The Wettest, Merriest, and Happiest Birthday/First Visit Nov/Dec 2012 TR! 2/13 FINAL!

I'm really glad you liked Paradise Pier... I've been to DL twice now...(last time in August 2011 and previously several years before that) & when I had read about PP... it really didn't seem to get too much love... more like some major dislike...

I get that it isn't quite as "Disney" as some other of the lands but I do think that it ties nicely into a California Pier /Boardwalk theme... CS is your large pier coaster, TSM fits in there as well with Mr. Potato as kind of a carnival barker and the other rides have a sort of 30s retro Silly Symphonies kind of thing going on...It's not my very favorite land either but I think it has a kind of charm to for Mickey's Fun Wheel...again I agree with you about those moving cars (and I like coasters) no way ever am I getting into one of those... Hell would have to freeze over...

BugsLand is also charming and even though it is kid oriented... it too is well done with everything so large from the bugs' perspective...

When we went there was also no line for the Monster's ride and it is an awesome little dark ride...& especially if you're a Monster's Inc fan... and who isn' have to do...

The rain looks like it was coming down in buckets...I think the people who would handle that the best would be from Seattle (or England)... & I'm glad you were able to enjoy yourselves despite it...

I was chuckling when I read your review of the "Starbucks" and thinking you'd be offering a great public service if you posted it over on the WDW boards... there is quite a frenzy going on... I think it looks tastefully done and while I kind of wished that they just had Disney pastry stuff... having some decent coffee is worth the compromise... for years that is the one thing that has consistently driven me insane at Disney... the inability to get a decent coffee in the parks.... coffee=HAPPY...:cloud9: So I do think you could do a great job of reassuring everyone that there won't be signs over Main Street saying "Disney's Main Street Presented by Starbucks..." ...:lmao:

Too funny about Matt sitting on the Candy Cane/s... they sound really good though... I happy to really like them and my DH LOVES them so if we ever get there around Christmas we'll have to make our way over there... (Bright & Early though...;)
I am really enjoying this trip report :thumbsup2

All of the pictures have been lovely, the Christmas decorations are great.

I like the tone of the trip report, it has been pretty funny.

I am also a big vinylmation trader!! Woo for hobbies that sound weird but are very fun. Which sets do you like best? I collect Parks, Animation and Star Wars (huge SW geek) and whichever of the other sets catches my eye.
Hey, guess what I did?!
Amazing (both of us). I guess since I was pretty MIA in December, I missed that this TR even started, though I'd heard lots on FB. LOVE it! I'm so happy you are taking the time to compare things to WDW. It is really helping me begin to understand how things work out west!

Ahhh, now I really really REALLY want to go at Christmastime!!!! Bug's Land looks freaking ADORABLE. We loved that area on our trip with DS because there is so much for him to do, and the little touches are just so cute. The lights and huge ornaments look awesome!!

LOVE the Monsters Inc. ride. One of my favorite Disney movies transformed into an awesome dark ride! Also am loving Roz's Santa hat. :santa: Awesome touch!!

That rain is CRAZY!! Does it rain that much in California in a whole year?! As I was reading the DL board preparing for our trip, I remember one poster saying it never occurred to them to ever bring a poncho or umbrella to DL because it never rains there. Clearly, he needs to be introduced to your TR! :rotfl:

The first picture of the candy canes didn't do it justice. The one holding it in your hand...OMG THEY ARE GINORMOUS! At least I know if we ever do take that Christmas DL trip I'm dreaming of, we only need one of the $12.95 candy canes for the three of us to split. :lmao:

HAHA I'm glad someone thought that was funny. It really was like a scene out of a movie or something!

I remembered from your DL trip that your son LOVED Bug's Land and I remember how adorable it was! They do such an amazing job with that area, and even moreso at Christmas! I hope you get to visit during that time of year!

Haha, that Monsters Inc. ride was seriously awesome! And I loved Roz's Santa hat, too!

Yeah, the rain honestly got to be too much, especially during our Tour. I was like, "OKAY, WE GET IT, RAIN. Now please just give us a break!" I just had no idea California got rain like that!

