So with me just being nosey but we were at the Beach Club CL , and during the 5-7 rush per say they use to have there mini fridge stocked with the beer and pop and stuff and well being 21 it was nice to take 2 bottles back to get them a little colder and to have for later when there is no CM to get me them, usally turn a 6 pack a night except for this trip. and I am wondering if this became normal at the other CL at the other resorts but since the Beach Club CL Lounge and Floor were updated they now have the beer and wine , I hate to say this but guarded per say by a CM who will ask for ID and will either pour you a glass of wine or beer or hand you the bottle of beer opened, which honestly sucks can't take any back to the room none the less leave it opened in the fridge. I have not heard of this happening anywhere else yet and we have a CM in the family who works the Front Desk and the CL at a different Deluxe resort and she was shock to hear that. But if not I will find out if is just the Beach Club or the Yacht Club as well as we check in in less than 2 weeks
So with me just being nosey but we were at the Beach Club CL , and during the 5-7 rush per say they use to have there mini fridge stocked with the beer and pop and stuff and well being 21 it was nice to take 2 bottles back to get them a little colder and to have for later when there is no CM to get me them, usally turn a 6 pack a night except for this trip. and I am wondering if this became normal at the other CL at the other resorts but since the Beach Club CL Lounge and Floor were updated they now have the beer and wine , I hate to say this but guarded per say by a CM who will ask for ID and will either pour you a glass of wine or beer or hand you the bottle of beer opened, which honestly sucks can't take any back to the room none the less leave it opened in the fridge. I have not heard of this happening anywhere else yet and we have a CM in the family who works the Front Desk and the CL at a different Deluxe resort and she was shock to hear that. But if not I will find out if is just the Beach Club or the Yacht Club as well as we check in in less than 2 weeks

I had read about this last year. I have always had good luck just asking for what I want so try telling them "please don't open the beer, I want to put in my room for later".

Good luck!
It's helpful to read about issues to prepare for a stay. When I read things that are less-than-positive from reliable posters, I really appreciate it because it helps me to manage expectations. Recognizing the issue here, I have much respect for everyone on this thread and hope this doesn't deter anyone from sticking with us!

We had a positive experience at AKL CL earlier this month, but those rooms are so tiny small! I remember Erika noting that a while ago - great lounge, small rooms - and I completely agree. I was on my own with our three boys and it was tight. So I do wonder if the AKL lounge gets more "hangers out" as a result of that - don't know. And the other reason it was positive is unique to me - I love wine and cheese. Great cheese selection at AKL earlier this month. Boo to cheese cubes at other resorts.

Love Poly, but knowing about some of the guest etiquette issues there helped me to manage expectations. So when I saw the over-served (but friendly) guy last year, it was humorous. Some of the same earlier this month, but nothing that bothered us. In fact, when a fellow guest took one of those huge chairs in the front and moved it directly in front of my castle view, I burst out laughing. Maybe it was because I was focused on the marathon and ready to get some sleep, or maybe it's because that was only one of five nights, but knowing that others experienced Poly etiquette issues certainly helped.

GF - just posted this on the GF thread . . . met some wonderful families, but also some guests who were (in my view) condescending/offensive to CMs. Took selves a bit seriously for a theme park vacation! Again, the overall positives of our stay outweigh that.

Nothing notable either way at CR, BC or BWI in terms of CL guest etiquette. Looking forward to our WL CL stay, and then need to try YC (we've stayed there in a GV room, but not CL yet - teens not on board with the YC theming.)

I could have not said this any better.
So in a nearly 12 month time frame I tried Cr TPV Atrium Club, RPC and SL at GF, Poly both Lagoon and GV CL, and OFC at WL.

I honestly can't say that any one was better than the other. They all have strengths and weaknesses. Here is a few notes.

FOOD: Of Course GF! RPC or SL with a nod to WL for their many offerings. :)

Lounge: This is tough! For relaxing atmosphere RPC or WL because you are spread out and not on top of others. For view Poly and CR with great views of castle and MK.:cloud9:

CM's:1st WL! 2nd tied CR and Poly and GF just is not as friendly. I feel like I have to do all the work.:rolleyes:

Theming: Tied WL and Poly for me.:hug:

Rooms: WL is by far the smallest. The others all work for me with extra twin bed . I think each has appropriate theming to match the resort.

