Naveen Ain't Playin: My Glitteriest, Princessiest TR Ever! (FINISHED 4/13)

A Reprisal: The Beginnings of Kaitlyn Day

So you're probably wondering, "Why is this day called Kaitlyn day?" and here's the short answer:

Basically, there was nothing I had to do all day until dinner at my favorite buffet. So I decided that this would be THE day for a girl who loves Disney, was about to head off to college, just suffered the loss of her grandmother, and was still recovering from a crazy stressful (but rewarding week!) as a camp counselor. It sounds a lot more conceited on paper than it does in real life.

So the day started with EMH. I didn't quite make it in time for the welcome show like I wanted to, but having EMH made up for that.

In a turn of events, I headed to Tomorrowland first. I figured this would be my only time to ride Space Mountain this trip, so why not go for it?

Was not a fan of Space Mountain this time around. Non me gusta. It's just not for me. Not a fan of feeling terrified you're going to lose your bag or get decapitated.

Then I got in line for Astro Orbiters because I had never been on it. I don't know how many of you watch Disney Youtubers, but See Ya Reel Soon but they got in line just behind me and GOSH, they are the CUTEST EVER! We had a moment, it was adorable.




Astro-Orbiters was fine. Not my new fav, but fun enough.

Then I left Tomorrowland for my home, AKA Fantasyland.


With no wait time for Enchanted Tales with Belle, how could I say no?


I had the cottage ALL TO MYSELF!!!







So we get inside for the casting call, and just like last year, I #nailedit and #bookedit for everyone's favorite tea pot.




Our Belle was SO pretty, but sadly, I misplaced my M&G photo with her :( she threw some major shade at my Gaston shirt, I promise you.

After the 6-week standard minimum contract ended, I had to forfeit my role and moved on to another princess M&G.


(Click here to continue!)
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My East Coast alternate reality self!!

I am out of love with the Disboards because they did not alert me to all of your updates, for what looks like MONTHS, and I am so sad :sad:

But also HAPPY because I am caught up, and catching up was exciting.

I did not do a very good job of keeping track of the comments I wanted to make, so this is not a comprehensive comment list, but...

- your parents dancing is adorable
- Everyone on earth has a good experience at Via Napoli, but ours was so blah that no one cares if we go back...except then I read how someone else loved it and I'm like :sad1:
- I can't believe you'd never been in the Mexico pavillion!!!
- OMG Cinderella's slipper!
- Um, Tarzan. Bananas. I feel like his outfit would make me uncomfortable during a M&G. I am not mature enough to handle that, LOL!!
- I'm sad dug and russell weren't more fun!
- Your Boardwalk pictures were just perfect timing, because that's where we're headed in December and I'm obsessed.

On a non-TR note...It looks like things are going well in NYC and that's awesome! I hope school is going well, and you're having a good time and learning so many things and that you are happy :-):-)

So, I don't know how your progress is going with CP, but I hope it works out for you! You can be sure I would come say hello when we were on a trip :-)

I unfollowed and refollowed the TR now, so hopefully I'll get alerts again and won't fall behind.

Also, getting ready to find you on IG, because somehow I have not done that in all of our PTR and TRing.
I enjoyed the trip report!! Good luck with the CP. My oldest is there doing it now and really is loving it. :)
Apparently the boards forgot to update me about this TR forever. But I'm all caught up now! Everything looks like it was so much fun :D :D

Sorry the dinner at Trattoria was not any better. I love the Boardwalk, but I'm not sure I'd take a trip over there for food unless I was staying there :P Beach Club on the other hand, is a different story.

Can't wait to read about the rest of your "me" day! I keep reading about all these solo trips (or parts of trips where people are solo) and getting jealous. I love going with my husband, but one day it would be really cool to wander Disney by myself, too.

My East Coast alternate reality self!!

I am out of love with the Disboards because they did not alert me to all of your updates, for what looks like MONTHS, and I am so sad :sad:

But also HAPPY because I am caught up, and catching up was exciting.