Haha, I knew I had to take a photo of me holding that thing to show how huge they are! That thing is PLENTY for 3 people to eat, and then some! Heck, throw in a 4th person! :rotfl:

I'm really glad you liked Paradise Pier... I've been to DL twice now...(last time in August 2011 and previously several years before that) & when I had read about PP... it really didn't seem to get too much love... more like some major dislike...

I get that it isn't quite as "Disney" as some other of the lands but I do think that it ties nicely into a California Pier /Boardwalk theme... CS is your large pier coaster, TSM fits in there as well with Mr. Potato as kind of a carnival barker and the other rides have a sort of 30s retro Silly Symphonies kind of thing going on...It's not my very favorite land either but I think it has a kind of charm to for Mickey's Fun Wheel...again I agree with you about those moving cars (and I like coasters) no way ever am I getting into one of those... Hell would have to freeze over...

BugsLand is also charming and even though it is kid oriented... it too is well done with everything so large from the bugs' perspective...

When we went there was also no line for the Monster's ride and it is an awesome little dark ride...& especially if you're a Monster's Inc fan... and who isn' have to do...

The rain looks like it was coming down in buckets...I think the people who would handle that the best would be from Seattle (or England)... & I'm glad you were able to enjoy yourselves despite it...

I was chuckling when I read your review of the "Starbucks" and thinking you'd be offering a great public service if you posted it over on the WDW boards... there is quite a frenzy going on... I think it looks tastefully done and while I kind of wished that they just had Disney pastry stuff... having some decent coffee is worth the compromise... for years that is the one thing that has consistently driven me insane at Disney... the inability to get a decent coffee in the parks.... coffee=HAPPY...:cloud9: So I do think you could do a great job of reassuring everyone that there won't be signs over Main Street saying "Disney's Main Street Presented by Starbucks..." ...:lmao:

Too funny about Matt sitting on the Candy Cane/s... they sound really good though... I happy to really like them and my DH LOVES them so if we ever get there around Christmas we'll have to make our way over there... (Bright & Early though...;)

Yeah, Paradise Pier really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Not my favorite, but it definitely still has a Disney twist, you know? And yes, NO SWINGING CAGE FOR THIS GIRL!

Totally agree on Bug's Land! It's super adorable and very well-themed.

Monsters Inc. is totally like hidden off in a corner but so amazing! I really loved that right a lot.

Yeah, we made the most of it but I would be lying if I didn't say that I wished it had been sunny! :rotfl:

Haha, that whole Starbucks thing drives me NUTS! People go insane over it! Someone from the DIS blog posted about it on Facebook and people continued to go insane. I just mentioned how I think people need to chill out and my comment got a bunch of likes, but my LORD, you'd think the world was ending! I just don't get it.

You guys definitely should get a candy cane, I highly suggest it! SO GOOD! But yes, walk briskly, no running. Hahahah.

I am really enjoying this trip report :thumbsup2

All of the pictures have been lovely, the Christmas decorations are great.

I like the tone of the trip report, it has been pretty funny.

I am also a big vinylmation trader!! Woo for hobbies that sound weird but are very fun. Which sets do you like best? I collect Parks, Animation and Star Wars (huge SW geek) and whichever of the other sets catches my eye.

Awesome, I'm glad you're enjoying it and that you're here!

Thank you! I try to take lots of photos, makes the TR a lot more interesting, hahaha.

Ahh are you really?! I LOVE collecting them! I think my favorites have been some of the Parks (I love my Park 5 Haunted Mansion Clock, P2 Poncho, MK Ticket, P4 Epcot 82, I could go on!)... and also Pixar and Haunted Mansion... Oh and Muppets! See this trend? I could keep chatting about it and this is why my collection is as large as it is. :rotfl: I also have SW1, except Ghost Obi! They are too much fun to collect and trade. I do a lot of trading when not in the parks through Facebook groups and Instagram!