Bath area: WL,GF have sinks separate from shower/commode. Poly, CR have it enclosed with shower/commode. WHY does it matter? Well if you have mixed guys and girls it is easier to get ready with sinks separate. However if one family member gets up early(me) and wants to shower, blow dry hair, make coffee quietly it is easier if you can SHUT A DOOR!!! Teehee:rolleyes1

Convenience:WL is all enclosed and has easy access to pools, food and transportation. Will be great on bad weather days and with mobility issued guests.

For pool people:SL is the best! SO easy to grab items and head to/from pool:thumbsup2 2nd Poly you just have one flight of stairs but is located in between both pools.

Transportation: CR! Monorail to MK and Epcot, Boat to WL and ability to walk to MK:cheer2: 2nd Poly with ability to walk to TTC.

I have to get back to work! Hope that helps someone.:flower3:
Interesting about the table "squatters" at AK. We have stayed CL at YC at least 15 times, most recently 2 weeks ago. We noticed this behavior for the first time this trip. There seemed to be a group of several families traveling together. YC lounge is small, with 2 larger tables which seat about 6 people, 2 tables for 4 & 3 tables for 2. Almost every time of we were in the lounge, we noticed this group taking up the majority of tables, doing the same type of table saving seen at counter service restaurants. If there were empty chairs at an occupied table, they would drag the chair to their tables. We were walking past the lounge as it was being opened 1 evening & there was 1 of the dads, waiting at the door to claim their tables & get the TV tuned to his preferred station. They would stay at the tables visiting even when other groups were standing to eat their breakfast.

I realize that part of what you pay for when you book CL is use of the lounge. But everyone else on CL paid for lounge access too. It is just rude to monopolize the space at every service time when others are waiting. IMHO. I won't even get into the loud table to table conversations so everyone in the lounge knew every detail of their days.
Hi all!

I'm new to this thread, but have been following it for a while :) we have a trip this September planned where we are doing a split stay between poly standard room and AKL CL (also some time offsite).

This will be our first foray into CL and I was hoping for ao reassurance! Posts lately have me a little nervous....is AKL CL one of the least "worth it"? Thanks for any input :)

Each CL is different. At most, your room could be very close to the lounge or a ways. At AKL, your room will probably be a ways from the lounge. Unless you are DVC, your room won't be on the same floor as the lounge.

Guests may always take food to their room. Rules vary by CM and date, but generally we've been asked to merely limit the number of dishes we take to the room (i.e. use paper cups/napkins). Only one, WL, spent some time explaining 'rules' to us upon check-in. At Others, the rules vary. We've stayed at CR a number of times, and every time the service is different. Some CM's will give you a tray, others won't.

As to CL being 'worth it' that is highly personal. Overall, we feel CL has been very worthwhile for us. A key part of the value of CL is how much you take advantage of the CL food offerings and convenience. At most resorts, getting breakfast in the lounge is WAY faster than dealing with the food court, but no eggs to order w/bacon. It is also nice for mid-day breaks. Another potential value of CL is being able to have a beer/wine as part of the cost.

One of the biggest benefits for me- of CL- is being able to have good strong cup of coffee in the morning! All CL's have a latte machine, so you can push a button and make it yourself to your liking- no line, real milk, real mug.

The downside of CL is that you only get access to the lounge in your resort. Breaks take time, especially via WDW transportation.

Another important benefit of CL is the extra service, but it is widely variable. Some CM's are outstanding, most are at least decent and know their stuff. A few are not outgoing, or seem unsure....and tend towards saying, "no". Hard to clarify the last part.

At CR, Sometimes the afternoon cookies run out. CM responses run the gammit:
1.) CM sees us, apologizes for no cookies, and brings us something to replace them right away! without us saying anything!
2.) CM sees us, says no cookies, nothing else.
3. We see no cookies and ask. CM looks at us like we are from Mars!