I did not do a very good job of keeping track of the comments I wanted to make, so this is not a comprehensive comment list, but...

- your parents dancing is adorable
- Everyone on earth has a good experience at Via Napoli, but ours was so blah that no one cares if we go back...except then I read how someone else loved it and I'm like :sad1:
- I can't believe you'd never been in the Mexico pavillion!!!
- OMG Cinderella's slipper!
- Um, Tarzan. Bananas. I feel like his outfit would make me uncomfortable during a M&G. I am not mature enough to handle that, LOL!!
- I'm sad dug and russell weren't more fun!
- Your Boardwalk pictures were just perfect timing, because that's where we're headed in December and I'm obsessed.

On a non-TR note...It looks like things are going well in NYC and that's awesome! I hope school is going well, and you're having a good time and learning so many things and that you are happy :-):-)

So, I don't know how your progress is going with CP, but I hope it works out for you! You can be sure I would come say hello when we were on a trip :-)

I unfollowed and refollowed the TR now, so hopefully I'll get alerts again and won't fall behind.

Also, getting ready to find you on IG, because somehow I have not done that in all of our PTR and TRing.

S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU???

Disboards have been only showing two notifications for me: that someone's been liking my posts, and that someone's been posting a thread in my subscribed forums. My "this thread was updated" notifs aren't happening right now either. Oh well. So glad you're back!!!

Tarzan was so uncomf but... in a funny way? Like, it was uncomf at the time but looking back all I can do is laugh. Disney definitely could have done a better job with this one :rotfl:

I'm sooooo here for your December trip!!! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with other TRs, college is literally insane this semester. Things are going great in NYC but my schedule definitely picked up the pace this semester (no pun intended). Not only do I have 5 classes (6 with my no-credit online workshop that's required for one of my classes :sad2:), but I have two jobs (a note taking job for the office of disability services and a pathfinder job that hosts students over night). It's crazy but I love it in the city!!!

I hope it works out too! I had my PI a little over a week ago and I'm still "In Process", so that's good, I guess. Still, you never know. There were a lot of applicants this time around.

I think I followed you back on IG!!!!

I enjoyed the trip report!! Good luck with the CP. My oldest is there doing it now and really is loving it. :)

Thank you so much!!! Welcome aboard!!! pirate:

Apparently the boards forgot to update me about this TR forever. But I'm all caught up now! Everything looks like it was so much fun :D :D

Sorry the dinner at Trattoria was not any better. I love the Boardwalk, but I'm not sure I'd take a trip over there for food unless I was staying there :P Beach Club on the other hand, is a different story.

Can't wait to read about the rest of your "me" day! I keep reading about all these solo trips (or parts of trips where people are solo) and getting jealous. I love going with my husband, but one day it would be really cool to wander Disney by myself, too.

The boards haven't been doing a great job with updates lately, but I'm glad you're back!!!

Yeah, the Boardwalk is something that my dad has been wanting to do for ages, and we didn't do much for him this trip, so we kind of had to oblige to his request. It was fine, but I don't see us running back to Trattoria any time soon. Definitely have to visit Beach Club at some point!

Solo adventures are amazing. If you ever have the chance to wander MK by yourself, by all means go for it! So awesome.
Hey Kaitlyn! I hope things are going well for you at school!
After my family and I said our goodbyes, I started looking for Tarzan's M&G location. He was a newer regular addition to the park, and I wasn't sure if he was gonna last, so of course I had to see for myself what he was like.
Hm...your Tarzan meet sounded...interesting. But overall I think it is really cool that you met him! I love that movie... I think to meet Tarzan and Jane together would be even cooler - if that's possible haha.
We had a very standard conversation. We spoke a little bit about Meeko, a little bit about the riverbend, a little bit about the colors of the wind. You know how these Poca-convos usually go.