Again, glad you're here! :goodvibes

Hey, guess what I did?!
Amazing (both of us). I guess since I was pretty MIA in December, I missed that this TR even started, though I'd heard lots on FB. LOVE it! I'm so happy you are taking the time to compare things to WDW. It is really helping me begin to understand how things work out west!

AHHH I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE! And even better, you caught up on the entire thing!

It's okay, life gets busy. I always have those times where I go like MIA from the DIS for whatever reason and then I feel so out of the loop! It's definitely different in Disneyland but lovely for its own reasons. It also helped us get super excited for our Disney World trip, too!
My DH got that same Oswald shirt. He looked around until he found that specific one and he loves it. He just bought a little Oswald plush, but he would have loved the huge one!
Just a quick note… This will be my last update before we leave for Disney World!!! We are so excited to be going so soon, and that we’ll be there for 10 days.

That being said, I obviously won’t be updating again until we’re back, I’m settled in, AND get some time to update! I’ll probably have to split up my writing time between this TR and then my new TR for our Disney World trip, but either way, it’s going to be an awesome time!

On that note, back to the TR, and I’ll be back in a few weeks to update again!

See ya real soon!

Chapter Sixteen: Corn dogs, Makin’ Friends, and a Holiday Time Tour!
Day 2: November 30th, 2012

At this point it was around 2, and we headed back to Disneyland. I brought my portable iPhone charger along that I’d just gotten for my birthday, which was great since my phone was sure to die with all of the Instagramming and tweeting I was doing!


We decided to stop by one of the stores on Main Street to look at Mickey Santa hats. I tried on a few and decided to buy this cute plaid one!


At this point (at least I think it was this point), we also picked up an umbrella, just because we thought it might be nice to have during the tour, since our ponchos both had torn.

The rain finally let up for a bit, so we headed down Main Street and decided to grab some corn dogs before our Holiday Time Tour.


There was actually a sizeable line, but we decided to wait it out. Corn dogs were calling our name!



Before too long, we had corn dogs in our hands and decided to go stand at a table nearby to eat them!



OH MAN. Those corn dogs were SO good. Seriously. They knew what they were doing. I’d say that was one of the best corn dogs I’d ever had. The cornbread part was so flavorful, and the hot dog itself was amazingly good. Dipped that sucker in some ketchup and I was a happy gal.

While we were eating, we started talking to a woman next to us about our trip and it being my first time, then chatted about Disney World. She was super friendly and nice and told us to have a great time on our tour!

We ate our corn dogs quickly, said goodbye to the nice woman, and headed off to go meet up for our tour.


We walked over to the tour area near City Hall, gave the CMs our tickets, and were given our cute adorable Tour pins with our names on them.



We were told to just wait while the rest of our group showed up, so we hung around behind the little booth where we checked in. They even decorated in that area, too!


I used the secret bathroom in that area (seriously, it was a one-person bathroom and was super clean, I will always use that thing from here on out when on Main Street!)... I grabbed some paper towels in the bathroom and decided to wipe down some seats at a nearby table so we could sit while we waited.

Oh, we were also warned that there might be a chance that our parade (the second one of the day; first one had been canceled already) could be canceled due to the rain. I was praying that it wouldn’t be, since one of the hugest perks of doing the Holiday Time Tour would be getting VIP seating for the Christmas Parade. We’ll see what happens with the parade shortly...

While we waited, a couple of women came over and said they were in our group. We started chatting with them and found out they were from a town right near ours! It was an older woman with her adult daughter, and they were apparently having their “staff meeting” in Disneyland.

Um, can I work for that lady? I want my meetings to be held in Disneyland!

We chatted for awhile with them, and found out the older woman was a DVC member… and she owned points at a LOT of resorts. I think she rattled off like 5 different places, and she’d literally just purchased another 150 points or something crazy at the Grand Californian that morning.

AKA, this lady had to be LOADED. I mean, who the heck just drops a bunch of money on DVC points like that, all nonchalantly?!

Evidently this woman did, hahaha. That being said, they were both very nice and friendly and we were glad they were part of our group.

