I Can't, I'm Not Wearing a Princess Dress! - New TR link!!!!

I was kind of frustrated when I left that afternoon. It wasn’t anything that was a really big deal, but it is information that could have easily been shared in one of the many e-mails they had sent out in the prior weeks.

I hate when this happens at work. Bummer about missing the disdads but hey at least you still get to be in Disney! :earsboy:

After just a few minutes of this though, I was getting a little stir crazy. It had warmed up since I stopped at the welcome center that morning so I decided to change into shorts with just a light weight long sleeved shirt and head outside.

In my opinion, shorts and long sleeves weather is the best kind of Disney weather! I went once in January and it was like that. But when i went last year in December it was pretty cold. Guess you never really can predict the winter months in Florida. Do you prefer any kind of weather when you go? Everyone is always different

1. The next update will cover my afternoon/evening at Disney World with no park tickets. How many total steps did I walk today? (points to be awarded based on how close you are to the correct answer)


2. How many times did I make the walk between DHS and the Boardwalk? (5 points - I asked this on my last TR while I was still there and 5 bonus points will be awarded to anyone who already got it right there)


3. What kind of drink did I try that I have never had before? (25 points – It isn’t one of the specialty cocktails)

Long island ice tea.....i don't know if that is a specialty cocktail? haha :drinking1

4. Will I see a fireworks show tonight? (5 points)
4a. If so, which one? (5 points)

yes, star wars fireworks

5. How many minutes will I spend waiting for Disney Transportation (5 bus rides, 1 monorail ride) this afternoon/evening? (points awarded based on how close you are to correct answer)

26 Minutes

6. I visited 4 of the 5 EPCOT area resorts. 3 of them are resorts that I’ve never stepped foot inside before. (4 points each, -3 for each wrong answer!)
6a. Which 3 did I visit for the first time?
6b. Which 1 have I still never been in?
6c. Which 1 did I make a return visit to?
-3 points has me a little nervous over here :scared1:
6a. yacht, beach, swan
6b boardwalk
6c dolphin

7. What did the bus driver tell us? (25 points if you’re right, 1 point for trying. Bonus points for creative answers or even being close to right)
When he isn't driving buses he's also doubles as a Disney princess princess:
Well at least there was a half way decent and logical reason for the wardrobe request.
It's true. I just wish it had been communicated sooner.

Yuck! Hate having to repack! :crazy2:
Packing the first time is bad enough!


That's a sentence I wasn't expecting! I'm not sure I've ever cruised right through Atlanta and I live here! :rotfl2:
Really? I have been through Atlanta several times and have only hit heavy traffic twice that I can remember. Sure you get some crowded roads, but I'm usually still able to run about 50 - 60 mph through there. Then again, I also make a point to time it so that we try to hit Atlanta at slower times. Hence the fact that I preferred to drive through Atlanta on Thursday night rather than during the day on Friday.

Not bad drive time!
Not at all.

Points or no I would not be a happy camper with a room like that! :crazy2:
It was a definite disappointment.

Oooo do I get points for answering in both places? 4:bitelip:
Only if you were right. :rolleyes1

:scratchin No idea. A new Beer?

Yes Star Wars Fireworks (Whatever they are called.) I'm guessing that this is why you ended up walking back and forth 4 times. Bus to DHS. Walked from DHS to boardwalk area for Dinner. Walked back to DHS for fireworks, Walked back to Boardwalk area for more exploring, walked back to DHS for bus back

20 minutes

Beach, Yacht, Swan, Boardwalk

Boardwalk, Yacht, Swan

Dolphin because you didn't see the point in walking that extra way to see what is basically a clone of its sister hotel.

The weather was about to get rather cold. and or please move all the way back so that more people can get on.
Got 'em!

Yeah, I wasn't happy.

Ugh, hate when that happens! Although I'm sure it's much shorter than at a Disney resort!:thumbsup2
That's the glass half full way of looking at it!

That's rough. My dorm room in college was positioned right on the first floor next to a stairwell, I'm sure you can imagine the noise that created every night. I feel your pain!
Yup... I had a similar experience. But I was at least on the third floor. The downside was that the stairwell next to my room came up from the back entrance to the dorm. And we didn't have A/C so the window was always open (even during the winter... we had steam radiators that we couldn't control to heat the room and it was always hot).