Very much, the great CM's have actually handed us things like packets of gummy bears without us saying anything. Magical! The very next day, we're told they never do that. Go figure!

Another benefit is the new texting service that is at some CL's. It is an experiment for now, so maybe yes, maybe no. Seems to be at CR, GF, maybe BC/YC. The texting service means you can request an ADR or FP via text message instead of calling or using the in-park kiosk. This is mostly only useful in MK, but texting is way faster kiosk lines!

The CL CM's can't solve every problem, but they usually know who to call! And that is often a big time saver. On vacation, time=money.
So with me just being nosey but we were at the Beach Club CL , and during the 5-7 rush per say they use to have there mini fridge stocked with the beer and pop and stuff and well being 21 it was nice to take 2 bottles back to get them a little colder and to have for later when there is no CM to get me them, usally turn a 6 pack a night except for this trip. and I am wondering if this became normal at the other CL at the other resorts but since the Beach Club CL Lounge and Floor were updated they now have the beer and wine , I hate to say this but guarded per say by a CM who will ask for ID and will either pour you a glass of wine or beer or hand you the bottle of beer opened, which honestly sucks can't take any back to the room none the less leave it opened in the fridge. I have not heard of this happening anywhere else yet and we have a CM in the family who works the Front Desk and the CL at a different Deluxe resort and she was shock to hear that. But if not I will find out if is just the Beach Club or the Yacht Club as well as we check in in less than 2 weeks

This is the kind of thing experience I was talking about.

Sometimes there's no rhyme or reason.

Experiences might vary trip to trip, or even day to day when it comes to CL's.

Generally our experiences have been positive.

Our experience hasn't been so much focused on beer, but bottled water. Mostly the lounges don't have (plastic) bottled water; we usually just buy a case. But everyone once in while, they see us with it, and offer to give us as much as we need. Or we ask, and they say yes. Or we ask and a get a very firm response along the lines of, "We never do that, and have never done that."

The last is particularly odd when you KNOW it isn't true!

Sometimes, I am tempted to take pictures! "See, here's a picture of a CR CM HANDING me a bottle of water!" But I suppose that would be rude.
I am reading all these posts on different types of service between the resorts and I am trying to figure out what to expect or if I should expect anything?!

I don't post out here often and some of you might remember me posting about having difficulties with the AKL IPO Staff getting things straight, so much so that it would have been easier to do most of the reservations myself. And extremely touchy/limited events/reservations I have been making on my own since then.

Now I come to the CL lounges and CMs not being up to par and I am really starting to wonder if this whole thing was worth this.

My BF and I are park commandos, at least that is what people tell me, we do very little resting at the resort, however with an 11 day trip we figured it might be worth a try this time.

Folks that have stayed at AKL CL please chime in and tell me about your experiences (and when you stayed at the resort when these occurred).

Example, check in procedures, or just what kinds of regulations do they have about using the lounge.

We are flying in but will have a rental car so we can go where we want, when we want.

Thank you ahead of time for your tips and reports!
I am reading all these posts on different types of service between the resorts and I am trying to figure out what to expect or if I should expect anything?!

I don't post out here often and some of you might remember me posting about having difficulties with the AKL IPO Staff getting things straight, so much so that it would have been easier to do most of the reservations myself. And extremely touchy/limited events/reservations I have been making on my own since then.

Now I come to the CL lounges and CMs not being up to par and I am really starting to wonder if this whole thing was worth this.

My BF and I are park commandos, at least that is what people tell me, we do very little resting at the resort, however with an 11 day trip we figured it might be worth a try this time.

Folks that have stayed at AKL CL please chime in and tell me about your experiences (and when you stayed at the resort when these occurred).

Example, check in procedures, or just what kinds of regulations do they have about using the lounge.

We are flying in but will have a rental car so we can go where we want, when we want.

Thank you ahead of time for your tips and reports!

Despite most flaws, I'd say our CL stays have been worthwhile. This past stay was a bit of an anomaly.