Our tour finally began a bit late at 3:30. Apparently 4 people had checked in for the tour and then… disappeared. So they were trying to hunt down the people? I don’t know, I have no idea how you can pay money for a tour and then literally disappear! Hahaha.

Another 2 people joined our group, a father and his younger daughter, and then our tour guide, Cecil, introduced herself and told us a little about the tour.


I’m not sure if Cecil was newer, but she initially seemed a little nervous as she spoke, but she also seemed very nice. Cecil had us head over to California Adventure first, to look at all of the decorations over in that park.


It was slightly awkward because a lot of what she was talking about or showing to us we’d already seen since we’d been in the parks for most of the day. So she asked us some questions as we strolled over and we awkwardly told her we’d already seen or done that.


So you guys are going to think I’m the worst, because I actually don’t remember a whole lot of what was SAID during a lot of the tour. Part of that was probably due to me taking a ton of photos, the other part was it sometimes being hard to understand her just due to the crowds around us and the stupid rain.

Our first stop was the main Christmas tree in California Adventure. I’m telling you, I could have looked at it all day long!


We made our way long, heading back towards Carsland, and I snapped photos along the way…



Cecil took us to the beginning of Carsland, telling us about how there are different Christmas trees for all of the different Cars characters. We also noticed that the wreaths up above were made of wrenches, which was such an awesome touch. Disney is truly all about the details!


We actually didn’t go down through Carsland, but I was fine with that since we had plans to check it out more the following day.

We walked past a bug’s land and avoided being hit but the Hollywood trolley, hahaha..



Cecil then told us about some of the Christmas treats that they make in the parks, mentioning the infamous candy canes we’d picked up earlier. She then went on to tell us about how they make flavored marshmallows, and told us we’d get to try samples!

They had an egg nog and peppermint!


I decided to go with peppermint..


And Matt went with egg nog..


These were so tasty! But I have to say, the egg nog was definitely the winner of the two.

We stared in as they made caramel apples, and they looked delicious!



(Keep reading below!)
Continued in next post
Chapter Sixteen: Corn dogs, Makin Friends, and a Holiday Time Tour! CONTINUED
Day 2: November 30th, 2012

Cecil then also told us about how they pipe in the smells into the parks, which Id heard in one of our Disney books wed bought. But it was kind of neat because she told us to look for the vents in the park, especially when we went back to Main Street. Id never thought to look for them, but they are definitely there, just well-hidden!

At this point we headed out of California Adventure, and headed back over to Disneyland.



Cecil then talked about the different Christmas trees in the park. The one that I thought was fascinating was the one in Walts personal apartment, which you could see from Main Street. They also put a menorah in one of the second story windows on Main Street, too.


We headed over towards the Partners statue, and at this point, it seriously DOWNPOURED. Cecil went to open her umbrella and the entire thing felt apart! I felt so bad; the handle just completely fell off and flew across the ground. She managed to get it open though so at least she had something over her head.


You can see she had no handle on her umbrella, hahaha. Whoops!


I honestly have no idea what she told us here because of how hard it was raining. I was just sitting there being sad as I realized my hopes of getting VIP seats for the parade were being crushed. With the amount of rain that was coming down, even if it stopped, the pavement would be way too soaked for it to be safe for the parade to happen.

All I know is before we knew it, we were heading over to Haunted Mansion Holiday.

One of the cool benefits of this tour is you get to bypass all lines and go to the front of Haunted Mansion Holiday and Its a Small World Holiday. Pretty awesome, especially since there was a sizeable line when we arrived.



So something weird happened while we all were on this. I was taking photos like I normally do with my camera, which is with NO flash. I cannot stand flash photography on dark rides, so I obviously follow that rule.

Right after I took a photo, a lady came over the intercom saying no flash photos. None had been taken where we were, so Matt and I were super confused, and Matt thought they may have been talking to me!

We got off the ride and Cecil came up to me and asked if they were talking to me. I said I wasnt sure, but I thought it was really odd since I wasnt using a flash.

