what others rave about and you just dont get it

This is a great thread! Obviously, I agree with some (turkey legs, park hoppers, Hall of Presidents, Fantasmic, Whispering Canyon Cafe, Dole Whip Float, and Vinylmation) and disagree with others (Duffy, Mickey Bars, Soarin', Carousel of Progress, IllumiNations, and Peter Pan's Flight).

Some of the things listed, though, aren't really things that others hype. Some people said Stitch, Camp Minnie-Mickey, Dinoland and the Backlot Tour, for instance. How can these possibly be overrated? They receive mediocre-to-horrible reviews consistently.

I will add a couple that I don't think have been mentioned: Sci Fi Dine-In
and American Adventure.

I will fully admit that Sci Fi Dine-In has a cool atmosphere but I just don't know how anyone can go back there after experiencing it once. First, the food is horrible. I'm not sure how one can mess up such basic food (and I'm far from a picky eater) but they managed to do it. And the service is equally as bad. The servers were like robots...which would have been cool if they actually were robots. No emotion or expression and totally incompetent. Third, the seating arrangement is just odd. I like the idea of sitting in the cars and there are lots of ways to make this work. However, sitting one behind each other just doesn't work practically for a meal.

The American Adventure bores me to tears. I will say that I probably don't get it because I'm not American. But the over-the-top patriotism combined with the story that just went on and on and on makes this a must-skip for me. I will admit that the animatronics are impressive given when they were built but that does not a good attraction make.

Huh. We have a different Duffy origins book.

Mickey was lonely in the MK. Tinkerbell pixie dusted his stuffed bear and he came to life.

Yes...this is the original story of the Disney Bear. At the time, he wasn't named Duffy but it is, in fact, the same bear. Also, when Tinker Bell pixie dusted Duffy, that's when the shape of Mickey's face appeared on his. I think the whole story is really magical and connects to the youngest Disney fans. And who doesn't like having a teddy bear of their very own that they can buy new clothes for from each part of the park?

Illuminations. It's REALLY boring and it doesn't really make sense.

I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not saying you're wrong in thinking it's overhyped but what about it doesn't make sense to you? I think the narrator explains everything in detail.

my problem with the Mickey Bars is that they are frozen SO hard they're nearly impossible to eat. If you manage to take a bite, without breaking your teeth, the chocolate coating cracks into a million pieces and ends up on the sidewalk.

Hmmm...maybe it depends what time of year you visit? I know I've never had this problem. Maybe it's a good thing they are frozen hard because most of the days are quite warm and ice cream on a stick melts fast.

The turkey legs!! They taste like ham and are terribly messy.

Yes!! I was waiting for someone to describe the hammy taste. I was so disappointed. I wanted something that taste like turkey. A turkey leg that actually tastes like turkey; now there's a novel idea! :) Also, I found the meat dry which surprised me for something smoked.

Lights Motor Action or whatever it's called is a waste of space and time. I was glad when they announced they would be closing it. The noise is annoying when your at DHS.

I'm behind on my news but when are they closing this??

Mickey ice cream bars - it's just a normal ice cream bar with a Mickey head!

Ummm...yes. What were you expecting? The description is pretty much in the name.
All I can say is different strokes for different folks - it would be rather boring existence if we all liked/disliked the same things! ;)

Seriously its a theme park, there's nothing "magical" about rude people, long lines and overpriced crappy food.

Cast members are nothing like they were in the past. I've seen some act worse than some of the people at the park.
We rarely do TS meals...we have favorite CS in every park and DTD. I don't enjoy sit down dining enough to devote the planning and eating time to it.


May I ask what your CS favorites are? We get the basic dining plan and I'm always interested in what people think are the best CS places :) Thanks in advance! :worship:
I'll add to this after we get back from our trip in 2 weeks. I can tell you that I've never understood paying thousands of dollars to go to Disney in peak season to stand in line for hours in 90 degree heat.
Anything at Magic kingdom, except for the castle at Christmas time and wishes
Test track
Any parade
I'm so glad I have very few things at WDW that I do not *get*. It's just such a magical place to me and my family.

To those that kept saying that the turkey legs taste like ham, not turkey.
Well, it's because it's smoked meat, that's why. Have you never seen *turkey ham* in the supermarket? Does real *pork* smoked (ham) taste like a pork roast? No, it doesn't because it's not the same meat when smoked. Not much of a mystery to me. :goodvibes
I just can't like AK, no matter how many times I go back and hope to change my mind. I love EE, Lion King and Nemo shows but Dino Land is just awful, and I feel like I walk so much and do so little in that park. I am always miserable there.

ADR's bug me. I wish you didn't have to plan months in advance. It just makes the dining plan so stressful.

School Bread...yuck!

Chef de France was barely edible although Remy was cute
There isn't much for me, really. I'm not sure about Peter Pan...the wait is usually so long and the ride is so short. Don't get me wrong, it's a cute ride, but I'm not sure why people flock to it like they do. On the fence about AK. I feel like we can do it in half a day so we only usually go if we have a park hopper...and sometimes not even then! I think it is the prettiest park though.
I'm so glad I have very few things at WDW that I do not *get*. It's just such a magical place to me and my family.