The home stretch!!!
That is always a great feeling!

That's what I call home :goodvibes
::yes:: I'm kind of glad that I had multiple chances to see that this time!

Sorry if my answers to the questions are hard to read!
Nope, I got em!

I love those hotels. Mostly because I rarely use points, so it means I'm less likely to get a crappy room.
But yeah, it definitely does not sound like they were trying to reward you for being a loyal customer.
I prefer Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn Express from that tier of hotels. I've used Fairfield but never been a big fan. I just had some points that I needed to use. I tend to stay at a Marriott fairly often for some conferences that I attend every year.

It could be worse ... it could have been raining. Like nonstop. While you were standing around waiting for a race to begin. And then while you were running that race. And then start raining really hard after you finished the race.
Thankfully, I don't think that happened.
Nope! Didn't happen! You know better than to think I'd be running a race!

Man, I hate cliffhangers!
Well, it was going to be a long update without it!

Fair warning: I'm going to be terrible at this. Like legit terrible. But hopefully I can make my answers a little funny.
That's why I'm doing this. So I can laugh.

Either because they're funny, or they're just that bad!

Okay. So. I also did a non-park day that day. I got just short of 27,000 steps. Figure about 15,000 was the race. So I'm going with ... 12,659. Because I didn't want to guess an even number.

Going back and reading through the comments on the last TR ... I think maybe the concensus was 4? I might be wrong? I can only be expected to do so much research on a day when I didn't get my Starbucks.

Beer. I'm going with you've never had beer before.
I don't want to make a habit of giving right or wrong answers away, but... :faint:

Yes. Because you can see the fireworks from outside the parks too.

Illuminations. Because it's unexpected.

38 minutes. Because why not.

A. Boardwalk, Swan, Yacht Club
B. Dolphin
C. Beach Club
(these were totally random guesses ... so if I got anything right, then clearly I have psychic powers)

That he was drunk. Because we all know from your last TR that you have experience with impaired transportation providers.
Ok, got em!

Less than 8 hours after your post. Is that fast enough for you?
That was great. If there were bonus points for speed you'd probably get one. But there aren't so... :rolleyes1
On vacation? They should have known better.:sad2:
They kept reminding us that it was a business trip. I don't know why...

Nope, just your best dressed Mickey shirt with some light up Mickey ears. Geesh, what's wrong with that?:earboy2:
Works for me!

I remember how much you were really looking forward to meeting up with these dads. I'm really sorry this didn't happen for you. I hope you were able to sneak in some time to meet some of them at least.
Yeah, it was a big disappointment. I was looking forward to trying a new restaurant and meeting a lot of the dads. I'd get to meet some of them Friday night though.

That is so sweet. What a great dad!
I try.


My DH drove last time and I flew with the kids. I can't tell you what a life saver it was to only have carry on bags. Good call.
It didn't make sense for them to have to take anything. Especially since we'd have to pay for luggage.

I'm sure you made great time. Did you calculate the difference between when you drove by yourself versus with your DW and DD?
Only about 3 hours...

Ah, Heaven! The vacation starts as soon as you pass that wonderful arch. Don't you just love those purple signs?

That was so nice of you!
Gotta share the joy of the moment.

And maybe rub it in their face a little bit.

9,357. I actually have no idea. So a random number seemed completely logical.:thumbsup2

I think I said 3, which seems crazy.

No clue. I know where you ate. I tried to peak at the table to see the glass, but only saw a mug. I was going to say a draft beer, but I did some research at the menu and I'm going to go with sake.

Yes, Symphony in the Stars

I remember you saying you waited longer than Ponzie did at around 30 some minutes, so I will guess 37 minutes.

6a. Beach Club, Swan, Yacht Club
6b. Dolphin
6c. Boardwalk (hopefully to meet some disdads)

Excuse me folks, but I'd like to let everyone know a princess has just boarded our bus. Or something along those lines.
Got em!

I hate when this happens at work. Bummer about missing the disdads but hey at least you still get to be in Disney! :earsboy:
Yeah, it was a letdown. I was looking forward to that dinner, but I think it worked out ok. Maybe even turned out to be best that I didn't try to go back that evening.