She told me that it was probably a newer CM working and that they may have thought I used my flash? I dont really know, but she told me not to worry about it. It was just really weird.

We headed out of Haunted Mansion Holiday, and Cecil told us about all of the different countries Santas. One of the women in our group mentioned how in Epcot they have different story tellers/versions of Santa Claus who tell the story of how Christmas is celebrated in their country. Cecil then proclaimed that she REALLY wanted to visit Disney World at Christmas time, haha.

We then headed over to Its a Small World, and again were able to skip the line. It wasnt lit up yet, and someone mentioned it would at around 5:15. As we were waiting to board our boat, we suddenly heard an announcement, and a countdown and well& We got to witness this. I was actually able to capture this moment on video, and guys, it was AMAZING and beautiful. Click the image below to watch&

I think being surrounded by everyone as they gasped and cheered just made me SO happy. I definitely got a little choked up at the whole scene.

We boarded our boat and I took a photo of the CM sitting above& Looking at this photo now, he looks very grumpy, hahaha.


I loved how they had all of the hedge animals lit up outside&


And these wreaths were so pretty!


Every ride through I discovered something new that I loved about it& Like this guy..


And this Canadian Mounties EPIC MUSTACHE.


And I loved this Christmas tree and the bulbs coming off of it&


This time I caught Simba and Pumba!


AND THIS HIPPO! I kept trying to get photos of it with its eyes open and that thing does NOT like to open its eyes. BUT, I finally succeeded.


At this point, it was around 5:30, when the parade was supposed to start, and we obviously figured out that it wasnt happening. Such a bummer; that was one of the biggest perks of doing the tour!

I was a little sad, but we then headed off towards ToonTown! I was kind of glad because we hadnt made our way over to that area of the park yet.


Cecil walked us over to Plutos Dog House, and informed us we would get a Gingerbread cookie and hot chocolate!


We were given these adorable mugs full of hot chocolate& How cute are they?!


Cecil informed us the parade wouldnt be happening, and thanked us for being great guests on her tour, while she handed out special pins. We thanked Cecil and then headed off to check out more of ToonTown before we went elsewhere.


SO! My thoughts about the tour& I think it is pretty awesome if its your first day in the parks and you havent gone on anything yet& and also if you dont know a ton about Disneyland in general. Some of the information we learned was definitely interesting to learn, but a lot of it was non-Disney related and things I knew about and so sometimes I found myself a little bored.

The rain was pretty crappy and that definitely affected my enjoyment of the tour, both because the parade was canceled and also just because it made it hard to focus on what Cecil was saying.

Would I do the tour again? No& and I think without the VIP seating for the parade (with Disney not doing anything to make up for when the parade is canceled, not even offering VIP seating for a future parade), it is not worth the price of the tour.

Its neat and all, but for $68 per person, without that VIP seating, I wouldnt say its worth it. We got a 20% off discount because of our Disney Visa, and even then Im still not sure I got my moneys worth.

But again! If youve never been to the parks and its your first day, OR its during an extremely busy time, I could see it being worth it!

We headed out of Toon Town and back towards Its a Small World and took a few photos near it&


Funny story. We set our stuff down on a trash can to put our mugs in the backpack, along with our pins and Gingerbread men wed just got. While doing this, we managed to leave our 3-hour old umbrella on the trash can! I dont remember when we realized we lost our umbrella, but we laughed at how we managed to lose it so quickly. I think Matt had even made a joke right as we bought it about losing it. Bahaha, oh well. At least it wasnt a super expensive umbrella!

Next update, we eat at one of the most infamous restaurants in Disneyland, and experience Believe& In the Magic for the first time ever!

Continued in next post
Darn that rain!!! I wish it hadn't ruined your parade. So I was thinking about the photo-taking-incident in HM. Did you have your focus assist light on? Once I went in HM and quickly realized that my focus assist light was coming on BEFORE taking the shot b/c if it's turned on and it's really dark, it will do that until you turn it off. Maybe the CM saw that light and thought it was a flash? Or it could just be that I think sometimes they don't realize that those of us with dslrs CAN (and DO) take photos without flashes, so they just assume if there's a camera out that people are using flash.

