Aren't Graduations Grand! - May 2015 TR (New 10/30 - MK and California Grill)



She was completely and totally baffled followed by complete shock. Total win!
Great job pulling that off! :thumbsup2

It turns out that being a theatre major can in fact be useful later in life! :thumbsup2
:rotfl2: That's awesome!

:car: (Where is a flying broomstick smilie when you need it?!)
Here you go:

Anika? Not so much. She’s a somewhat shy person until she gets to know you – she’s always nice, just quiet. The thought of making plans to meet strangers was not at all appealing to her. Add in the fact that these were strangers that I knew from the Internet? Anika was not buying into this DISmeet business. She thought I had lost my mind. :rolleyes:
I think a lot of DIS-family members feel that way, from what I've gathered. I'm lucky that Dug has always been onboard with it, but he also occasionally posts here, so he feels a bit more involved and knows we are all cool. :goodvibes

After chatting with Tracy for quite some time (I think it was almost an hour?) we finally parted ways. It was so delightful talking with Tracy that I didn’t even realize so much time had passed until I glanced at my watch. It was like meeting a long, lost friend that I’d known for years (instead of weeks!). She was such a nice woman and was the perfect first DISmeet, especially for my somewhat nervous sister. Thank you DISboards for making it possible! :goodvibes
I second everything about Tracy! She's a blast to hang out with and I spent a fair amount of time with her, as if we'd known each other for a very long time! Glad you got to meet each other!

Do you see the wooden posts on the left side of the picture? You can spot River Country on your way from the Wilderness Lodge to Fort Wilderness on your right (and the opposite side on your way back). Anika didn’t care much about it, but I was amused!
Dug and I once ended up watching YouTube videos from a girl that snuck into River Country and explored. Pretty interesting stuff.
Loving your TR so far!!

Thanks, Kathy!

Isn't that just the best? Though it does make it so easy to spend money...

Yes!... and yes! :laughing: As much as people seemed to complain about them at the beginning, I really liked them and thought they made things much easier.

I'm not sure if they are the same, but they had house made chips at POFQ too and I loved them!

I would like they're similar. Who knew I would end up loving chips?!

Such a fun show!

You'll have to stay tuned to see what we thought. ;)

Sounds like something my family would say.

::yes:: I think that's the feeling of a lot of DIS-families (those not on the boards).

! I'm the same way... Too much to see and do!

There is a day on the trip where I cave to the nap... you'll see why.

You were totally sitting next to her staring at her in a stalker-ish way while she was sleeping, weren't you?

What?! No! I would never do such a thing!


(I feel as though my DIS friends know me FAR to well! :laughing: )

Because who doesn't want to wake up to a camera in their face?

To be fair, I waited until she was awake before I broke out the camera. :-)

:thumbsup2 Well done! I'm glad it was a success!

I really, truly surprised her. It was great!!!


Hey, I have to validate my education somehow, right? ;)

I might have to give them a chance. I've seen the first movie... I thought it was alright, but it didn't exactly make me turn around and watch the rest. I do enjoy reading though so I might have to download a book or 2 and give it a chance.

I'm so excited that you're going to give the first book a chance! I think you'll enjoy it more than you think!

Sorry, this is a Disney board.


I know the feeling. I think I'll finally pull a Dismeet off in January.

YAY! :woohoo: They're so much fun!

Yeah... I could never do a Dismeet with the family.

Possibly not, but if Anika is any indication, they might take it better than you'd think.

It took months of planning and coordination. :rolleyes1


Either that, or shear dumb luck! :laughing:

::yes:: That would be so hard to do! I always want to get into the parks as soon as possible!

But it looks like you have fun plans for the evening. I'm looking forward to seeing how you enjoy Hoop Dee Doo.

It was a bit of a struggle, honestly, but I was really looking forward to seeing Hoop Dee Doo!

:laughing: That title alone made me laugh!

It appears I picked a great title this time! :goodvibes

Seems fair.