She is so beautiful! I haven't done a meet with her in Years...hopefully soon!
Ah my favs! Even though it wasn't that exciting, I think that picture makes up for it! You three look so adorable!
I got a Duffy keychain and a princess pouch.

Adorable! Good choices!

The LOVE of MY LIFE!!! Have you ever seen anything so beautiful???
The most perfect creation.:hyper:
Then I popped into Castle Couture for a bit because DUH. There were so many AWESOME cast members in there having a good time that I just had to go up to one and ask for pixie dust. Then, when he was finished pixie dusting I asked for a photo and he was like "OMG YES ABSOLUTELY I did a great job this is like prime" and I was like "ur perfect"

Love! Kaitlyn, that pixie dust gave you perfect princess status!:rotfl2::thumbsup2
He was NOT wrong! He did an AH-MAZING job. And it was the first of a LOT of pixie dust that stayed in my hair for like a month after I came back from the trip. My mom would be all, "there's still pixie dust in your hair!" and I'd be all, "You say that like it's a problem".
Plus, look at this view!

Love that view! It's beautiful from both sides! I don't know if you saw in my TR but I am going back to Disney in July with my family and we are staying at the BC! Seeing that view is making me so excited!!

Great updates! I am looking forward to reading about the rest of your day! Going to parks solo looks like so much fun!:goodvibes
Great trip report. You had me thinking about switching to Wilderness Lodge for the convenience, but there's no availability for the time and room I need.

Looks like you had a blast. Thanks for documenting
Hey Kaitlyn! I hope things are going well for you at school!

Hm...your Tarzan meet sounded...interesting. But overall I think it is really cool that you met him! I love that movie... I think to meet Tarzan and Jane together would be even cooler - if that's possible haha.

She is so beautiful! I haven't done a meet with her in Years...hopefully soon!

Ah my favs! Even though it wasn't that exciting, I think that picture makes up for it! You three look so adorable!

Adorable! Good choices!

The most perfect creation.:hyper:

Love! Kaitlyn, that pixie dust gave you perfect princess status!:rotfl2::thumbsup2


Love that view! It's beautiful from both sides! I don't know if you saw in my TR but I am going back to Disney in July with my family and we are staying at the BC! Seeing that view is making me so excited!!

Great updates! I am looking forward to reading about the rest of your day! Going to parks solo looks like so much fun!:goodvibes

Hey!! Things are going okay- went home sick with the flu on Thursday night :( recovering well, though! Hope things are good with you!

Tarzan is an interesting guy... :rotfl: and I saw that Jane was actually out and about in place of Tarzan yesterday!! So cool!! I would love to see her, Terk, and Tarzan do a meet and greet in AK. John Smith and Atta were out too... wonder what the deal was at AK yesterday!

She has some lovely friends, really she does.

They were super cute!!!

I'm so happy about my pixie dust. It came out great.

I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE GOING BACK TO DISNEY!!!! I promise I'll try my hardest to play catch-up on your TR soon. Gonna see if I can update once or twice and then head on over to you!!!

Great trip report. You had me thinking about switching to Wilderness Lodge for the convenience, but there's no availability for the time and room I need.

Looks like you had a blast. Thanks for documenting

Welcome aboard!!! :cheer2: Sorry the Wilderness Lodge didn't work out for you :( hope your current situation works out well, though!

Thanks for reading!!!
Hey!! Things are going okay- went home sick with the flu on Thursday night :( recovering well, though! Hope things are good with you!
Aw that's too bad. School is pretty good...this second semester is stressing me out though...seems like more work then the first. I just have to push through though!::yes::
Tarzan is an interesting guy... :rotfl: and I saw that Jane was actually out and about in place of Tarzan yesterday!! So cool!! I would love to see her, Terk, and Tarzan do a meet and greet in AK. John Smith and Atta were out too... wonder what the deal was at AK yesterday!
Oh my gosh that is so cool! So many "forgotten" characters! I would die if I ever saw anyone like that.:thumbsup2
I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE GOING BACK TO DISNEY!!!! I promise I'll try my hardest to play catch-up on your TR soon. Gonna see if I can update once or twice and then head on over to you!!!
THANK YOU!!! Yeah take your time, I've slowed down a bit with it...I know life is pretty busy right now!:laughing::laughing::laughing:
The Declaration of War

I got in line for Merida's first set of the day about 15 minutes early and still waited in a ridiculous line. That's how you know you're about to meet Merida, you get there early and still wait 45 minutes.