When I say Cm's vary, it is usually on small points, like bottled water. Most know stuff pretty well as CM's go these days.

Not having to stand in line at the front desk, or to ask questions is a big benefit!
Most of the time snacks are replenished. My post was getting too long, but mainly when I talked about food running out- it is at the very end of a food period. Like cookies - I think- are out form like noon to 2pm. So if you show up at 1:45, you might be told they have run out (esp. if you only like one kind of cookie). Generally, CM's at all CL are good about replenishing food during most of each offering period (I think breakfast is 7am-10am. So until 9:45am supplies are usually pretty solid, unless there's a rush on one food, as one CM explained.)

At AKL, the lounge is an open lounge. Like others, food is pretty much only out during food hours, but the seats are not closed off, and you can access the drink cooler. Truth be told, we normally DO go to the lounges after hours, but didn't on this visit- so I can't say. I think at AKL, the drink cooler stays out (soda), and the standard fruit basket (at AKL probably only apples and Sunkist oranges).

Both times we've done AKL CL, the staff has greeted us in front of the hotel and escorted us up upon arrival. they bring you right to the concierge desk (that's true for most CL's). You sit in a chair while the staff gives you your packets, verifies your bands, has you sign a card to put on file.

I'm not sure what you mean by regulations. Only guests that are on concierge level can access the 6th floor (now via magicband). It is possible, I suppose, that a non CL member could potentially hitch a ride on the elevator, but most guests wouldn't even know to try.

At some resorts (Poly) the CL is in one full building. Unless a guest has a CL access band, or is following a CL guest into the building, they can't access it. At others, the CL is mostly on one (or maybe two) exclusive floors. AKL is somewhat unique, because the CL lounge is on the 6th floor, whereas the non DVC CL rooms are not. All 6th floor rooms are DVC (and CL). I'm not positive about the 5th floor, but some rooms are DVC, and some - I think - are non DVC. (not sure if they are CL) Both times we've stayed at AKL CL, our room was located on the 4th floor. CL rooms offer prime views of the Savannah! But....they are a little ways down the hall. The rooms very close to the lobby offer less than prime animal views, so that's why. The animals tend to cluster near the food.

We also had a car this time. The parking lot was fairly full most of the time, but we were usually able to find a decent spot. The only time we had to park in a far row was coming back at 2am from MK.

We have driven at WDW for years, and still find it helpful to use the GPS on our phone- at least the first few days, and when you are resort hopping, or driving offsite. Gas in the WDW area was $1.99 last week! Renting a car from MCO is also usually a breeze! Love the onsite parking garage!
We check in to AKL CL 2/5, for a 5 night stay! We will be staying at All Star Sports the 2 nights prior, so we will be arriving via Disney bus from Epcot and using the luggage transfer service. We did online check in, so do we go to the online check in line? I only ask as I have read others say they were greeted upon arrival and escorted. This is our first time staying CL.
We check in to AKL CL 2/5, for a 5 night stay! We will be staying at All Star Sports the 2 nights prior, so we will be arriving via Disney bus from Epcot and using the luggage transfer service. We did online check in, so do we go to the online check in line? I only ask as I have read others say they were greeted upon arrival and escorted. This is our first time staying CL.

Over the years, we've arrived all sorts of different ways! By Magical Express, in a car, via monorail (split stays), via park bus (split stays) and even on foot (again, split stays!) In our experience, the only time a CL CM has met us in the lobby immediately upon arrival is when we arrive by Magical Express. Even then, it's hit or miss in terms of a CL CM waiting there to escort us. I've alerted CMs at the gate when driving that we have a CL reservation, but a CL CM has not been waiting for us in the lobby.

We just did a split stay between AOA, AKL CL, GF CL and Poly CL. We always do on-line check-in, even when staying CL. I asked IPO for each resort about procedure upon arrival - we arrived at AKL by car, GF by monorail and Poly by monorail. Each IPO told us to find a CM in the lobby and tell the CM we have a CL reservation. Each time, the lobby CM either took us up to club level or called for someone to escort us.
So in a nearly 12 month time frame I tried Cr TPV Atrium Club, RPC and SL at GF, Poly both Lagoon and GV CL, and OFC at WL.