::yes:: I'm nothing if not fair. ;)

I was rather impressed!

At first I was a little shocked. Can't sleep at Disney?!?!? Everyone sleeps good at Disney!
Then I read the rest.

It's a good thing I can sleep most of the time at Disney - it's exhausting enough WITH sleep! :laughing:

I've never seen her on TV in the room.
I don't turn the TV on at Disney.
I'm either in the park, planning my park attack, or sleeping.

Wow, I'm impressed with your resolve! To be honest, it's rare that we sit down and really "watch" Stacy. More often than not it's turned on while we're getting ready in the morning, etc., so it's more background commentary than actual watching.

I was amused. :goodvibes

::yes:: Although I did very little of it... I did do some.

I love wandering around the Disney resorts if I have the time. They're so well done!

:laughing: I picture you sitting there getting more and more excited by the second.

Yep, that's pretty much it!

Darn. At work. Gotta watch it when I'm home.

I see in a later post that you were able to catch it later...

Okay! Okay! I'm convinced!

I'm not entirely sure I've seen the last movie or not.
But you're right. As in all things, the movie can't compare to the book.

Although The Martian did a really good job.

I just bought The Martian (the book) as it was recommended by a friend. I'd love to see the movie, but I'd really like to read the book first!

:laughing: Most women I know would not be happy if they were associated with riding on a broomstick.


I'm a very unique woman. :laughing: Thanks for the smilie!

Those lanyards were brilliant. I'm so glad that I bought them! (And it really helped Anika figure out the surprise, so that worked well!)

It had to come in handy sooner or later!

What?!?!?!?!? You met... TRACY??!???!???!?

Sooooooo lucky!!

Yes, I did! She was absolutely fabulous!

A beautiful picture of two beautiful women.

Oh, thank you! :blush:

I'd love to. Maybe someday... maybe someday.

It could always happen someday. :goodvibes

I never have time to just lounge like that.
Trips are too short, too full.

I really tried to take advantage of our longer trip and include more "lounging" time. I was much better at it during the first part of the trip!

It's just the best! We didn't have your good luck of mega-short waits, though!

I seriously doubt I could do that!

It was TOUGH, but as I knew we had 10 Disney park days on our horizon, we powered through!

Good catch!


:laughing: The evil that is Disney.

Evil, perhaps... or brilliance! :rotfl2:

Oh, I know.
I was visited by an Olaf and Elsa or two on Halloween.

I even had four friends that dressed up as Frozen characters at our Halloween party - they were Elsa, Anna, Olaf, and Sven. It's never going away! :laughing:

I finally saw the video!!

And it's awesome!! :goodvibes
I loved her reaction!

I was SO EXCITED by her reaction! She was truly surprised and I pulled it off! :woohoo:
"We're going to meet a stranger from the internet?!" :laughing::rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: This cracked me up when you first mentioned it in May but it's STILL funny!!!!!!!!!!

Awww, the big reveal was SO amazing!!! :thumbsup2

I can't thank you both enough for our fabulous Dismeet, and all the kind things you said. I had such a wonderful time with you two and felt so honored that you spent part of your arrival day with me. :goodvibes It really did feel like we'd known each other for years. :hug: You both are SUCH lovely ladies. :goodvibes

So excited to see how the rest of your day was!

It appears from the comments that several people thought it was funny! :rotfl: I know you have to be safe and all, but sometimes meeting "strangers" from the Internet works out just fine!

Thank you! I was so pleased at how well it worked! I wasn't sure that I'd done enough to convince her that we weren't going to Universal - it seems that I had! :thumbsup2

You're so very welcome! It was such a joy to meet you and I'm glad it worked out so easily to meet up! You really were the perfect first DISmeet for Anika - she was much less concerned about our DISmeet the following day after meeting you. Thanks so much for that!

It was wonderful to meet and talk to you. Thanks so much for being an awesome first DISmeet for me, too! :hug:

Stay tuned for our thoughts on Hoop Dee Doo!