In my opinion, shorts and long sleeves weather is the best kind of Disney weather! I went once in January and it was like that. But when i went last year in December it was pretty cold. Guess you never really can predict the winter months in Florida. Do you prefer any kind of weather when you go? Everyone is always different
Personally, I don't usually like to wear long sleeves. I get hot and sweaty easily, so I'll tend to not dress warm enough and then freeze if it gets cooler. Ideally, I like about 70 - 75 and sunny with a light breeze. That's perfect.

Long island ice tea.....i don't know if that is a specialty cocktail? haha :drinking1

yes, star wars fireworks

26 Minutes

-3 points has me a little nervous over here :scared1:
6a. yacht, beach, swan
6b boardwalk
6c dolphin

When he isn't driving buses he's also doubles as a Disney princess princess:
Got em! And I wouldn't call a Long Island a specialty cocktail. I was thinking of things like the Cool Headed Monkey as being a specialty cocktail.
Catching up from working shifts all over the place, not sleeping when I should but when I can, my own TR and now... I'm here!

The New Year came, and I was excited.

As you get older, the thrill wears off.

I already had my bags packed and I only had 2 full days of work before I’d be leaving for Florida.

So two full days of no shaving and no wearing pants! Woot!

They announced that they wanted to have a brief meeting with those of us heading to Orlando at the end of the afternoon, so I stuck around.

Grrr..... Leave me alone so I can go play!

This meant they wanted us to wear a jacket and tie.

How about I wear a T-shirt that says "My other outfit is a suit and tie"?

There wasn’t any rigid schedule for Saturday until they laid this one on us. Unfortunately, this meant I had to back out of my plans to meet the Disdads for dinner. I’d really been looking forward to that, so it was a big disappointment.

Heard about that. Sucks.

I was kind of frustrated when I left that afternoon. It wasn’t anything that was a really big deal, but it is information that could have easily been shared in one of the many e-mails they had sent out in the prior weeks.

Didn't you know? They don't do convenient anymore.

Since I was driving, DW and DD only planned to take a backpack on the plane with snacks and items they’d need for the flight.

Geez. I never would've thought of that.
That's really good thinking.

I arrived at my hotel at just after 10 pm… an hour later than I hoped, but not bad.

That's not bad at all. Anything within an hour on a long haul is a win.

and I quickly came to the realization that this is one of those hotels that likes to punish you for getting a free room.

Uh, oh.

Apparently the room they gave me is positioned so that all plumbing draining the building runs through the wall at the headboard of the bed. I could hear water rushing every time someone flushed a toilet, turned on a sink or took a shower.

Niiice.... not.

I think it was around 1 am when I was still wide awake and I contemplated just going back out to my truck and leaving.

Reminds me of our fire alarm episode.
I feel your pain.

I’m assuming that others in the hotel got up at around 5:30 or so to shower and prepare for the day, because I woke up at 5:45 without the assistance of an alarm clock


In this case, they had turkey sausage patties or pork sausage patties. Nothing to really go with them. I mean, I guess I could have cut a blueberry muffin in half and made a breakfast sandwich… without any eggs or cheese.

Well.... that's kinda stupid on the hotel's part.
But meat's meat! Ya gotta eat some, man!

Oh well, protein is protein. I had some of each.

Had me worried there for a second.

I got myself fed and I was out of there and on the road before 7 am.

Not bad... although maybe you didn't want to be on the road by 7???

The drive through Georgia was pretty smooth. I did get a picture at the Florida state line:

You should've back tracked to get a Georgia sign shot.

So disappointed.

I took the turnpike down to get onto I-4 at Orlando, and when I hit the ramp to I-4 West, traffic was at a standstill. I stopped for a minute or 2. Nothing was moving, at all. I was still back at the point where I could get to I-4 West or East. I could see the interstate and it was moving fine, so clearly there was something blocking the ramp which I confirmed on my traffic app. Instead of just sitting there, I jumped on to I-4 East, got turned back the right direction at the first ramp I came to and it was smooth sailing to this beautiful sight:

Nice move dude!
Did your GPS suggest that, or did you come up with it on your own?

I had received a text at around 10 am that my room was ready,

Wow! Early.

I took this picture to taunt the Disdads on Facebook:

Well done.

