian Kobe Style beef with Comte Gnocchi, paired with Japanese Miyazaki real Kobe beef.

Can you tell which is which?

FYI the one on the left was the Japanese Kobe.

Wow, this was an absolutely tender piece of meet. Tenderloin is not my favorite cut of beef but it was so tender it made me forget what I was eating. I tend to like ribeyes but this was just really nice beef. Was it worth the upcharge? For sure I'm glad I got to taste kobe beef again (the last time was actually in Japan when I was a kid) but I wouldn't consider it a must do.

Look at that unctuous and creamy....


We have loved everything so far! And ok maybe getting a little full. Just a little.

Mid-course selfie!


Dinner continued in next post...

The truffle butter and truffle bread. Let me wipe off my laptop screen. It didn't taste as good the food:) That was my favorite bread & butter pairing. Gotta love a place with bread & butter pairings. We had that same server. I can't remember his name, but he wasn't our main server. I got the wagyu, while DS got the real stuff. We shared, and I liked both, but could definitely tell the difference with the real deal. The marbling in kobe beef is great. I am not a fatty meat kind of gal, yet I love butter:confused3 So I think the fine marbling really suits my palate. We got the wine pairing and were glad. It really amped up the food, which seems unimaginable, since it's already phenomenal. However, I was not fit to drive afterward. The wasabi reminds me of Jiro Dreams of Sushi, which we just watched. I am pretty sure I have never had the real stuff, maybe when we eventually go to Japan. The food looks great. Great pics!
I love your TR especially the Star Wars character interaction and V&A. I was showing DH your pics and he was drooling! And all that bread! I hope it's not too gauche to ask for it to go. Otherwise I'll never eat the other courses as I carbo-load. :P
Day 4 Part 4: A Decadent Dinner at Victoria and Albert's PART II and some extra pixie dust!

Now that all the savories were done, it was time for the CHEESE! I love cheese, so this was the moment of the evening that I was looking forward to.

Oh look they are bringing the cheese tray towards how to roll it out of the restaurant and back to the Poly...:rolleyes1


Come hither you sexy cheese vessel!


Get in mah belly!

We were each presented with a tasting of each cheese, which was served with some accompaniments including honeycomb and dried fruit.


It was a beautiful cheese plate but I think I preferred the selection on Remy better. I did however, really enjoy that cheese that was scooped and served on the spoon. I forgot what this is called...a Robiola? I like softer stinkier cheese in general.


During the cheese course they got started on the coffee. They had these really cool siphon contraptions that brew coffee in an old school way. They are fun to watch. The coffee was a single origin from Indonesia.


It takes a little bit of time for the coffee to bubble up but it eventually did while we enjoyed our cheese course.


Our first dessert was


Green Apple Mousse with Sour Cream Ice Cream

This was a really refreshing dessert and was a nice contrast after the decadent meats and rich cheeses. Can I just tell you...sour cream ice cream rocked my world. It tasted like a creamier frozen yogurt. It was so yummy.

Siphon-made coffee for the both of us, which was a really nice rich and smooth coffee.


Next was our "final" dessert


Peruvian Chocolate Crunch

It was a nice way to end the meal because well, it's chocolate!! Loved the presentation too.

OK, I think we were finally FULL at this point. So FULL that when they came around with the box of handmade chocolates we could only take one each.I think mine was a green tea white chocolate. I'm not sure what DH's was, probably something with coffee or nuts.


WOW that was a long decadent meal! You don't realize it but the dinner took 3 hours. It was timed very nicely and the service wasn't too slow or too fast. It was just the right pace.

We really did enjoy dinner even though we probably won't be coming back here for a long time. It's a real splurge meal, and definitely takes up a whole evening. Also not sure when DH will ever bring his suit back out to WDW. :laughing: It's also pricey so I think only once every so often is enough. DH still has to take me to the French Laundry so he has to save for that, hehe.

:dancer: <==== This is DH when he gets to take his suit off!