I loved Anika's reveal. You can tell what a surprise it was for her. Your DISmeet sounds like it was so much fun. It's nice to talk with another Disney fan. I'm looking forward to your Hoop de do Revue, review.:lmao:

Thank you! I was so excited about how surprised she was!

It was SO much fun and I highly recommend them! Tracy was wonderful!

A revue review ( :laughing: ) will be coming up!

Loving everything so far, especially the video reveals. Your sister is too cute with her reactions :cutie:

Art of Animation is such a beautiful resort, on our trip last year we stopped by to check out Lanscape of Flavours. Next time you should try create your own pasta, it's delish.

Oh and having the third Harry Potter book as your fab is not unusual as its my favourite one too :-)

Looking forward to reading more

:welcome: Stefy! Thanks so much for joining!

I had fun with the video reveals. I've never had a chance to plan a trip with so many surprise and I really enjoyed it!

It is a GORGEOUS resort! If the create-your-own pasta is anything like Riverside's, I'm sure I'd love it!

I'm glad I'm not alone! Book three is totally awesome! :thumbsup2

More will be coming up!

Great job pulling that off! :thumbsup2

Thanks! It worked out even better than I'd imagined! :thumbsup2

:rotfl2: That's awesome!

::yes:: It's good to know that a liberal arts education has value! :laughing:

Here you go:

YAY! I knew you'd have a smilie for me! :yay:

I think a lot of DIS-family members feel that way, from what I've gathered. I'm lucky that Dug has always been onboard with it, but he also occasionally posts here, so he feels a bit more involved and knows we are all cool. :goodvibes

Being on the boards helps, I'm sure. I think once people have experienced a few DISmeets, it takes away some of the oddity.

I second everything about Tracy! She's a blast to hang out with and I spent a fair amount of time with her, as if we'd known each other for a very long time! Glad you got to meet each other!

I think she has that way about her - she seemed just like a long-lost friend instead of a stranger. I'm glad you got a chance to meet her, too!

Dug and I once ended up watching YouTube videos from a girl that snuck into River Country and explored. Pretty interesting stuff.

I've seen those, myself. They're pretty darn interesting!
Well, I'll Be... A New Ticker!

My apologies for the long time between posts - I had great intentions but ended up having a CRAZY week last week!

First, I have a mouse loose in my house (welcome to the change of seasons in the Midwest!). My attempts to catch him were not working and he wasn't coming out of wherever he was hiding, so I spent my weekend cleaning out my pantry, throwing out opened packages, and packing everything else into lidded plastic bins. I even bagged my toaster and threw that on a high shelf in the garage. Still no additional mouse sightings (trap or otherwise), but I'm hopeful he'll be caught soon. (I may like Mickey and Minnie, but I'm not fond of the real thing!) :scared:

Second, the hotel I stayed in last week had BEDBUGS in it. :crazy2: That led me to checking out of that hotel at midnight in the middle of last week and moving to another hotel in town. I bagged every item upon my return home and have been working through washing, drying, and cleaning absolutely everything before it's back in place in my house. Thankfully I was driving a rental car, so my car wasn't involved! I'm nearly done with that process, thank goodness. I may have gone a bit overboard, but I'm willing to do anything to keep those little monsters out of my house! :mad:

The final blow of my week was we had to put the family dog to sleep last Saturday. With my crazy travel schedule and long hours I'm not able to have a dog, so my parents' dog was my dog as well. I know many people say this, but he was absolutely the best dog ever - smart, caring, and a wonderful companion and friend. I may not have lived there, but that dog KNEW I was part of the family and was always completely overjoyed to see me. When my mom would say that Jenny was coming, that dog would sit and wait at the window for HOURS until he spotted my car. He lived a full and joyful ten years, which is a lot for a large dog, but that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye. :sad1:

Here's a picture of my dear, sweet friend, Biscuit. If any of you are looking for a fantastic dog, I highly, highly recommend a Goldendoodle. They're the most wonderful dogs. :lovestruc


Onto happy news! As you can see from new my ticker below, I've booked my 2016 trip!