1. The next update will cover my afternoon/evening at Disney World with no park tickets. How many total steps did I walk today? (points to be awarded based on how close you are to the correct answer)

Oy... uh... 4500

2. How many times did I make the walk between DHS and the Boardwalk? (5 points - I asked this on my last TR while I was still there and 5 bonus points will be awarded to anyone who already got it right there)

Guess I'll stick with 3

3. What kind of drink did I try that I have never had before? (25 points – It isn’t one of the specialty cocktails)

Oh, shoot. I'll shamelessly steal Singapore Sling.

4. Will I see a fireworks show tonight? (5 points)
4a. If so, which one? (5 points)

Symphony in the Stars.

5. How many minutes will I spend waiting for Disney Transportation (5 bus rides, 1 monorail ride) this afternoon/evening? (points awarded based on how close you are to correct answer)


6. I visited 4 of the 5 EPCOT area resorts. 3 of them are resorts that I’ve never stepped foot inside before. (4 points each, -3 for each wrong answer!)
6a. Which 3 did I visit for the first time?
6b. Which 1 have I still never been in?
6c. Which 1 did I make a return visit to?

Oh geez.
a.I'll guess yacht and beach and another one that I have no clue about
c. boardwalk

7. What did the bus driver tell us? (25 points if you’re right, 1 point for trying. Bonus points for creative answers or even being close to right)

The vast number of Disney busses travelling to and from the parks exerts a counter spin to the Earth's rotation.
As such the Earth is gradually slowing down and if they continue for another 120 years, eventually the sun will rise in the west and set in the east as the Earth begins to rotate in the opposite direction. Luckily, Disney is already planning to counteract this by having all busses drive in reverse.

Get your answers in fast! I’m already working on the next update. I don’t know that I’ll post it this week, but it is a possibility!

Made it!!
This meant they wanted us to wear a jacket and tie.

NOOOOO!!!! Oh, the humanity!

This one cost me another 40 minutes, but surprisingly, I cruised right through Atlanta without so much as slowing down.

From what I hear, you take that result and run with it.

I stayed there on points, and I quickly came to the realization that this is one of those hotels that likes to punish you for getting a free room.

Ah, yes. Usually they're called the Super 8, and they hate Priceline customers.

Apparently the room they gave me is positioned so that all plumbing draining the building runs through the wall at the headboard of the bed. I could hear water rushing every time someone flushed a toilet, turned on a sink or took a shower. I was in bed unable to sleep for a few hours. Granted, part of that was probably the excitement of getting some Disney time the next day, but the noise wasn’t helping. Every time I’d get close to drifting off somebody would flush a toilet or something.

I vote that we call this the Schweitzer Suite from now on.

They also had a “hot” breakfast area that seemed a bit odd. Usually, you’ll see biscuits and gravy, or sausage and eggs or bacon and eggs. Something like that. In this case, they had turkey sausage patties or pork sausage patties. Nothing to really go with them. I mean, I guess I could have cut a blueberry muffin in half and made a breakfast sandwich… without any eggs or cheese.

Some of these free breakfasts make me immediately look for the nearest Krispy Kreme.

When I stopped at the welcome center, I was starting to worry a little bit. It was cold enough that I could see my breath. This isn’t supposed to happen in Florida!!!

We all feel very sorry for you.

I was just soaking in the sights and smells of being at a Disney resort.

I love doing that! My wife and I are convinced there's a "Disney smell" you don't get anywhere else.

I took this picture to taunt the Disdads on Facebook:

And this is why we all felt sorry for you with the cold temps.

I’ve never done a game in my TRs before, but in the spirit of stealing good ideas from other people, let’s do one this time!!!

As long as it's not one of those random-guessing games where you have to try and predict what will happen next, when none of us have any idea and would do better at predicting Powerball numbers.

I’ll ask a few questions at the end of my updates awarding points for correct answers, creative answers and really pretty much anything I deem to be point worthy.


1. The next update will cover my afternoon/evening at Disney World with no park tickets. How many total steps did I walk today? (points to be awarded based on how close you are to the correct answer)

How many did you walk all day, or just after you left the room in the afternoon/evening? I'm just trying to build my case for bias later when I complain about the point totals.

Assuming it's all day, I'll say 8257. For just the afternoon, 6401.