It was a long and convoluted queue and many of the families couldn't quite get the poor CM's instructions on how to wait in it the right way. He kept asking everyone to stand with their parties side-to-side rather than single file and it caused some confusion. Then a lot of kids were running around because, you know, Merida's queue allows for that with all sorts of coloring and archery fun.


One of the big reasons I wanted to meet Merida this time was because she was super sweet on the last trip, but even after waiting 45 minutes, nothing could have prepared me for our meet.

So I walk up to her and I'm wearing a Gaston shirt and she just gives me this exasperated look and goes "GASTON'S YER FEHVORITE? ARE YE KIDDING ME?"

And I was like, super taken aback and like "I just think he's funny!"

"He's not funny et all!" She sighs as she signs my autograph book.



"Yeah, he's not really good at anything." I agreed.

"He's really not! One time, I challenged him te archery en I won en he won't admit it! So if ye see him, tell him I expect his deceleration of war in the mornin!" She huffed.

"Will do. By the way, can I ask how you control your curls?" I ask her.

She gives me a ":/" look and is all, "Honestleh? I don't do anythin et all."

Then we snapped a pic and I left.


It was like... a slightly uncomf experience?

I don't know. All the different friends choose to bring out different aspects of their princesses, which I totally get. And this friend just happened to bring out the sassier, rebellious side of Merida, and I wasn't prepared for it. I don't know what made me so uncomf afterwards, but it rattled me just a bit initially. I'm over it!

Then I shot over to Gaston's first set in New Fantasyland.

I waited 20 minutes in the woooorst sun eveerrrr and subsequently got the world's worst sunburn, but I was maybe the 5th or 6th person to meet him, so... worth it?


Sadly, this Gaston interaction was... boring.

I know what you're thinking. Right? How can I say that about GASTON??? But it felt like I was talking to an abbreviated version of a typical "Gaston" interaction. I think the problem is that I've met him too many times. This was my third time ever meeting Gaston (first of this trip) after watching countless YouTube videos. I think you can sadly pick up on his mannerisms and jokes pretty quickly, and the friends begin to fade into one another and suddenly the interactions are fading into each other.

We did the basic stuff. He liked my shirt. He asked me if I had seen Belle. He signed my book and gave it to the photopass person and told me he doesn't give books to woman. He said he was going to propose to Belle later tonight. It's just like... if you don't get a super special Gaston, which you can totally run into one in a blue moon, it all becomes the same, you know?

The pictures are always interesting, though, and that's the best part about meeting Gaston.






So the only real part of this interaction I can truly remember is towards the end. He goes, "So if you run into trouble, you know who you're gonna call, right?" And I was like, "The beast?" and the whole line went OOOOOH and he was like "... what was that?" and I was like, "I didn't say anything" and he was all "YEAH I DIDN'T THINK YOU DID". That was a golden moment.


It was a good enough time, I guess. And a great way to kill half an hour.


(Click here to continue!)

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The Kaitlyn Day Intermission

After Gaston, I went back to the central hub for a little bit of time with a British nanny I had been missing.


Number one: This friend was SUPER GORGEOUS!!! She was so pretty and her costume is lovely as usual and ahhhhhh I was so excited!

Number two: Her and Snow White have a weird M&G set up now.

Basically, the two are left with character handlers who close off the end of the line and no PhotoPass people. That makes things a little more difficult, but there are always kind souls who take photos for you that you take photos for in return. This time, it was the mother of this lovely little girl right here who took photos for me!

"Come along then, spit-spot!" Was how Miss Poppins greeted me this time.