After reading about so many wonderful solo trips, I decided it was about time I tried one myself! As my usual travel companion would be in school until late May, I decided to take advantage of the somewhat lower crowds and slightly cooler weather by booking a trip at the end of April. As an added bonus, it would be my first time experiencing Epcot's Flower and Garden Festival (and the food booths that go along with it!).


I can't wait to see all of these fabulous topiaries... IN PERSON! :yay:

You may notice that the ticker reads "our" first time at Flower and Garden - I'm taking a travel companion with me, after all! My mom has decided to join me on this Disney trip and she's looking forward to lots of poolside lounging and great meals. She has a pretty challenging auto-immune disease so hours of park-hopping are not in the cards for her, but she's hoping to join me for a few mornings and evenings. She's most excited about eating at some of the restaurants that Anika and I have talked about for the past few years!

I think this will be the best of both worlds - lots of solo park time with a dinner companion at night! I'm really looking forward to this trip and think we'll both have a really good time. I waited until nearly the last minute to book the trip so it was a bit of a scramble to plan our ADRs - I'm happy to report that I was very successful and we have great experiences in store! I had so much fun with my PTR for this trip that I may put one together for my upcoming trip as well - especially if it allows me the chance to have a few more DISmeets!

We'll return to our regularly scheduled programing this weekend and I look forward to telling you all about our experience at the Hoop Dee Doo Revue!
Here's a picture of my dear, sweet friend, Biscuit.

OMG I'm almost in tears. I'm so sorry!! I'm a dog lover so I can only imagine how hard this must be. What a beautiful and loyal dog too. So sorry for your loss.

lots of solo park time with a dinner companion at night!

This sounds like my absolute dream vacation because I don't like eating at TS restaurants alone, but would easily do parks alone - this sounds just perfect!!
First let me say how sorry I am that your dog passed. They are definitely members of our family and I know will be sadly missed. Second, if you've never been to EPCOT for the Flower and Garden Festival you are in for such a treat. It's my favorite time to visit. Pictures just don't do it justice.
I'm sorry the past few weeks have been so rough for you. That's great news about your upcoming trip however. I think that will be the perfect balance between solo and having someone to be there with you sometimes.
First, I have a mouse loose in my house (welcome to the change of seasons in the Midwest!)
Oh yuck. I hate that.

And I'm taking this as a mental note to remember to check and restock my bait stations this weekend.

I just try to be nice and make sure they stay fed outside so they don't want to come into the house to look for food. And if what I give them to eat happens to be a little poisonous... :rolleyes1

Second, the hotel I stayed in last week had BEDBUGS in it. :crazy2: That led me to checking out of that hotel at midnight in the middle of last week and moving to another hotel in town. I bagged every item upon my return home and have been working through washing, drying, and cleaning absolutely everything before it's back in place in my house. Thankfully I was driving a rental car, so my car wasn't involved! I'm nearly done with that process, thank goodness. I may have gone a bit overboard, but I'm willing to do anything to keep those little monsters out of my house! :mad:
Oh no! That's awful! I don't think you went overboard at all, you definitely don't want to introduce them to your house! I'm just glad that you managed to catch it so that you could take precautions.

The final blow of my week was we had to put the family dog to sleep last Saturday. With my crazy travel schedule and long hours I'm not able to have a dog, so my parents' dog was my dog as well. I know many people say this, but he was absolutely the best dog ever - smart, caring, and a wonderful companion and friend. I may not have lived there, but that dog KNEW I was part of the family and was always completely overjoyed to see me. When my mom would say that Jenny was coming, that dog would sit and wait at the window for HOURS until he spotted my car. He lived a full and joyful ten years, which is a lot for a large dog, but that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye. :sad1:
Sorry to hear this. It is never easy to lose a pet.