To those that kept saying that the turkey legs taste like ham, not turkey.
Well, it's because it's smoked meat, that's why. Have you never seen *turkey ham* in the supermarket? Does real *pork* smoked (ham) taste like a pork roast? No, it doesn't because it's not the same meat when smoked. Not much of a mystery to me. :goodvibes

I'm with you. If you have ever had a smoked pork chop it has a ham like flavor. For that matter so does smoked salmon.
Oh my goodness, this thread was made for me! I enjoy Disney and go at least yearly, but I don't think it's the be all and end all of happiness.
New Fantasyland - or, as I like to call it, the alleyway behind Fantasyland. Enjoyed it (Be Our Guest and Little Mermaid ride were the highlights), but it was way overhyped by Disney.
  • Studio Backlot Tour - waste of TIME!
  • Animal Kingdom - like some of the rides and the concept, but the execution/theming, meh. It always feels dirty to me, too.
  • Camp Minnie-Mickey - Disney should have shelled out the $ to make this section of the park actually entertaining.
  • Parades - just don't get the craziness, except for the MSEP.
  • Families that wear matching t-shirts
  • BBB - those hairstyles look painful!
  • Vinylmation
  • Downtown Disney - would rather spend time in the parks.
  • Shopping at the park - I'm here for the park, not the stores.
  • Contemporary - that is one hideous resort!
  • Polynesian - visited this on our last trip prior to our meal at Ohana. I really expected a lot, considering how everyone loses their minds about it on here and I love Polynesian/tiki stuff, but found it dark and unimpressive.
  • Ohana - had really high expectations thanks to the raves on here, but our service was horribly rushed and it ruined the food and dining experience for me.
  • Cantina de San Angel - I'd rather not be harassed by wildlife while eating awful Mexican food, thanks.
  • Mickey ice cream bars - it's just a normal ice cream bar with a Mickey head!
  • Turkey legs - gross, how can you eat something with visible veins?
  • Refillable soda mugs
  • Making dining reservations 180 days in advance - I love planning my vacations, but this is crazy to me! Most of my Disney trips are last minute (thank you FL residency), so I'm never able to get a good reservation.
  • DDP - I'd love to do this just for the convenience of pre-paying and not having to worry about money in the parks, but I don't eat enough to make it worth it money-wise.
Hmmmm. Maybe you could add at least one or two things you LIKE about WDW?:goodvibes
I openly admit, there is a lot about Disney World that I don't yet 'get'. ... That said.... I am sooo excited to go to DisneyWorld this April with my kids. I even made them countdown calendars for Valentine's Day and they got cards from Mickey. I can't wait to see the joy in their eyes.

I kind of hope that I am bitten by the Disney bug when we go - I know my extended family is - and we are good friends with CMs....but regardless, this trip isn't about me (or my DH) -- this trip is about spending time with the kids and hopefully a little pixie dust magic.

Things I totally get...but aren't for me:
- wearing matching clothes as a family
- fanny packs
- turkey legs
- Mission space (I'm too clausterphobic)
Oh, my friend, you are setting yourself up for a bug bite like you've never seen! You don't even know that you're already half way to becoming a total DISer, do you?:lmao: It's written all over you. I've seen that look many times. It's cool, though. It doesn't hurt at all. Well, it hurts a little when it's time to check out, but likely you'll have that Bounce Back all taken care of by then, so the pain will be minimalized.

You've made calendars? They got cards from Mickey? You can't wait to see the look in their eyes????:rotfl2: Dude, give in to it. You are hooked and you don't even know it!:rolleyes1 Of course this trip isn't about you, but you are a big part of this trip and you need to realize that. I used to think like you, that these trips weren't really for me, they were for my kid, but then I started to really pay attention to what my kid was telling me.

Turns out, these trips really are about me ... and her ... and her mom ... and a mouse. You really are a part of the whole thing, so get that through your mellon right now!:thumbsup2 WDW is great. It's a lot of fun. But a trip to WDW with YOU is a huge deal to your kids, or your grandkids, or whomever you are with.

Finally, let me add that, as crazy for WDW as I am, I will NEVER get into the matching clothes or fanny packs. That's not how this Disney Dad rolls.:sad2: However, Give me a dad gum turkey leg and a seat on the next flight out of Mission Space and I am good to go!

You've been reeled in and you don't even know it yet.:rotfl2:
Can't wait to hear your trip report.:goodvibes
If I am honest its a small world kind of freaks me out lol. BBB, Turkey legs. So seeing a girl dressed from the BBB eating a turkey leg on its a small world would have me in therapy for months lol.
Shoot, Paula! In my house, we call that Day One! You better call yourself an ambulance.;)
eastcarolinafan said:
Shoot, Paula! In my house, we call that Day One! You better call yourself an ambulance.;)

Lol loving it! Love your picture! Help cure my phobia :-) so cute!

Seriously its a theme park, there's nothing "magical" about rude people, long lines and overpriced crappy food.

Cast members are nothing like they were in the past. I've seen some act worse than some of the people at the park.
So then why do you keep going back?:confused3


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