We had a lovely chat. I asked her about Bert, we chatted about the weather, and she complimented me on my "rather lovely manners".


She also told me that Bert painted the castle!





She was a rather lovely way to close off a morning of weirdness with other characters.

It was then 10:45. I was hungry, I was hot, the park was getting crazy crowded. So I did what I said I wouldn't do... and decided to take a mid-day break.

I wanted this to be a "no-break-until-dinner" type of day, but Kaitlyn day just sounded better with chocolate chip Mickey waffles and the pool, you feel me?

I ran into this lovely kitty on my way out!


I rushed to the boat, then I rushed to Roaring Fork. It was literally 10:59, and breakfast was supposed to stop being served at 11:00, so I was sure to ask the lovely waitress if breakfast was still being served because I didn't want to be "that guest". She assured me that I still had a few minutes so I went for the Mickey Waffles with chocolate chips!!!

I brought it up to my room.


The bacon was not crispy and soggy and went untouched.

The waffles were heavenly. Best I've ever had. Why can't they service chocolate chip Mickey waffles at ALL locations?!?!?!? Sigh.

I changed into my bathing suit and went down to the pool. I had a niiiiice, long dip in the pool, let me tell you. I got in at around 11:30 and didn't get out until maybe 3. It was good. Halfway through, I had a Mickey bar with Grace. It was a good time. We had a good time.

As the story usually goes, I got out, took a shower, and got back to the park as soon as I could.

The first thing I did heading back was head into Tony's Town Square Ristorante. As politely as I could, I asked for Lady & The Tramp's autograph, since I heard they did autographs and was super curious. The lovely woman at the front desk was super courteous and very quickly went to get their autograph in the kitchen!


I thanked her and went crawling around Main Street. I decided that there was something special I wanted from Crystal Arts...

(Click here to continue!)
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Tiaras and a Cinderella-riffic Evening

I left Tony's Town Square Ristorante and kept walking until I hit Crystal Arts.

Here's the beautiful array of tiaras I looked at, eager to find something lovely and cheap to commemorate this vacation.


I decided on the second one from the top on the left pillar! It was (I believe) $29.99, which was in all honesty not too big of a setback, especially for something I really wanted.


I waltzed outside and realized the balloons were out and about, so I decided to sneak a quick photo with a herd! (Did you know that a group of balloons was called a herd? You learn something new every day)


Then, I got in line to see the Fairy Godmother.

One thing I didn't realize, however, was that the Fairy Godmother and the Step-family now share a meet and greet location. Previously, Fairy Godmother met at the back of the castle and the Step-family met at one of the castle pillars.

I asked a CM about it and he was like, "Yeah, she'll be out in about 30 minutes after the Tremaines are done."

Sure enough, she came out, but I was getting a little worried because I was nowhere near the front of the line. Thankfully, when I did get up to the line, the same CM deemed that I would be the last to meet her. He was like, "Don't worry, I know you were here for her." I thanked him profusely- he was really sweet!




She signed my book with a magic wand, and told me to make a wish on it!


She was so sweet and adorable, a true gem!


I instagrammed a photo of us and got in line for Philharmagic.


It was a great show, as usual, but it made me run a little late to meeting my family for our ADR!

We got to the boat docks to get to the Grand Floridian and had to wait 40 minutes for a boat. This made us about 15 minutes late for our meal, so I had to call in and let 1900 Park Fare know what was up. They told us they understood and would hold our table for us.


Duuude. As soon as I got to the restaurant I realized that something was seriously up with 1900 Park Fare. All these CMs were rushing around and whispering things and I could see Lady Tremaine get rushed away from a table back into the kitchen before we got our family photo.


So then we were seated almost immediately and I look at the door and... Snow White came out of the kitchen?

She didn't miss a beat coming over to wear Lady Tremaine left off and being all "OOH HELLO ROYAL FAMILY!" and I was super confused and hoped everything was okay with the friend of Lady Tremaine.