2. How many times did I make the walk between DHS and the Boardwalk? (5 points - I asked this on my last TR while I was still there and 5 bonus points will be awarded to anyone who already got it right there)

You mean we were supposed to be paying attention to the last TR? That seems beyond reasonable expectations to me.

I'll say 4 times, meaning you made the trip to and from the Boardwalk twice.

3. What kind of drink did I try that I have never had before? (25 points – It isn’t one of the specialty cocktails)

Iced tea.

I mean, it's not like there's a bazillion drinks at Disney World or anything.

4. Will I see a fireworks show tonight? (5 points)
4a. If so, which one? (5 points)


The Star Wars fireworks at DHS. Jar-Jar's Revenge, or whatever it's called.

5. How many minutes will I spend waiting for Disney Transportation (5 bus rides, 1 monorail ride) this afternoon/evening? (points awarded based on how close you are to correct answer)

A lot more than @pkondz , since you do not have a horseshoe crammed up your butt. Let's say 23.28415 minutes.

6. I visited 4 of the 5 EPCOT area resorts. 3 of them are resorts that I’ve never stepped foot inside before. (4 points each, -3 for each wrong answer!)
6a. Which 3 did I visit for the first time?
6b. Which 1 have I still never been in?
6c. Which 1 did I make a return visit to?

6a: Swan, Yacht Club, Beach Club
6b: Dolphin
6c: Boardwalk.

Look, I'll be honest. I just threw darts at the map. My first guess was Spaceship Earth, but I think my aim was a little off.

7. What did the bus driver tell us? (25 points if you’re right, 1 point for trying. Bonus points for creative answers or even being close to right)


"Welcome aboard."

"DHS is closed to visitors for the evening."

"I am Keyser Soze."

"They're breaking ground on Star Wars Land tomorrow."

"Your fly is down."
This meant they wanted us to wear a jacket and tie.
Oh the horror!


I’m not a jacket and tie type of person. I’ll wear one if I have to, but I do it under protest.


My plan for Saturday was to just get checked in and register and then head over to the Poly for dinner at Ohana with the Disdads.
Fraternizing with known social deviants…
That kind’a thing might reflect right poorly on your delegation and candidate when the votes are being cast back over there at the convention.

I’d really been looking forward to that, so it was a big disappointment.
Your assault on the world record for most massive Shrimp Wall will just have to wait.

I was really hoping to have nothing to do that evening so I could hang out with DS before I had to leave.
Now that kind of intrusion into family time really is something to be frustrated over.

I went to work on Thursday morning and I was impatiently waiting to leave.
That pretty much sums up nearly every day at work, right there.

My hotel for the night was the Fairfield Inn at McDonough, GA. I stayed there on points, and I quickly came to the realization that this is one of those hotels that likes to punish you for getting a free room.
Ahhhh… the joys of travel.
What you’re experiencing here is what is now known as a “Suoer-8” moment.

Apparently the room they gave me is positioned so that all plumbing draining the building runs through the wall at the headboard of the bed.
The Fairfield Water Torture

Those fiends…

I think it was around 1 am when I was still wide awake and I contemplated just going back out to my truck and leaving. I could be in Orlando to see the sunrise.
I suspect, you wouldn’t have been the first person bound for WDW to have done such a thing.

…they had turkey sausage patties or pork sausage patties. Nothing to really go with them. I mean, I guess I could have cut a blueberry muffin in half and made a breakfast sandwich… without any eggs or cheese.
That’s right odd indeed.
I generally expect to have at least a bit of bread with my plate of meat.

When I stopped at the welcome center, I was starting to worry a little bit. It was cold enough that I could see my breath. This isn’t supposed to happen in Florida!!!
Ehhh, not to worry…
It’ll be up to 75 or better in a couple hours.

<< insert Heavenly Choir soundtrack here >>

I kicked back on the bed for a few minutes and had to get a quick dose of Stacy.
I took this picture to taunt the Disdads on Facebook:
Cruel, just plain cruel.
Well, all the rest of ‘em that were already down there or on the way were doing the same.
So really, you were just piling on at that point.

Nicely done.

in the spirit of stealing good ideas from other people…
Outright theft…
the hallmark of a good TR.

It will be kind of like “Who’s Line is it Anyway?”
Only the points aren’t completely worthless, just mostly worthless.
So… like the difference between mostly dead and completely dead…
As long as Prince Humperdinck suffers, I’m in.