We had a wonderful first impression of Victoria & Albert's. They do traditional fine dining really well, but with a slight modern hand in their food. There was nothing stuffy or snooty at all, in fact they were some of the warmest staff we encountered! They had no problem with anyone take pictures and they even encouraged it. Yay!
Here's a picture of us as we were leaving:



They gave us parting gifts...think it was some sort of muffin or scone, or a cookie. Can't remember exactly but I remember eating it later and thinking it was delicious! They also gave me my customized menu too :)

It was a little past 9pm and I wasn't sure if we could meet our friend but we thought we'd give it a shot anyways. DH wanted to take off his suit so we had to go back to the Poly. We decided to see if we could walk back to the Poly but a CM suggested we take the Water Taxi, so we said ok and headed outside to find the dock. Hmm, we weren't too familiar with the layout of the GF so we were wandering around for bit then decided maybe we should walk back and take the monorail.
Then we bump into a CM who was driving a golf cart. We asked her for directions to the water taxi, and she asked where we were headed. We said the Poly.

She said, "Well, hop on, I'll take you there."
"Really??" I said, "Won't we take up too much of your time?"
"Nah" she said, "Just hop on and I'll take you guys there."

Because we were in a private golf cart headed back to the Poly!!



The CM's name is Laurie. She was the sweetest, kindest, friendliest lady ever. It was so honored to be riding her golf cart!

This is Laurie:


If you ever see her at the GF, she said her position is a "runner" which I think means you are delivering stuff back and forth for people and departments.

We took some back roads to the Poly and areas I have not seen including some of the employees only areas (shhh don't tell management). It was pretty cool.

When we arrived at the Poly we thanked her profusely. We tried to give her a small tip but she wouldn't hear of it, and didn't accept it. We just kept thanking her, but she told us to have fun and have a good night. She was amazing and it's people like her who really make a Disney vacation so magical!

When we got back to our room, I told DH that he really should leave some feedback with guest services about our great experience with Laurie. So he went off and I stayed back and got a text from my friend. He said he wasn't going to make it to Epcot, and I replied neither were we. It was almost 9:45pm at that point and we were just so tired. We planned to meet up the next day at MK at night.

Well, that's the end to another great day and a "cross one off the bucket list" kinda meal. We will always cherish our meal at V & As and our amazing service that night, from the serving team at V & A, to Laurie, the runner at the GF. :flower3:

Coming up ----The first day of Epcot Flower and Garden Festival!

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Wow, quite the meal at V&A's. I suspect I will never go there, as I can't imagine paying that price when I'd only eat the bread, cheese, and desserts. :rotfl: Those looked great, though. :thumbsup2

So awesome about Laurie and the private golf cart ride! Great CM!
You will love DCA and DLP now. Everything will be a lot different at DCA. It reminds me of what DHS should be in a lot of ways, and hopefully will be after SW land is done. I loved DCA. We are thinking of going back to DLR for the opening of SW land. They are talking of switching to electronic FP at DLR that use an app on the phone. I think they are just testing it now. I really recommend the Unofficial Guide to Disneyland and the Disneyland DIS Podcasts. They are audio, so you can listen during your commute. They come out once a week.

Cool! Thanks for the info! Everyone I know who has been to both recently loves DCA and DL. I think individually they are great parks. I'm so excited! I'm definitely going back when SW is built. Is the DLR one opening sooner? Might be a good idea to get one of those super premier annual passes that year as I have a feeling I'd want to go multiple times.

They still have the sub ride, but it's Nemo themed. And yes, the waits are still horrendous, at least they were when we went in 2013. Radiator Springs Racers is worth the wait. It's so much better than Test Track that it's hard to describe. We waited in line for our FP+ for about an hour and then waited in the FP+ line for about 2 hours to ride:scared1: I have heard it's gotten somewhat better though. Carsland is so cool. I would like to spend more time there next time.

I've heard so much about RSR and I've even seen ride video. It's probably my most anticipated ride because I love test track. I love speed! I can't believe even with FP+ you had to wait an hour? Damn. I'm hoping staying in the GC will help alleviate that a bit.