I honestly can't say that any one was better than the other. They all have strengths and weaknesses. Here is a few notes.

FOOD: Of Course GF! RPC or SL with a nod to WL for their many offerings. :)

Lounge: This is tough! For relaxing atmosphere RPC or WL because you are spread out and not on top of others. For view Poly and CR with great views of castle and MK.:cloud9:

CM's:1st WL! 2nd tied CR and Poly and GF just is not as friendly. I feel like I have to do all the work.:rolleyes:

Theming: Tied WL and Poly for me.:hug:

Rooms: WL is by far the smallest. The others all work for me with extra twin bed . I think each has appropriate theming to match the resort.

Bath area: WL,GF have sinks separate from shower/commode. Poly, CR have it enclosed with shower/commode. WHY does it matter? Well if you have mixed guys and girls it is easier to get ready with sinks separate. However if one family member gets up early(me) and wants to shower, blow dry hair, make coffee quietly it is easier if you can SHUT A DOOR!!! Teehee:rolleyes1

Convenience:WL is all enclosed and has easy access to pools, food and transportation. Will be great on bad weather days and with mobility issued guests.

For pool people:SL is the best! SO easy to grab items and head to/from pool:thumbsup2 2nd Poly you just have one flight of stairs but is located in between both pools.

Transportation: CR! Monorail to MK and Epcot, Boat to WL and ability to walk to MK:cheer2: 2nd Poly with ability to walk to TTC.

I have to get back to work! Hope that helps someone.:flower3:

Great summary, trish! Love the comparisons and remain super excited about our upcoming WL CL stay!
Officially upgraded! Booked at AKL CL for three nights in September! I am so excited. Hubby and kids have no idea where we are staying for any of the trip (starting at poly for 8 nights!). My son will be 9 and is obsessed with AKL. I told him if we ever stayed there it would only be a pool view room....he will lose his mind when he steps out on or balcony! And our DD will be 3...she will be happy regardless ha! DH loves beer and food. He will be happy ha!
Despite most flaws, I'd say our CL stays have been worthwhile. This past stay was a bit of an anomaly.

When I say Cm's vary, it is usually on small points, like bottled water. Most know stuff pretty well as CM's go these days.

Not having to stand in line at the front desk, or to ask questions is a big benefit!
Most of the time snacks are replenished. My post was getting too long, but mainly when I talked about food running out- it is at the very end of a food period. Like cookies - I think- are out form like noon to 2pm. So if you show up at 1:45, you might be told they have run out (esp. if you only like one kind of cookie). Generally, CM's at all CL are good about replenishing food during most of each offering period (I think breakfast is 7am-10am. So until 9:45am supplies are usually pretty solid, unless there's a rush on one food, as one CM explained.)

At AKL, the lounge is an open lounge. Like others, food is pretty much only out during food hours, but the seats are not closed off, and you can access the drink cooler. Truth be told, we normally DO go to the lounges after hours, but didn't on this visit- so I can't say. I think at AKL, the drink cooler stays out (soda), and the standard fruit basket (at AKL probably only apples and Sunkist oranges).

Both times we've done AKL CL, the staff has greeted us in front of the hotel and escorted us up upon arrival. they bring you right to the concierge desk (that's true for most CL's). You sit in a chair while the staff gives you your packets, verifies your bands, has you sign a card to put on file.

I'm not sure what you mean by regulations. Only guests that are on concierge level can access the 6th floor (now via magicband). It is possible, I suppose, that a non CL member could potentially hitch a ride on the elevator, but most guests wouldn't even know to try.

At some resorts (Poly) the CL is in one full building. Unless a guest has a CL access band, or is following a CL guest into the building, they can't access it. At others, the CL is mostly on one (or maybe two) exclusive floors. AKL is somewhat unique, because the CL lounge is on the 6th floor, whereas the non DVC CL rooms are not. All 6th floor rooms are DVC (and CL). I'm not positive about the 5th floor, but some rooms are DVC, and some - I think - are non DVC. (not sure if they are CL) Both times we've stayed at AKL CL, our room was located on the 4th floor. CL rooms offer prime views of the Savannah! But....they are a little ways down the hall. The rooms very close to the lobby offer less than prime animal views, so that's why. The animals tend to cluster near the food.