1. The next update will cover my afternoon/evening at Disney World with no park tickets. How many total steps did I walk today?

2. How many times did I make the walk between DHS and the Boardwalk? (5 points - I asked this on my last TR while I was still there and 5 bonus points will be awarded to anyone who already got it right there)
3 (cause it makes no sense)

3. What kind of drink did I try that I have never had before? (25 points – It isn’t one of the specialty cocktails)
Wow, talk about random.
Not Specialty, huh… well that means that the “Reggie’s Revenge” and “Cool-headed Monkey” that you knocked back first thing are out of the ruining then.

Let’s go with…
an Old Fashion

I do believe the rest of the guys were imbibing on those one evening or other down there, so…

4. Will I see a fireworks show tonight? (5 points)
4a. If so, which one? (5 points)
Yes - Symphony in the Stars

5. How many minutes will I spend waiting for Disney Transportation (5 bus rides, 1 monorail ride) this afternoon/evening? (points awarded based on how close you are to correct answer)
The answer is always: 42

(except on those occasions when it 73)

6. I visited 4 of the 5 EPCOT area resorts. 3 of them are resorts that I’ve never stepped foot inside before. (4 points each, -3 for each wrong answer!)
6a. Which 3 did I visit for the first time?
6b. Which 1 have I still never been in?
6c. Which 1 did I make a return visit to?
A: YC, BC, Swan
B: Dolphin
C: Boardwalk

7. What did the bus driver tell us? (25 points if you’re right, 1 point for trying. Bonus points for creative answers or even being close to right)
They start breaking ground on the AK-TTC monorail next Tuesday.

Or was it the one about putting a “Mr Increasable” rollercoaster in place of LMA at HS and that it’s designed to directly rival The Hulk?
Catching up from working shifts all over the place, not sleeping when I should but when I can, my own TR and now... I'm here!
So what took you so long? :rolleyes1

As you get older, the thrill wears off.
Even if there's a Disney trip right behind it?

So two full days of no shaving and no wearing pants! Woot!
I call that Saturday.

Grrr..... Leave me alone so I can go play!
No kidding!

How about I wear a T-shirt that says "My other outfit is a suit and tie"?
I should have got one of those tux T-shirts. My wife's cousin came walking out in one of those for wedding pictures. The women folk didn't find the humor in it the way the rest of us did.

Heard about that. Sucks.

Didn't you know? They don't do convenient anymore.
Clearly not!

Geez. I never would've thought of that.
That's really good thinking.
Really? Seemed like a simple answer to me. Do you want to pay $50 for luggage? Let's see, what other option do we have?

That's not bad at all. Anything within an hour on a long haul is a win.
True! I usually prefer to, um, make up time on those longer drives though!

Reminds me of our fire alarm episode.
I feel your pain.

Well.... that's kinda stupid on the hotel's part.
But meat's meat! Ya gotta eat some, man!
True. It was free and it wasn't bad. It just seemed like a random assortment of several things that don't typically go together.

Had me worried there for a second.
Well duh... you didn't think I'd skip that part, did you?

Not bad... although maybe you didn't want to be on the road by 7???
I could have gone either way. I was planning to sleep in a little bit, but since I was up, I was ready to get on the road. It gave me a little more time that afternoon. And as you'll see, I didn't exactly have a lot of wasted time once I go there!

You should've back tracked to get a Georgia sign shot.

So disappointed.
Sorry... next time.

Nice move dude!
Did your GPS suggest that, or did you come up with it on your own?
No. Whatever it was must have just happened. Traffic wasn't too backed up when I hit it, but it really started stacking up behind me. My GPS was showing no delay, but I checked google on my phone and it said an accident was reported on the ramp. I kind of debated what to do in my head, when 2 dump trucks that were right behind me got over on the other ramp and went. When I saw that, I followed.

Basically, because I've driven a truck. I know they have CB's and they likely knew what was going on up there. If they think it is quicker to go the other way and then turn around, it probably is the best way to go.

Wow! Early.
::yes:: If I'd left at 1 when I considered it, I could have been there in time to have breakfast and just kill an hour or 2 before getting to go take a nap.

Well done.
Everybody else does it. Gotta take advantage of the situation when it arises!