I am so jealous of the Grand Californian. I really wish we had stayed there. We stayed across from the main gate. It was very convenient and well-priced, but it was a bit ratty, cheap, and old. Not very Disney-like at all:(

Yeah that is what I've read. We're only splurging because we wanted this to be a proper Disney vacation. Next time we'll probably stay at one of the offsite resorts.

The Hungry Bear is a good QS in Critter Country in DLP. They used to have this fabulous fried green tomato sandwich and these good lemon honey cupcakes. I heard about the sandwich from chefs talking about some of their favorite casual foods in S California. We ate at Carthay Circle, which was excellent, and did the World of Color package. There's no seating at all for WOC, but the view from the package area was nice. The Disneyland podcast just did a review of the new WOC dessert party, which sounded good. I think the food overall, including the QS, at DLR is way better than WDW.

Yum fried green tomato sandwich...that sounds delicious! I'm excited to see all the food offerings and how it differs from WDW. It looks like it has improved a lot. When we ate at Ariel's grotto, it seemed that food was just secondary to meeting the characters, i.e. it wasn't that great.

Aloha from Maui!!

AAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKK Sooooo jealous!!!! Are you having an amazing time?!???
Have a wonderful vacation!

Haha, I love that you are going to Disneyland in September!! We are there *just* before you - literally, we leave on September 2nd!

Oh no! Darn! We miss each other by a hair! You'll have to report back if there is anything new that week!

Yes the submarine ride is still there, but it's a finding Nemo theme now. I'm not much help on where to be during shows and parades, we usually just sneak in the last minute (not budging, mind you, watching from the rear) because we don't want to waste 3 park hours sitting around waiting for the parades. Haunted Mansion may be closed while you are there as they close at the end of August to put up the Halloween overlay. Check the refurb schedule closer to the end of summer to see what is up and running. I'm excited to see the new Soarin' that opens in a few weeks.

Thanks! I will check the refurb schedule. Please don't be hyperspace mountain...please don't be hyperspace mountain...

ALOHA!!! Enjoy your Hawaiian vacation! Let me know how it goes! A mini-TR maybe? :)

Mmmmm, Dole Whip. Less than 2 months now. I need to get another tiki bowl at Pineapple Lanai. We only have 2 and there's 3 of us, so we have to fight over the bowls when we have ice cream at home:) Can't wait to hear about V&A.

What!! You're going again?!? Jealous! And you get to see the new Soarin' and see the new SW fireworks....waaaah I want to come!

Duh.... Your right, I spaced on the Rivers of America construction. Sorry, I guess I got a little ahead of myself.

LOl, it's ok I think I just read it on some disney blog but wasn't 100% paying attention as we didn't think we were going to Disneyland yet. But now that we are I have to pay attention to everything!
BTW do you know if DL has a photopass package? My sister is asking because she loves her character pics.

Don't worry, you'll see him again at Disneyland! He and Mater actually drive down the street to their meet spots and are interactive. So cool.

Oh awesome!!!

Sounds like a plan! Also, this is something else you will like about Disneyland - better hair days!

Yes!! That is very key!

Obviously, I'm a bit backlogged on writing TRs and not sure when I will start writing my Disneyland one. But feel free to throw any questions my way. I also have read a few Disneyland TRs by WDW vets recently, so I'd recommend those ones (by @TheMaxRebo , @afwdwfan , and @Captain_Oblivious ).

We loved Disneyland!

Did they have a photopass package similar to memory maker? You know that is the first thing my sisters asks for on every trip. Thanks for the recs! I wil check out their TRs!

Poly looks great. We'll have to look around when we do 'Ohana because I doubt we will ever get to stay there (unless we win the lottery)! :)

It's really awesome! Check out Trader Sams - it's small though but very cool inside. You can sit outside too and it's the same food and drinks but no cool tiki decor.