I'm pretty sure that before our waitress could come around, Cinderella was at our table.

She wasn't memorable. Like, I don't even remember speaking a word to her. I'm sure she was kind, though.


Neither of us look too happy.

The waitress came along and took our drinks and I snuck a couple photos in of these two dancing:





Prince Charming came up to the table next to ours afterward, so I didn't bother getting food in case I would miss him, but honestly?

I am still to this day super sad about my interaction with the Prince Charming at this meal.

He walks over to our table, goes, "Hello royal family, how are you today?"

I was pumped to meet my fav guy so I was all, "We're great how are you?"

Without responding to me he goes, "Would you care for a portrait?"


I said "Of course!" and Grace got one too and then he ran off.


Whatevs. I won't hold it against him. It was obviously super hectic at 1900 Park Fare that night so I won't fault him for being off his game tonight.

Then, Grace and I got some food.


No sooner did I sit down than did Anastasia come up to us. Grace was rushing to us, so I stalled her for a second by saying, "I'm sorry, my sister is a little slow tonight, but she's coming!"

Then Grace got over here and Anastasia was like, "Oh, you're the needy one!" And I laughed.

I told her I liked her hair and she thanked me and then we lamented over Cinderella. I also very casually mentioned Lady Tremaine as if to say, "I know you and your sisters and your stepmothers like to hang around here" and she said, "Well, my mother usually comes with us but tonight she had to play cards with her friends!" and then we snagged a pic.


The food was okay that night. They didn't have a big selection but I ate approximately 100 gallons of strawberry soup so it's okay.

Drizella came along around the same time as Snow White and noticed Grace was wearing princess sneakers with Snow White on them.

"Oh, look, Snow!" Drizella teased, pointing at Grace's shoes. "She has shoes with your face on them!"

Snow White was all, "Oh, how very lovely!"

And Drizella was all, "Now the least you can do is wear shoes with HER face on them."

And then Snow White was all, "Oh, I think I will!"

And then Drizella made a face and looked at me and shook her head and said "She's not. She's not gonna do that." I cracked. UP. Best Drizella ever.


Snow White was also rather lovely!


I didn't want to eat dessert at all because we had the dessert party later, but... they had a few things calling for me and dessert wasn't for HOURS and dinner wasn't spectacular so I figured no harm no foul?


It was pretty meh.

I think 1900 Park Fare got knocked off of our "must-do every trip" list, but I think I really just need to try their breakfast service.

Anyway... I had princesses to meet and things to do in the Magic Kingdom, so on my way I went.


(Click here to continue!)
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I am loving all the character meets you did this day! I have never met Merida but have always wanted to (she's my curly red head buddy ahah!:rotfl2:
Sorry she shocked you - but at least she was really in character! I love that about her!!!
Ugh, I HAVE to meet Gaston this summer, since he was "out hunting" when I went this past Spring with my friends!!! And the pics look great!
Also, Loving your Hot Topic Gaston shirt!!! I have been looking for one for a while now by HT hasn't brought any Gaston merchandise back in while...hopefully soon they will.. HT is like my life though...I have so many Disney shirts/dresses/bows from there it's crazy!:rotfl2:
Mary Poppins is a doll, love meeting her, I saw in in EPCOT at her spot a couple of summers ago.
Good choice for going to the pool! And those Mickey Waffles w/ chocolate chips look AMAZING!:hyper:
Love the signature from Lady and tramp, mental note to self to do that this summer..