Oy... uh... 4500

Guess I'll stick with 3

Oh, shoot. I'll shamelessly steal Singapore Sling.

Symphony in the Stars.

Oh geez.
a.I'll guess yacht and beach and another one that I have no clue about
c. boardwalk

The vast number of Disney busses travelling to and from the parks exerts a counter spin to the Earth's rotation.
As such the Earth is gradually slowing down and if they continue for another 120 years, eventually the sun will rise in the west and set in the east as the Earth begins to rotate in the opposite direction. Luckily, Disney is already planning to counteract this by having all busses drive in reverse.
:rotfl2: Got em!
So what took you so long? :rolleyes1

No idea.
Hey, I'm not as bad off as the other guy I'm working with right now.
So this is my day off.
I've been at work since 6:30am
He comes in for the evening shift at 2:30pm.
Ha! He still has a full 8 hour shift ahead of him.
Whereas I am already half way done my day.

Even if there's a Disney trip right behind it?

That's in the small print.

I should have got one of those tux T-shirts.


My wife's cousin came walking out in one of those for wedding pictures. The women folk didn't find the humor in it the way the rest of us did.

Did he died?

Really? Seemed like a simple answer to me. Do you want to pay $50 for luggage? Let's see, what other option do we have?

Makes sense. Since I usually don't have to pay for luggage, that part didn't factor in.

Well duh... you didn't think I'd skip that part, did you?

I said I was worried. But I had hope for you grasshopper.

Sorry... next time.

No. Now.

No. Whatever it was must have just happened. Traffic wasn't too backed up when I hit it, but it really started stacking up behind me. My GPS was showing no delay, but I checked google on my phone and it said an accident was reported on the ramp. I kind of debated what to do in my head, when 2 dump trucks that were right behind me got over on the other ramp and went. When I saw that, I followed.

Basically, because I've driven a truck. I know they have CB's and they likely knew what was going on up there. If they think it is quicker to go the other way and then turn around, it probably is the best way to go.

Still. Good observation on your part.

::yes:: If I'd left at 1 when I considered it, I could have been there in time to have breakfast and just kill an hour or 2 before getting to go take a nap.

But then your room wouldn't have bee ready until 3pm... at the earliest.
Joining in!! Really stinks about having to go wear a tie instead of a Dismeet...ugh....hope it turned out ok!
Hey everyone

I just wanted to let you all know that the update will definitely not be posted today, so you've got all weekend. I might try to catch up on everyone else's updates and do some replies later, but I'm really not feeling it right now. I don't want to get into specifics, but if you're so inclined to say a prayer for our family, it would be much appreciated.
Hey everyone

I just wanted to let you all know that the update will definitely not be posted today, so you've got all weekend. I might try to catch up on everyone else's updates and do some replies later, but I'm really not feeling it right now. I don't want to get into specifics, but if you're so inclined to say a prayer for our family, it would be much appreciated.

:worried: I'm sorry to hear something isn't well. I really hope everything is all right with the kids and the pregnancy. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

In addition to that piece of news, they informed us that we were supposed to be at an event at the Trade Show at 4pm on Saturday. My plan for Saturday was to just get checked in and register and then head over to the Poly for dinner at Ohana with the Disdads. There wasn’t any rigid schedule for Saturday until they laid this one on us. Unfortunately, this meant I had to back out of my plans to meet the Disdads for dinner. I’d really been looking forward to that, so it was a big disappointment.

I was kind of frustrated when I left that afternoon. It wasn’t anything that was a really big deal, but it is information that could have easily been shared in one of the many e-mails they had sent out in the prior weeks.

I find it hard to believe they couldn't have sent out an email with that piece of info prior to then, either. I'm sure you weren't the only one who had already packed their things up.

Such a bummer to hear you weren't going to make it to the DISDad dinner. I know how much you've wanted to get together with them.

Apparently the room they gave me is positioned so that all plumbing draining the building runs through the wall at the headboard of the bed. I could hear water rushing every time someone flushed a toilet, turned on a sink or took a shower. I was in bed unable to sleep for a few hours. Granted, part of that was probably the excitement of getting some Disney time the next day, but the noise wasn’t helping. Every time I’d get close to drifting off somebody would flush a toilet or something.