I'm so excited for your trip! When you get back I will have mere days before it's my turn! I hope you guys have a blast and your friends love it as much as you!
Loving your TR, it's one of the best I have read. I love it so much that I'm starting on your WDW PTR, we have never been there and I'm not sure if we ever will go there, but it's bound to be wonderful to read!

Thanks and enjoy your trip!
That rain really stinks!! Hope you have some gorgeous weather in Florida! Have a great trip!
oh, that stinks about the rain! I was hoping to do the holiday tour and like you, the SOLE reason I would do it is for the VIP parade seating. Have fun in WDW!
I hate that you guys got so much rain!! It reminds me of the last two trips to WDW we have had. I hope you get great whether in Florida!!
Those candy canes do look epic!!! :rotfl: at Matt breaking one as you were back in the room!

Too bad that the rain really affected your tour! Hope you get better weather in Florida!!! Have a wonderful trip!! :banana::banana::banana:
That rain, what a bummer! The tour sounds like fun, but I can see it being a lot more fun WITHOUT a torrential downpour. :( I think it's pretty crazy that for the price they charge you, they didn't compensate you in some way for missing out on the parade VIP seating. :confused3

I got chills & tears in my eyes watching the video of IASW lighting up! What an amazing sight that must be to see in person!!! :yay:

Have SO MUCH FUN in Disney World!!!!
Sorry the tour wasn't all you hoped for. I, too am surprised you didn't get something since the parade was cancelled!

Have a great trip! We will miss your updates here!

I saw someone mention your twitter and would love to follow your adventures in WDW. Can you post your user name or pm me it?
Darn that rain!!! I wish it hadn't ruined your parade. So I was thinking about the photo-taking-incident in HM. Did you have your focus assist light on? Once I went in HM and quickly realized that my focus assist light was coming on BEFORE taking the shot b/c if it's turned on and it's really dark, it will do that until you turn it off. Maybe the CM saw that light and thought it was a flash? Or it could just be that I think sometimes they don't realize that those of us with dslrs CAN (and DO) take photos without flashes, so they just assume if there's a camera out that people are using flash.

I'm so excited for your trip! When you get back I will have mere days before it's my turn! I hope you guys have a blast and your friends love it as much as you!

I know, I was so bummed out that it canceled the parade. I was most looking forward to it. :( But oh well.

I think I might had my focus light on by mistake, so that might have been it! I'll have to remember that when I'm in Disney World and am taking photos!

YAY I CAN'T WAIT!! And yours is so close too!! I hope you guys have a ton of fun on your mother-daughter trip!

Loving your TR, it's one of the best I have read. I love it so much that I'm starting on your WDW PTR, we have never been there and I'm not sure if we ever will go there, but it's bound to be wonderful to read!

Thanks and enjoy your trip!

Aww this is such a HUGE compliment, thank you so much!! I hope you're enjoying/enjoyed my WDW TR... and I will be writing one for the trip we're about to go on, of course. Thank you again!!

That rain really stinks!! Hope you have some gorgeous weather in Florida! Have a great trip!

Yeah, this is the one time where I was really tired of the rain and frustrated... but I got over it quickly and we had some fun anyway!

Forecast is looking pretty awesome for our trip, so here's hoping we don't bring any Seattle rain with us!

oh, that stinks about the rain! I was hoping to do the holiday tour and like you, the SOLE reason I would do it is for the VIP parade seating. Have fun in WDW!

It was a mega bummer because the VIP seating was by far the hugest perk of the tour.. aand we didn't get it. Wompwomp.

We will have a blast! I can't wait to start up a TR for it and ya know.. have an awesome time, haha.

I hate that you guys got so much rain!! It reminds me of the last two trips to WDW we have had. I hope you get great whether in Florida!!

I know, SUCH a bummer! I couldn't believe all of the rain we experience. Weather forecast for Florida is looking pretty awesome, though, so we should be okay!! Thank you!