And I love 1900 Park Faire, very fun character meal!!!
That is so weird about Lady Tremaine! Maybe she wasn't feeling well or had a costume malfunction!!! :scared1:
It is strange that Snow White was there, but at least they were able to give you a substitute for a character!
I love the sisters though, they are a riot!:rotfl2:

Looking forward to reading more!:goodvibes
I am loving all the character meets you did this day! I have never met Merida but have always wanted to (she's my curly red head buddy ahah!:rotfl2:
Sorry she shocked you - but at least she was really in character! I love that about her!!!
Ugh, I HAVE to meet Gaston this summer, since he was "out hunting" when I went this past Spring with my friends!!! And the pics look great!
Also, Loving your Hot Topic Gaston shirt!!! I have been looking for one for a while now by HT hasn't brought any Gaston merchandise back in while...hopefully soon they will.. HT is like my life though...I have so many Disney shirts/dresses/bows from there it's crazy!:rotfl2:
Mary Poppins is a doll, love meeting her, I saw in in EPCOT at her spot a couple of summers ago.
Good choice for going to the pool! And those Mickey Waffles w/ chocolate chips look AMAZING!:hyper:
Love the signature from Lady and tramp, mental note to self to do that this summer..

And I love 1900 Park Faire, very fun character meal!!!
That is so weird about Lady Tremaine! Maybe she wasn't feeling well or had a costume malfunction!!! :scared1:
It is strange that Snow White was there, but at least they were able to give you a substitute for a character!
I love the sisters though, they are a riot!:rotfl2:

Looking forward to reading more!:goodvibes

Merida is a lovely character to meet!

You literally have to meet Gaston. But get there super early!!!

Oof, I haven't shopped at Hot Topic since I got that Gaston shirt. They're cutting back their Disney merch a lot.

I love Mary Poppins!

I don't know what the deal with Lady Tremaine was. They had Snow White out SUPER quickly and rarely bring in a character mid-meal. It was so weird!!

Off to play catch-up on your TR.
Oof, I haven't shopped at Hot Topic since I got that Gaston shirt. They're cutting back their Disney merch a lot.
Really? Try looking on their website. I don't really shop in the store, I really just shop online haha! I always find so many different things. Many different characters on the merch as well.
You literally have to meet Gaston. But get there super early!!!
Thanks for the tip., I'll remember that!
Joining in! I'm preparing for our upcoming trip and reading all the reports lol. My brain is starting to think in TR language. "I was feeling a little hungry, but knew we would be eating tacos for dinner in a couple hours, so I just made some toast and had a glass of milk to go with it-- insert pic of toast and milk--" :rotfl:
I wish I was kidding :blush: but I just love TRs! And PTRs! And even though my husband will talk about it, we haven't told our kids we're going yet, so we can't talk about it in front of them! So.... I read.

Anyway, great report so far! Looking forward to reading more :goodvibes
Hey there Kaitlyn,

I caught up on your last few updates. I'm loving all your fantastic pictures, and am really loving your trip report.

Love this picture with Tarzan "grooming" you::P Too cute!

Quick question, why did the bus from Boardwalk to Magic Kingdom take forever? (we will be staying there this August, i'm curious to what the bus transportation is like)

Thanks for the tip about the crystal shop - what else do they sell there besides tiaras? - PS your looked beautiful in your tiara and I loved, the cute purple balloon.

Sorry about 1900 Park Fare, it's always sad when you take a place off your "must do" list.

Anyway, loved all your updates & looking forward to more glittery updates. ~ Marina :flower1:
I can't have a tiara because I would be like...

...and my family wouldn't be able to take me anywhere. LOL!!

I tried one on in Germany and X photobombed my selfie wearing one on HIS head. It's glorious.

I'm so curious about what happened with Lady Tremaine at 1900 PF, now!! I feel like I want to book a meal there to meet the sisters, but I can't ever commit to it.

I really need to remember to get Lady and the Tramp's autographs from Tony's. I meant to do it last time and completely forgot!
Lots of character meets today! Sorry Merida and Gaston weren't the best, but sounds like Mary Poppins made up for it!

Sounds like a very bizarre time at 1900 Park Fare. I wonder what happened to Lady Tremaine. Kinda random that they replaced her with Snow haha
Super impressed with all your character meets! You were on a mission! I have also been tempted by the tiaras, but I remind myself that I am a giant baby about the headaches tiaras/Minnie ears give me.


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