The truffle butter and truffle bread. Let me wipe off my laptop screen. It didn't taste as good the food:) That was my favorite bread & butter pairing. Gotta love a place with bread & butter pairings. We had that same server. I can't remember his name, but he wasn't our main server. I got the wagyu, while DS got the real stuff. We shared, and I liked both, but could definitely tell the difference with the real deal. The marbling in kobe beef is great. I am not a fatty meat kind of gal, yet I love butter:confused3 So I think the fine marbling really suits my palate. We got the wine pairing and were glad. It really amped up the food, which seems unimaginable, since it's already phenomenal. However, I was not fit to drive afterward. The wasabi reminds me of Jiro Dreams of Sushi, which we just watched. I am pretty sure I have never had the real stuff, maybe when we eventually go to Japan. The food looks great. Great pics!

Can't go wrong with truffles!
I do agree that the marbling in he Kobe is great. But I do prefer fattier cuts like ribeye. Although I'm sure a kobe ribeye might be overkill.
I like steak and butter. I like steak WITH butter too! :thumbsup2
Jiro Dreams of Sushi just made me want to eat nothing but sushi for weeks. But not the cheap stuff from the corner Japanese restaurant, like a proper sushi omakase. Which kinda reminds me...I may try that omakase sushi offering at Morimoto Asia. I wonder how good it is. It could either be good or just plain bad. I've not heard much about it.

I love your TR especially the Star Wars character interaction and V&A. I was showing DH your pics and he was drooling! And all that bread! I hope it's not too gauche to ask for it to go. Otherwise I'll never eat the other courses as I carbo-load. :P

Thank you so much! We had a wonderful vacation.
They serve you the bread piece by piece so maybe that led us to not over eat. On the cruise they put a tray of truffle bread in front of us and it was gone in 60 seconds (literally). They asked if we wanted another one so we indulged in more bread! Talk about carbo loading...hahaha.
At V and A though it was more of a plated course. You can probably ask if you could take some home. They seem to be very accommodating.

Wow, quite the meal at V&A's. I suspect I will never go there, as I can't imagine paying that price when I'd only eat the bread, cheese, and desserts. :rotfl: Those looked great, though. :thumbsup2

So awesome about Laurie and the private golf cart ride! Great CM!

It was a great night, and a once in a lifetime type deal! I can't thank Laurie enough for the ride! It was just so sweet of her.
Looks like a great meal. So funny, the first thing I thought of when I saw your entrance picture was my first fine dining NYC meal at Daniel. Can I ask you, which was a better overall experience, V&A or Remy?
I joined from your cruise TR but I've been lurking. Great report so far!

I love V&A's! I've never done the QVR before (just the chef's table :cloud9:, last time in 2011) so thank you for those pictures! I will have to try this option.

Your Ohana's breakfast looked great too. I haven't done this in a long time because I'm stuck on Kona, lol. I love the POG juice too! Did you know that you can get a mimosa with POG juice instead of regular OJ? I did this last trip at Kona and it was awesome! Ohana I'm sure would do it too.

That's awesome about your DCA trip too. I'm actually going to be there part of that same time, with friends for the Dumbo double dare races (Sept 1-5). I haven't been since I was 13 (a very long time ago :rotfl2:) so I'm excited!
Great update! I've never really done any fine dining so it was good to see the photos and read about your experiences!
Enjoying my morning coffee on the lanai and catching up with your TR!:thumbsup2

Decadent.....gorgeous.....amazing....elegant.....these are all words that came to mind while reading your V&A portion. Oh. Ma. Gawd. I needs to go there, woman!!:cheer2: I'm so glad you had such a fantastic experience and then to top it off with some pixie dust :tinker:from that lovely cm - it's Disney magic, baby! princess:

The way they brewed the coffee intrigues me, must find a restaurant at home (or on vacation lol) that does it this way. So much gorgeous, delicious food......

Will do a Maui-mini-TR in my PTR me thinks once we return.
Looks like a great meal. So funny, the first thing I thought of when I saw your entrance picture was my first fine dining NYC meal at Daniel. Can I ask you, which was a better overall experience, V&A or Remy?