That's terrible! I know you can sometimes hear other toilets when you stay at Pop, but it's never right next to the headboard. I guess it was a good thing you had Disney to look forward to.

Since I was by myself and only carrying in one small bag, I actually got pictures of the room before unpacking ensued:




And the view from outside my door:

Ahhhh, Pop Century! You're finally at a Disney resort!

It's so strange seeing the room without any luggage. I'm not used to that sight. :rotfl2:

After just a few minutes of this though, I was getting a little stir crazy. It had warmed up since I stopped at the welcome center that morning so I decided to change into shorts with just a light weight long sleeved shirt and head outside.

Not surprised at all that the whole relaxing thing didn't last long. Honestly, I'm surprised you sat down at all.

1. The next update will cover my afternoon/evening at Disney World with no park tickets. How many total steps did I walk today? (points to be awarded based on how close you are to the correct answer)


2. How many times did I make the walk between DHS and the Boardwalk? (5 points - I asked this on my last TR while I was still there and 5 bonus points will be awarded to anyone who already got it right there)

5 times.

3. What kind of drink did I try that I have never had before? (25 points – It isn’t one of the specialty cocktails)

A new beer....I really have no clue.

4. Will I see a fireworks show tonight? (5 points)
4a. If so, which one? (5 points)

Hmm, I'm torn. You're staying at Pop, so you could easily have seen IllumiNations, but you mentioned the Boardwalk...so I'm gonna go with the Star Wars Fireworks. (Symphony in the Sky, I think it's called.)

5. How many minutes will I spend waiting for Disney Transportation (5 bus rides, 1 monorail ride) this afternoon/evening? (points awarded based on how close you are to correct answer)

1 hour 15 minutes

6. I visited 4 of the 5 EPCOT area resorts. 3 of them are resorts that I’ve never stepped foot inside before. (4 points each, -3 for each wrong answer!)
6a. Which 3 did I visit for the first time?
6b. Which 1 have I still never been in?
6c. Which 1 did I make a return visit to?

You're making me wish I'd paid closer attention to your past reports. :rotfl2:
a)Yacht Club, Boardwalk, and...I'm only guessing two.
6) Yacht Club?
c) Beach Club?

7. What did the bus driver tell us? (25 points if you’re right, 1 point for trying. Bonus points for creative answers or even being close to right)

Bad news, because of marathon weekend all the roads were being closed and traffic was being diverted. So if you were staying at Pop and needed to leave in the morning, you'd have to go move your car to Art.

I just wanted to let you all know that the update will definitely not be posted today, so you've got all weekend.

To do what???

I don't want to get into specifics, but if you're so inclined to say a prayer for our family, it would be much appreciated.

Hmmm... Shan't pry. You'll tell us if you feel like it.
But consider it done.
Hey everyone

I just wanted to let you all know that the update will definitely not be posted today, so you've got all weekend. I might try to catch up on everyone else's updates and do some replies later, but I'm really not feeling it right now. I don't want to get into specifics, but if you're so inclined to say a prayer for our family, it would be much appreciated.

Andy, I hope everything turns out okay for you guys. I will definitely have you in my prayers.
Please keep us updated when you have more information that you're ready to share.
I hope whatever is going on is resolved in the best manner possible. You're in my thoughts.
May the detriments be minor.
May the best answers be found quickly.
May you all know the calm of resilience.
Hey everyone

I just wanted to let you all know that the update will definitely not be posted today, so you've got all weekend. I might try to catch up on everyone else's updates and do some replies later, but I'm really not feeling it right now. I don't want to get into specifics, but if you're so inclined to say a prayer for our family, it would be much appreciated.

Prayers sent your way.
Hey everyone

I just wanted to let you all know that the update will definitely not be posted today, so you've got all weekend. I might try to catch up on everyone else's updates and do some replies later, but I'm really not feeling it right now. I don't want to get into specifics, but if you're so inclined to say a prayer for our family, it would be much appreciated.
So sorry to hear that. Prayers and good thoughts for you and your family.
Hey everyone

I just wanted to let you all know that the update will definitely not be posted today, so you've got all weekend. I might try to catch up on everyone else's updates and do some replies later, but I'm really not feeling it right now. I don't want to get into specifics, but if you're so inclined to say a prayer for our family, it would be much appreciated.

Got it. We're praying for you guys. Long way to go yet.


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