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It will continue to be a problem until Disney chooses to do something about it consistently. CMs aren't going to be confrontational and generally are too busy to alert management/security for something like that. In the last few years I have witnessed several incidences of behavior that "isn't allowed" that a CM asked a guest to rectify, and the guest either flat out ignored it or told the CM "No." This includes smoking in lines and bathrooms, vaping, drinking by the pool, and general things that are in place to keep attractions running smoothly (i.e., line progression, seating). Guest behavior is certainly not improving, and as Disney's prices increase the entitlement behavior will continue and escalate.

When did that become a rule? I know they don't let you have glass bottles (alcohol or non alcohol) but they have pool bars that sell you the drinks right there. In fact some of the pools have bar runners now. I am not a pool person but by some chance I am sitting by a pool, chances are good that I will have a drink as long as I'm not responsible for child watching at the time.
When did that become a rule? I know they don't let you have glass bottles (alcohol or non alcohol) but they have pool bars that sell you the drinks right there. In fact some of the pools have bar runners now. I am not a pool person but by some chance I am sitting by a pool, chances are good that I will have a drink as long as I'm not responsible for child watching at the time.

I guess you are not supposed to be "in" the pool with drinks? Two women were sitting on the edge of the pool (legs in) with their drinks. A CM approached them and said, sorry but you can't have your drinks at the pool, you'll have to take them to a lounge chair or table. And they said no, we want to sit here so that's what we are going to do. So they stayed, he left, and that was the end of that.
That makes sense. I can't remember if there is a NO Food or Drinks in the Pool on the posted rules, but they probably should have some kind of Food and Drink in designated areas rule, then the CM could have referred back to the posted rules and followed up on it. Ambiguous rules are how people can get away with a ton of crap behavior.
I guess you are not supposed to be "in" the pool with drinks? Two women were sitting on the edge of the pool (legs in) with their drinks. A CM approached them and said, sorry but you can't have your drinks at the pool, you'll have to take them to a lounge chair or table. And they said no, we want to sit here so that's what we are going to do. So they stayed, he left, and that was the end of that.
And that's the problem. If the CM were a lifeguard, they would more likely listen to him then? And if the CM actually were a lifeguard, he should've gone for his Pool Manager to remove them or revoke their pool privileges. They need to continue to enforce the rules or people will do whatever they please.
We haven't encountered this yet, hopefully it's not too common an occurence. I guess CMs don't usually do anything without complaints, so complaining is sometimes necessary. As a non-smoker I'm always offended how people who don't care about their health also don't care about the health of those around them
As a non-smoker with pretty severe allergic reactions to smoke, I still totally support designated smoking areas for those who smoke...I just hate where they're situated at POP. All along the main walking paths and by the lake. Every time I go out for a stroll or jog, I travel through clouds of smoke and end up hacking and coughing badly for at least an hour afterwards. I've written to WDW about it...asking if maybe the smoking areas could be situated a bit off the main walking paths - they responded with a form letter saying they'd fwd my note to the hotel - which I somehow doubt they did...never heard back despite several follow ups.
Uh they actually have CM's deliver drinks at the POR pools. There's even a snack truck that goes the quiet pools in September when we were there.
Suggesting that drinking at the pool shouldn't be allowed is absurd. At the really nice hotels, people take their $20 drinks in the pool with them. It's part of the pool experience. What really bothers me is when people allow their little kids to go in the hot tub. You know they pee immediately. It's worse when the tots are in there smoking and drinking!
Suggesting that drinking at the pool shouldn't be allowed is absurd. At the really nice hotels, people take their $20 drinks in the pool with them. It's part of the pool experience.

Aaaaand....that's probably exactly what those women were thinking. But, if you want to hold your drink in the pool or at the edge of the pool, feel free to go to the Four Seasons or the Ritz Carlton to do so. Disney has a different rule and different standard of what constitutes a "really nice hotel." Whether you or I agree with it is utterly meaningless. Regardless, essentially telling an adult who probably makes close to minimum wage and is just doing their job that you'll do what you damn well please is very disrepectful.
Hmm. Growing up with smokers I am MORE annoyed at it. But I am currently right now at this moment awake (pacific time usual late riser) bc I'm dealing with an asthma attack bc my lungs were damaged by my parents' habits. Mom was asthmatic from birth (her dad smoked all over her) so I'm not sure what she was thinking taking it up at 15. At least she stopped at 35 after a massive asthma attack made her realize we would go to our dad if she died. Dad is now asthmatic. It makes me angry that my lungs are damaged bc of it. And I cannot comprehend why there are ANY smokers younger than 50. Why anyone would start, given what we have known for so long now, boggles my mind.