That rain, what a bummer! The tour sounds like fun, but I can see it being a lot more fun WITHOUT a torrential downpour. :( I think it's pretty crazy that for the price they charge you, they didn't compensate you in some way for missing out on the parade VIP seating. :confused3

I got chills & tears in my eyes watching the video of IASW lighting up! What an amazing sight that must be to see in person!!! :yay:

Have SO MUCH FUN in Disney World!!!!

Yeah, I think if it hadn't rained I would definitely be recommending the tour, if not just for the VIP seating... but unfortunately, this left me kind of feeling meh about it. And I agree, I really wish they had some way of making up for the loss of VIP seating, it seemed pretty lame they didn't do anything.

OMG, I did, too! That moment was amazing and beautiful and reminded me of why I love Disney parks so much.

WE WILL! I can't believe our trip is here!! BTW, I have it planned to read your entire current TR while on my flight! I've been saving it for that very reason, since I'll have wifi on the plane. I can't WAIT to read it!

Sorry the tour wasn't all you hoped for. I, too am surprised you didn't get something since the parade was cancelled!

Have a great trip! We will miss your updates here!

I saw someone mention your twitter and would love to follow your adventures in WDW. Can you post your user name or pm me it?

Ah it's okay, it was still enjoyable! I just wish they'd have made up for a lack of a parade.

Thank you! I do have twitter and I tend to update it while I'm in the parks with photos and whatnot. My twitter handle is snoogibear, so feel free to follow along on my trip! And of course, I'll be writing a TR when I'm back. :goodvibes
Those candy canes do look epic!!! :rotfl: at Matt breaking one as you were back in the room!

Too bad that the rain really affected your tour! Hope you get better weather in Florida!!! Have a wonderful trip!! :banana::banana::banana:

Haha, somehow I skipped your comment when I went to reply! So weird.

The candy canes were EPIC. Seriously! And I was laughing so hard at Matt, he felt so bad since he'd also broken my portable iPhone charger by mistake the day before we left... but we fixed it all!

I think the Florida weather will be a LOT better than what we saw in Disneyland! YAYAYAYY! I am so excited!

WE WILL! I can't believe our trip is here!! BTW, I have it planned to read your entire current TR while on my flight! I've been saving it for that very reason, since I'll have wifi on the plane. I can't WAIT to read it!


Aww, that is too sweet! :goodvibes Have safe travels & a FUN trip! Can't wait to read about it!
Darn that rain :mad:!
I have to say, though, that I got choked up just watching the video of IASW lighting up; I cannot imagine how the tears would be flowing if I saw it in person! And can you imagine if Brynn saw it in person:cloud9::eek:!?! Oh, my! Dream come true right there! That would pretty much make her life!
I'd probably have to do the tour, as I know absolutely zilch about DL. You seem to be getting acquainted with it fast, though! Good on ya!

Have SO MUCH FUN at WDW! Ten days!? I'm super jealous, but super happy for you :goodvibes!
Those corn dogs look so good! Would you believe me if I said that I've never had a corn dog before? Well, whether or not you believe me, it is sadly the truth. The funny thing is that I've been saving my first corn dog experience for whenever I go to Disneyland. Not like that's happening anytime soon AT ALL, but I'm weird and it's just a funny coincidence. :laughing:

Omg... I don't even know how people pay for ONE DVC whatever ya call it, let alone SIX. HOT DANG, WOMAN! Does she wanna share? Hahha but really.

Oh man, that's such a shame about the rain canceling the parade! I honestly probably would have cried because I absolutely ADORE that parade! I've seriously watched it on you tube about 20 times because I figure I won't be seeing it anytime soon! Hopefully one day yall will get to see it! I feel like you should go back next year and be like "um hi... we did the tour last year and it rained, if you want proof you can read my TR... mind giving us VIP seating like right now? K thanks BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." (Penny from Happy Endings style right there. :lmao:)

It's a small world looks so amazing!!! I tried to watch your video a few times but it froze in the same spot before it lit up! :confused3


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