Onto happy news! As you can see from new my ticker below, I've booked my 2016 trip!

After reading about so many wonderful solo trips, I decided it was about time I tried one myself! As my usual travel companion would be in school until late May, I decided to take advantage of the somewhat lower crowds and slightly cooler weather by booking a trip at the end of April. As an added bonus, it would be my first time experiencing Epcot's Flower and Garden Festival (and the food booths that go along with it!).
This trip should be a lot of fun! I'm really happy for you. It will definitely be nice to have your mom there do have some meals and do some things with, but I'm sure you'll have a blast getting some solo park time.
I am so sorry that you have had such a rough week!

{{HUGS}} to you and your family. Losing a fur baby is extremely difficult. It is especially hard with large dogs since their life span is so short. (too short for me at least!)

I am glad you have a new ticker to make you happy! I am looking forward to when my son is finally out of college (Dec 2016) so I can have him back for a WDW travel companion.

Take care!

First, I have a mouse loose in my house (welcome to the change of seasons in the Midwest!). My attempts to catch him were not working and he wasn't coming out of wherever he was hiding, so I spent my weekend cleaning out my pantry, throwing out opened packages, and packing everything else into lidded plastic bins. I even bagged my toaster and threw that on a high shelf in the garage. Still no additional mouse sightings (trap or otherwise), but I'm hopeful he'll be caught soon. (I may like Mickey and Minnie, but I'm not fond of the real thing!) :scared:

Second, the hotel I stayed in last week had BEDBUGS in it. :crazy2: That led me to checking out of that hotel at midnight in the middle of last week and moving to another hotel in town. I bagged every item upon my return home and have been working through washing, drying, and cleaning absolutely everything before it's back in place in my house. Thankfully I was driving a rental car, so my car wasn't involved! I'm nearly done with that process, thank goodness. I may have gone a bit overboard, but I'm willing to do anything to keep those little monsters out of my house! :mad:

What a stressful time! You seemed to have handled it much better than I would... Hope you get rid of all your pests!

The final blow of my week was we had to put the family dog to sleep last Saturday. With my crazy travel schedule and long hours I'm not able to have a dog, so my parents' dog was my dog as well. I know many people say this, but he was absolutely the best dog ever - smart, caring, and a wonderful companion and friend. I may not have lived there, but that dog KNEW I was part of the family and was always completely overjoyed to see me. When my mom would say that Jenny was coming, that dog would sit and wait at the window for HOURS until he spotted my car. He lived a full and joyful ten years, which is a lot for a large dog, but that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye. :sad1:

Here's a picture of my dear, sweet friend, Biscuit. If any of you are looking for a fantastic dog, I highly, highly recommend a Goldendoodle. They're the most wonderful dogs. :lovestruc


That's awful awful news, I'm so sorry. What an absolutely gorgeous boy, and looks so happy :flower3:
I was there a couple of years ago, we lost our first dog in Feb 2013, he was just 4 years old and he got leukemia :sad2: what a cruel, cruel world. After some treatment we had to choose the unselfish route and put him to sleep. I was devastated, and I cried for like a week. And on and off for the next month or so, as did my Mother.
Only some people understand how dogs are true family members, and I am one of those people! I understand your sadness, and I'm so so sorry! :hug:

I've booked my 2016 trip!


What an awesome way to feel better after a terrible week! I'm so excited for you!

Let us know if you get a PTR going, I'd love to hear about your plans :goodvibes
First, I'm so sorry about your dog. :hug: It's never easy, ever.

But so exciting that you have a new ticker!! I love getting a new ticker! Going during flower and garden is on my bucket list, maybe in 2017...:scratchin

I don't comment often but I've really been enjoying your TR. How cool that your Mom is going with you on your next trip. Sounds like you get the best of both worlds, solo touring time and a dinner companion! I think for me eating alone, especially dinner would be hard. Hope your next week is better!
My apologies for the long time between posts - I had great intentions but ended up having a CRAZY week last week!