We also had a car this time. The parking lot was fairly full most of the time, but we were usually able to find a decent spot. The only time we had to park in a far row was coming back at 2am from MK.

We have driven at WDW for years, and still find it helpful to use the GPS on our phone- at least the first few days, and when you are resort hopping, or driving offsite. Gas in the WDW area was $1.99 last week! Renting a car from MCO is also usually a breeze! Love the onsite parking garage!

Hi mickeyluv'r,

My BF and I aren't new to WDW, or deluxe resorts, just Club Level. We are going to be there during Star Wars Weekends, so there will be alot of werid hours, running our early, and I mean before anyone normally thinks of rising is a norm for us during the weekends. So I was wondering about regularions of taking things to your room, like drinks. If that would be ok to like grab a juice, or beverage take it to our room and put it in the frig for mornings that thing wouldn't be open at the CL lounge yet.

During the week however I see us taking full advantage of the breakfast items and will be there long before they run out because well like to be at the parks for rope drop.

We have rented cars before from MCO and loved the onsite garages too! We will be getting there supper early (our flight arrives at MCO at 7:40 am) on arrival day, and know our rooms will not necessarily be ready but would love to at least partially check in, look around and maybe take advantage of the CL Lounge while waiting.

So I was curious to see how others were treated and if everything went smoother at different times of day than others.

Thanks for clarifications, and tips...
Officially upgraded! Booked at AKL CL for three nights in September! I am so excited. Hubby and kids have no idea where we are staying for any of the trip (starting at poly for 8 nights!). My son will be 9 and is obsessed with AKL. I told him if we ever stayed there it would only be a pool view room....he will lose his mind when he steps out on or balcony! And our DD will be 3...she will be happy regardless ha! DH loves beer and food. He will be happy ha!

Awww that is wicked cool, congrats!
I had read about this last year. I have always had good luck just asking for what I want so try telling them "please don't open the beer, I want to put in my room for later".

Good luck!

we just came back from an upgraded 4 night stay at BC CL (had an awesome view of the boardwalk). I can second the beer/wine experience in the lounge. When we stayed at BWI CL, the Inn Keepers lounge also had the wine and beer served. I had no problem at BWI asking for an unopened bottle to take back (never asked for more than 1 to enjoy in the room) and don't think I would have at BC either. During dessert, the wine and beer were available unattended for anyone to take back if they wanted. However, there only 4 bottles of beer and 2 half bottles of wine left when we walked in around 9:00pm.

There was only 1 snotty CM who we heard comment about upgrades given out to anyone and people taking all the food. This was true (we saw people taking 3-4 plates of food, 2-4 glasses of wine, and stacks of sodas out of the lounge), however, I think this CM needs a reality check considering he works at Disney (young, so definitely not a retiree) and it's expensive to stay at BC non-CL.

Some nights we saw the table squatting (totally unnecessary), and one night the panna cotta dessert (so good!) went fast and was never replenished. Overall, I thought people were on their best behavior and we never had a problem finding a seat. We definitely like BWI CL better although we love how everything in BC is right off the elevator instead of down the hall and through another door.
Thanks for the BC CL report! We've stayed both BWI CL and BC CL and it's tough to choose between the two for various reasons. Very interested in the new BC lounge and I do miss SAB. Just renewed our APs today, so we have some time to make that decision for Princess Half Marathon Weekend 2016.
I am reading all these posts on different types of service between the resorts and I am trying to figure out what to expect or if I should expect anything?!

I don't post out here often and some of you might remember me posting about having difficulties with the AKL IPO Staff getting things straight, so much so that it would have been easier to do most of the reservations myself. And extremely touchy/limited events/reservations I have been making on my own since then.

Now I come to the CL lounges and CMs not being up to par and I am really starting to wonder if this whole thing was worth this.