Wow that is a tough one...I'm having a hard time picking which one was better! I think having Remy on the cruise was wonderful. It's intimate setting, the personalized service, view of the ocean, and the Ratatouille touches...I loved it all so much. I thought the food was comparable between the two. One wasn't better than the other. Remy is also decidedly cheaper considering it is what, 85 pp? Oh that and your cruise fare. :) V and A felt almost like I was dining in some sort of very exclusive castle. They were both great. I personally thought Remy was more accessible and I could see doing it every time I'm on the Fantasy. V and A however, I'm not sure when the next time I will go considering I'm in Orlando mainly for the parks. But dining at the Grand Floridian at WDW is very you can see, I am torn! I would probably give the edge to Remy. Something about fine dining on a Disney was wonderful! Next time at V and A's though, I'd like to try the Chef's Table if I can get it!

Any tips on getting a reservation at V&A?

Hmm, I called 180 days out on the day I wanted to go. Everything was available except for the Chef's Table. Actually I called but got their voicemail and left a message. They called me within the hour.
You can also make ADR reservations online 180 days out but for some reason I wanted to call personally. Not sure if it would have made a difference or not if I checked online!
Good luck!

I joined from your cruise TR but I've been lurking. Great report so far!

Hi! Thanks for reading!!

I love V&A's! I've never done the QVR before (just the chef's table :cloud9:, last time in 2011) so thank you for those pictures! I will have to try this option.

Oooooh Chef's was what I originally wanted but it was booked. The QVR and the Chef's table have the same menu. It was wonderful!

Your Ohana's breakfast looked great too. I haven't done this in a long time because I'm stuck on Kona, lol. I love the POG juice too! Did you know that you can get a mimosa with POG juice instead of regular OJ? I did this last trip at Kona and it was awesome! Ohana I'm sure would do it too.

Yummy! I'll have to remember that! Although if I drink during breakfast I'll be snoozing at the parks. zzzzzzzzz LOL

That's awesome about your DCA trip too. I'm actually going to be there part of that same time, with friends for the Dumbo double dare races (Sept 1-5). I haven't been since I was 13 (a very long time ago :rotfl2:) so I'm excited!

Oooh awesome! I forget that it's marathon weekend! Have fun!

Great update! I've never really done any fine dining so it was good to see the photos and read about your experiences!

Thanks! It was an awesome experience, especially if you like food (like me!)

Enjoying my morning coffee on the lanai and catching up with your TR!:thumbsup2

Sounds like bliss!
Decadent.....gorgeous.....amazing....elegant.....these are all words that came to mind while reading your V&A portion.

when I first read those words I thought you were talking about Maui, LOL!! Which I totally agree would be very fitting for it.
Oh. Ma. Gawd. I needs to go there, woman!!:cheer2: I'm so glad you had such a fantastic experience and then to top it off with some pixie dust :tinker:from that lovely cm - it's Disney magic, baby! princess:

Definitely!! I got heaps of pixie dust that night! It was truly magic in my tummy for sure!

The way they brewed the coffee intrigues me, must find a restaurant at home (or on vacation lol) that does it this way. So much gorgeous, delicious food......

It's pretty neat! I think I've seen it done before but only in coffee houses that specializes in unique brews and coffee technique. You can also buy one on Amazon and try it yourself. I may give it a whirl because I think it's neat, but I'm so lazy and use my k-cup machine all the time!

Will do a Maui-mini-TR in my PTR me thinks once we return.

Yay! You must! Can't wait to read about that!!
I haven't commented yet but had to for a V&A review .... we have only done the regular room but it was an amazing meal and I think you described the feeling of the place perfectly. It is very traditional looking but all the servers and everyone are so down to earth that you feel really comfortable there

Oh, and that truffle bread and truffle butter is just amazing!

that is cool that you got to try the two beefs side by side - definitely a unique opportunity.

Your husband looks very full and very satisfied in that picture in the FG after the meal!

I mean, a private golf cart ride is really the only proper way to return to your room! ;)


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