So we definitely have opposite annoyances. Bad words are, after all, just words.

Neither are good, but last time I saw a little kid start to cry because the father was sweating at the mother. Psychological damage matters too.
Aaaaand....that's probably exactly what those women were thinking. But, if you want to hold your drink in the pool or at the edge of the pool, feel free to go to the Four Seasons or the Ritz Carlton to do so. Disney has a different rule and different standard of what constitutes a "really nice hotel." Whether you or I agree with it is utterly meaningless. Regardless, essentially telling an adult who probably makes close to minimum wage and is just doing their job that you'll do what you damn well please is very disrepectful.

We've never been told we couldn't put our feet in the pool and hold our drinks. Is there a posted rule to that? I would never get into a pool with a drink but soaking my feet while I hold my drink is no big deal. If I was told to move I would but I just don't get what is so scandalous about it.
Folks smoking is one of those hot button topics that those on either side will have differing views.

So far the discussion has been respectful and consequently the discussion is allowed, as long as it stays on topic for TPAS.
However anyone who over steps the mark will get their just deserves :)
I guess we have been lucky. I never noticed anyone smoking outside of the designated areas. When we stayed at CSR there was a smoking bench close to our room, but we never once smelled it. Shucks I'm just happy to be at Disney, something that minor wouldn't bug me. Now, the long line for Everest, THAT bugs me.. Lol ;)
Another asthmatic non-smoker here and in my everyday life I often go out of my way to avoid smokers (e.g. Walk the long way around). I think this is why I like Disney so much, they are pretty good at limiting smoking, especially compared to some parts of the world where it is so prevalent that I have come away from trips quite ill. I do however think Disney needs to signpost its smoking sections much more clearly. Often I am walking through one by the time I realise it is there and have already inhaled some smoke. If they had much bigger signs as you enter the area then people like me could choose which way to go more easily and not have so much trouble remembering where the smoking areas are. I have been on a few cruises and would like the same there. The ash trays on the table are pretty much the only way to tell and I have to try to remember which side of the ship to walk down etc. I have seen good signage in one city where an office block erected signage near the large ash trays they put out basically warning people that it is a smoking area. Very helpful.
It is common knowledge nowadays that smoking in public areas is prohibited. Smokers have been relegated to their special sections. Smoking in public areas at Disney is especially wrong, and they all know it. It's like their addicted or something.
I haven't seen much smoking at Disney outside the DSAs, just one guy as I was leaving Epcot in the crush of humanity last time. I do notice a lot of vapers though, and while I don't find it bothers me as much as smoking, they are still supposed to do it in the DSAs only. I think they may not know that because it isn't well advertised.
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My system (library) just recently included ecigs/vapes in our alcohol and tobacco policy. For the longest time they did not because so many of them don't actually use tobacco. But in the end people are often bothered by the scents as much as by tobacco.

Someone correct me if I am wrong but I believe Disney requests (Disney only requests, doesn't say NO!) that ecigs and vapes are only consumed in a designated smoking area.
It is common knowledge nowadays that smoking in public areas is prohibited. Smokers have been relegated to their special sections. Smoking in public areas at Disney is especially wrong, and they all know it. It's like their addicted or something.
Disney has a lot of non American visitors. Smoking wherever and whenever is the norm for them. For some reason, that way of thinking follows them to a foreign country.
I agree ecigs are used so much at Disney (and anywhere for that matter) in inappropriate places. We have a guy at my office who uses one in the office even though cigarettes indoors are illegal in NYC. I ask my office manager and he said he hadn't done anything because he wasn't sure if it was illegal or not.

The vaping laws are changing fast. One reason is that vapor pens can be easily used to get high. Plus, it's rude to blow a big cloud of vapor into someone else's face. Or Anna and Elsa's face! It won't be long until vaporizers will only be allowed in the designated smoking areas of Disney.
Disney has a lot of non American visitors. Smoking wherever and whenever is the norm for them. For some reason, that way of thinking follows them to a foreign country.

I don't think this generalisation is correct.

Many parts of Europe have banned smoking from bars, public buildings and other places.

England now has banned folks from smoking in their private cars if there are under 18 year olds present. Scotland is currently considering this option.

Many business/public places now ban smoking even outside in their parking lots. Hospitals are such a place that staff and patients have to stand outside of the footprint of the site to smoke.

It would be like having a cigarette at Crossroads before entering Disney property.

Please note I am not posting this so we can debates the rights and wrongs of these conditions. Rather that there is a change in circumstances that depending on whether you sit as a non-smoker or smoker you will interpretive the narrative a particular way.
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