That's okay. Life sometimes gets in the way. We get it.

First, I have a mouse loose in my house

At first I read that as you had a "Moose loose in the hoose".

Maybe I'm tired.


(I may like Mickey and Minnie, but I'm not fond of the real thing!) :scared:

Agreed. Whimsical character versus disgusting, home wrecking vermin.

Second, the hotel I stayed in last week had BEDBUGS in it. :crazy2:

Ugh! No!

I may have gone a bit overboard

No. No you did not.

The final blow of my week was we had to put the family dog to sleep last Saturday.

Ohhhhh.... Jenny, I'm so, so sorry to hear this.

I know many people say this, but he was absolutely the best dog ever - smart, caring, and a wonderful companion and friend. I may not have lived there, but that dog KNEW I was part of the family and was always completely overjoyed to see me. When my mom would say that Jenny was coming, that dog would sit and wait at the window for HOURS until he spotted my car.

He sounds like a wonderful pup.

He lived a full and joyful ten years, which is a lot for a large dog, but that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye. :sad1:

:hug: So sorry for your loss.

Onto happy news! As you can see from new my ticker below, I've booked my 2016 trip!


You may notice that the ticker reads "our" first time at Flower and Garden - I'm taking a travel companion with me, after all!

A non-solo, solo trip....
Make sure you take in some Star Wars activities so you can have a Han Solo, non-solo, solo trip.
And when it's over you can say "So long, Han Solo, non-solo, solo trip so now I feel so low."

Yep. Definitely tired.

she's hoping to join me for a few mornings and evenings. She's most excited about eating at some of the restaurants that Anika and I have talked about for the past few years!

That's great!

I think this will be the best of both worlds - lots of solo park time with a dinner companion at night!

Agreed! I loved the solo part and being able to do my own thing... but it did get lonely in the evening when I was winding down and wanting to share with someone.

I had so much fun with my PTR for this trip that I may put one together for my upcoming trip as well - especially if it allows me the chance to have a few more DISmeets!

Ah ha! You're starting to sound like me!
"I wonder if I can book a trip since _________ (fill in DIS friend's name. Maybe yours.) will be there then?"
So sorry about the rough week you've been having and especially for the loss of your fur baby. :hug:

But how exciting that you have another trip planned! Sounds great to have the solo time, but also your mom to have dinner with. :thumbsup2 Look forward to hearing all about it!
Sorry to hear about Biscuit, but it sounds like he had a wonderful life with you and you have lots of memories to look back on and remember him by :)

Jeepers re your creepers! Hope you have the mouse situation sorted soon, I had a mouse once wake me up with his scurrying in the night and then made a mad dash across a plastic bag which scared the cr@p out of me :scared: not fun!

Awesome news re your upcoming trip. Flower and Garden festival looks like a fun time to go, Epcot always looks so pretty in bloom and you get to try all the cool food booths as well :cutie:

Usually our church ends Sunday services with the preacher saying, "Be a blessing to someone today." And I always say to my son James, "Ooo, ooo, pick me! Pick me! Be a blessing to me!" :laughing:

I’ve been on the boards since 2011. I’ve read many fabulous trip reports and have always been amazed by how many people seemed to meet in-person after “meeting” on the boards. It was something I’d always wanted to do but not yet had the opportunity. As my luck would have it, several DISers were planning trips in May and I was finally going to be able to meet a few of them. I was SUPER EXCITED!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay:

Anika? Not so much. She’s a somewhat shy person until she gets to know you – she’s always nice, just quiet. The thought of making plans to meet strangers was not at all appealing to her. Add in the fact that these were strangers that I knew from the Internet? Anika was not buying into this DISmeet business. She thought I had lost my mind. :rolleyes:

Yes, even after several of these my family is still a little wary. But it's only natural since they have zero connection to these people, and they aren't on the Boards to realize how much we do learn about one another on here. (Which in a way, may be a good thing!)