My BF and I are park commandos, at least that is what people tell me, we do very little resting at the resort, however with an 11 day trip we figured it might be worth a try this time.

Folks that have stayed at AKL CL please chime in and tell me about your experiences (and when you stayed at the resort when these occurred).

Example, check in procedures, or just what kinds of regulations do they have about using the lounge.

We are flying in but will have a rental car so we can go where we want, when we want.

Thank you ahead of time for your tips and reports!

I've stayed CL at AKL four times. Once at Poly CL and once at YC CL. My favorite CL experiences by far have been at AKL. Now it's been a few years since we stayed there (fall 2011). We stayed at YC this past August. YC had the guarded wine. It didn't bother me, to be honest. No one gave me attitude. I asked one CM if I could put my wine in a to-go cup. She said, "I don't know where you go that cup." She then proceeded to refill my glass, knowing I was dumping the contents in a to-go cup to head for the pool. My issue with YC was really the shape of the lounge. It just seemed a lot smaller to me because of the way the room is set up.

What I loved about AKL? Wayne, for one. An amazing CM who always went out of his way to make my kids feel special. One example - when he saw my son had a pin lanyard but no pins yet (we had just decided to give it a whirl that day), he let Liam pick a pin from his collection so he'd have one to start. We also ran into the same folks in the morning and evening. We enjoyed it because our kids made friends and we got to chat about how everyone's day went. We never noticed any issues with folks hogging the food. When my sister's flight was delayed to the point she wouldn't arrive until an hour after the lounge closed, I asked if I could take a glass of wine and some cookies back to the room for her. The staff asked what kind of wine she liked and proceeded to bring out a whole bottle for me and a box of desserts to take back to the room (the dessert hour hadn't even started yet). Now maybe things are different now, but I keep trying to justify going back to stay CL at AKL (we'll be a party of six our next trip, so it's a good chunk of change to do it).

The only CL lounge where I noticed people hoarding the food was at the Poly. I remember one gentleman in particular with his plate piled high enough. His food threatened to fall to the floor. It was ridiculous. I also noticed more children there just behaving badly - running amok, leaving trash everywhere. I understand that some of the lounges no longer have places where you can bus your tables. But back then, there were at least two trash cans but I overheard one group being instructed to just leave things at the table - someone was paid to pick up the garbage. Well, yes, there was. But it wouldn't have killed them to clean up for the next family that might want to sit down. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I remember, but we had a split-stay with AKL and we just loved AKL so much, the Poly really suffered by comparison. That said, I'm giving the Poly another shot this August (unless the main pool isn't finished for some reason) for a trip with my sister and two of my kids.
leaving trash everywhere. I understand that some of the lounges no longer have places where you can bus your tables. But back then, there were at least two trash cans but I overheard one group being instructed to just leave things at the table - someone was paid to pick up the garbage. Well, yes, there was. But it wouldn't have killed them to clean up for the next family that might want to sit down.

This drives me crazy. Sometimes, the staff is right on top of clearing out dishes, they're practically taking your glass out of your hand the moment your finished but so much more often, I see not a CM in site with the food all gone and dishes everywhere. I always request a room near the lounge, because I find it so much more enjoyable to be able to eat in peace in my room and not have to worry about leaving dishes behind on the tables. DD is always too nervous to even get food and drinks in the lounge. I'm often making a trip for her, come back and make a trip for myself. I always feel judged but noone has ever said anything. It probably looks like I'm hoarding for myself! lol
I booked a Deluxe room with CL at the Beach Club at the end of April for 2 nights yesterday!! I'm very excited! My DH and I are arriving before the rest of our family, and we will move over to a 2 BR villa at OKW.

I am wondering how long it takes for IPO to get in touch with us.

It seems on our other CL stays they contacted us immediately.

we booked a Deluxe Room with CL at BC for May... Would you be so kind to post some pictures from the Deluxe Room???

Can't wait to read your impressions on the Deluxe Room.... It will be the first time CL and Delux room for us :cool1:

That would be awsome! :thumbsup2

Thanks a lot in advance


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