Up Next: The Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue

Looking forward to hearing what you thought about it.

Second, the hotel I stayed in last week had BEDBUGS in it. :crazy2: That led me to checking out of that hotel at midnight in the middle of last week and moving to another hotel in town. I bagged every item upon my return home and have been working through washing, drying, and cleaning absolutely everything before it's back in place in my house. Thankfully I was driving a rental car, so my car wasn't involved! I'm nearly done with that process, thank goodness. I may have gone a bit overboard, but I'm willing to do anything to keep those little monsters out of my house! :mad:

Yikes. Makes me think of lice. Don't ask me why. (But I was veeery close to shaving a little girls' head one day, probably a little more than 10 years ago.)

Here's a picture of my dear, sweet friend, Biscuit. If any of you are looking for a fantastic dog, I highly, highly recommend a Goldendoodle. They're the most wonderful dogs. :lovestruc

Aw, I'm so sorry to hear about Biscuit. It's always very difficult losing a much-loved pet.

Onto happy news! As you can see from new my ticker below, I've booked my 2016 trip!

Yay! Congrats. I'm glad your mom can travel with you. I'm sure you'll have some great bonding time.
So sorry to hear about your hard week. I do not think you went overboard with the bed bugs. I would have done the same thing. I hope you catch that mouse. I'm so sorry about your precious dog Biscut. He is a beautiful dog. It's so exciting that you are planning another trip. I'd love to read a ptr. I hope this week goes better for you.
Oh no I'm so sorry about Biscuit! :( He looks so cute and very happy in that picture! Very sorry for your loss and hope your family is doing ok.

Aaack mice and bedbugs! I have an irrational fear of both. Sorry you had to go through that too. Wow what a crazy week!

Yay on the new ticker!!! So excited you'll be there for F and G too! It's really quite amazing to see the topiaries in person. I think you and your mom will have a wonderful time especially eating at all the restaurants and food kiosks! I like how you'll have some solo time too! Sounds like the best of both worlds!

Loved your sister's reaction to the big reveal! So excited you're going to Universal!! I can't wait to see what the new HP area looks like!

Aww Tracy!! Hi Tracy!! She indeed feels like a long lost friend! :)
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I'm sorry to hear about your pup. I know how it is to lose pets. But on a happier note I LOVE your Trip Report! I can't wait to read more!
I have joined in for the adventure and am all caught up! I love the idea of all the surprises for your sister! And her reactions are great, it is awesome that you were able to catch them on video!

Travel days are always super tiring! I'm glad you got to go over to AoA to explore. We stayed there in October and it was a great time!


It was going to be our first visit to the legendary Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue!

OH MY GOODNESS!!! HOOP - DEE - DOO!!! That is on the top of my Disney Dining bucket list. I cannot wait to hear about your experience!

Onto happy news! As you can see from new my ticker below, I've booked my 2016 trip!

YAY!!! We may be going in May 2016 as well! I really want to experience F&G and see all the amazing topiaries.

The final blow of my week was we had to put the family dog to sleep last Saturday. With my crazy travel schedule and long hours I'm not able to have a dog, so my parents' dog was my dog as well. I know many people say this, but he was absolutely the best dog ever - smart, caring, and a wonderful companion and friend. I may not have lived there, but that dog KNEW I was part of the family and was always completely overjoyed to see me. When my mom would say that Jenny was coming, that dog would sit and wait at the window for HOURS until he spotted my car. He lived a full and joyful ten years, which is a lot for a large dog, but that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye. :sad1:

I am so very sorry about your family dog Biscuit. It is never easy to say goodbye to someone who has been in your family for a long time.
Stay tuned for our thoughts on Hoop Dee Doo!

A revue review ( :laughing: ) will be coming up!

I'm still staying tuned for that review of the revue! :duck:

Hopefully everything is okay with you! I've just found your reviews and have been reading them all weekend. I would love to see more in the future. I'm excited to see Anika's reaction to the Grand Floridian!


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