Should This Woman Have Her Life Ruined Because She Posted a Stupid Photo on Her Own F

Here is part of it:

32 CFR 553.22 - Visitors' rules for the Arlington National Cemetery.

(13) Engage in any disorderly conduct within the Cemetery grounds. For purposes of this section, a person shall be guilty of disorderly conduct if, with purpose to cause, or with knowledge that he is likely to cause, public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, he:

(i) Engages in, promotes, instigates, encourages, or aids and abet
s fighting, or threatening, violent or tumultuous behavior;
(ii) Yells, utters loud and boisterous language or makes other unreasonably loud noise;
(iii) Interrupts or disturbs a memorial service or ceremony;
(iv) Utters to any person present abusive, insulting, profane, indecent or otherwise provocative language or gesture that by its very utterance tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace;
(v) Obstructs movement on the streets, sidewalks, or pathways of the Cemetery grounds without prior authorization by competent authority;
(vi) Disobeys a proper request or order by the Superintendent, Cemetery special police, park police, or other competent authority to disperse or to leave the Cemetery grounds; or
(vii) Otherwise creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act not authorized by competent authority.

As I said I did do my research and there is more information out there and also a report of others who were there at the time. It looks as though it may have been pulled, but I will still look for it.

Like I said, flipping off a sign isn't against the law.
I suggest everyone who has ever posted here on the DIS while at work go back through their posting history and make sure nothing that could even remotely be construed in the wrong way is posted. Wouldn't want some tattletales printing out a copy of that offending post and sending it on to your employer. Clearly this is the world we live in now.

Forget "Big Brother". Apparently we need to be far more concerned about "Little Sister".

Scary thought, isn't it?
Are the RULES of the cemetery or actual federal LAWS? For example, my local theater has a no cell phone rule and they can eject you from the theater for violating it, but they can't have you arrested for it.

I'd hazard a guess that regulations set for a federal site administered by the Department of the Army have a bit more legal weight than rules of a private entity on private property.
Hope somebody calls this bird's boss...

Look at him...flaunting authority.
I suggest everyone who has ever posted here on the DIS while at work go back through their posting history and make sure nothing that could even remotely be construed in the wrong way is posted. Wouldn't want some tattletales printing out a copy of that offending post and sending it on to your employer. Clearly this is the world we live in now.

Forget "Big Brother". Apparently we need to be far more concerned about "Little Sister".

I have never posted at work since I am a SAHM mom;) and I dont tattle on anyone...but we live in this world, we need to be cautious about what we post and where, or be ready to stand behind what we post. I would probably be more likely to defend this nutjob if she did it on her own private time but she did not.

We tell our children ALL THE TIME not to post pictures that they dont want the world to see, no matter how secure they think their blog, FB page etc is. A kid can be denied a job, or entrance to college based on what they post. They are held accountable and warned all the time.

This is a grown woman who should have known better.

Own your actions, your words and your pictures but you need to be prepared in this day and age to live with what might be the consquences.
I have never posted at work since I am a SAHM mom;) and I dont tattle on anyone...but we live in this world, we need to be cautious about what we post and where, or be ready to stand behind what we post. I would probably be more likely to defend this nutjob if she did it on her own private time but she did not.

We tell our children ALL THE TIME not to post pictures that they dont want the world to see, no matter how secure they think their blog, FB page etc is. A kid can be denied a job, or entrance to college based on what they post. They are held accountable and warned all the time.

This is a grown woman who should have known better.

Own your actions, your words and your pictures but you need to be prepared in this day and age to live with what might be the consquences.

Yes...because LITTLE SISTER is watching. Just like I said.
So why do we as adults work and work to try to teach children and teenagers respect and decorum, if you can blow that out of the water as an adult? We preach to children what they do and who they do it with will always reflect on them.

What makes this lady so special that she can go around flipping the bird in cemetaries or just being so awesome by smoking next to a no smoking sign?

Why should I excuse her behavior? She is an adult and needs to understand acting a fool comes with consequences. Maybe people would start acting a little better in this world if we as a unit started calling them out for unacceptable behavior and yes flipping the bird in any cemetary is unacceptable behavior. Contrary to her belief, she is not anymore special or awesome than the next person.
My Dad is buried at Arlington and I don't find this disrespectful.

I think she was just making a funny pic using irony. She would have made that pic anywhere that had a sign like that.

There is a website where people post pics similar to this, ie: A pic of yourself smoking next to a "NO SMOKING" sign; Your car parked next to a "NO PARKING" sign.

I think she was just trying to be funny, but, people now have to read so much into every.little.thing.

Thank you for being a voice of reason!
No, it has nothing to do with freedom of speech. The government is not involved.

Her private employer didn't like what she did so they fired her.

Same as the airlines that fire employees who post pics of themselves in a uniform or on a plane doing something salacious, or teams that fine or dismiss players who violate the code of conduct or etc.

Anyone has the right to be a kooky white supremacist and march and write about their loony tune beliefs. If an employer in a right-to-work state doesn't want a nazi working there, that's not about freedom of speech, it's about dumb people and dumb is not a protected class.

There's a difference in an employer finding something stupid about an employee and acting on it, and having total strangers who don't even do business with that company not only rat them out, but start a campaign to have them fired.
She posted something publicly that two rational people can have wildly different opinions about. That was a stupid of her, and it's probably going to follow her for the rest of her life. I think she's learned whatever "lesson" she can take from this.

The "Fire Lindsey Stone" Facebook page is serious step too far, though.
Yes...because LITTLE SISTER is watching. Just like I said.

It doesnt matter WHO is watching, you need to be able to accept the consquences of your actions and stand behind them...some days those actions may be deemed accceptable other days not acceptable. Even if there was no picture online, let's say her boss happened to walk up as these people were taking their shot. If he/she deemed it as disgusting as the rest of us, then they are entitled to fire her. She did something, she got caught, she needs to accept the consquences whatever they may be.
What makes this lady so special that she can go around flipping the bird in cemetaries or just being so awesome by smoking next to a no smoking sign?

Why should I excuse her behavior?

My question is, can anyone make a mistake anymore?

Has nobody ever said or done something they regret?

Maybe she doesn't feel she did anything wrong, but if she DOES feel that way, can she not apologize, admit it was wrong and throw herself on the mercy of the world, (and the Dis)?

I see posts on this board all the time......"My SIL is awesome, we have been the best of friends for 35 years, she has supported me thru thick and thin, we are like sisters. The other day she said my pants make my butt look big. Now I hate her forever and I never want to see her again!!!"

I sincerely hope nobody here says or does the wrong thing that causes them to lose their career. Is EVERY lapse in judgement terminal?
I believe she meant no harm - the sign said silence and respect - so she imitated yelling (she did NOT actually yell) and imitated disrespect.

Years ago, I remember seeing a sign on the side of the road that said "No stopping, no standing, and no parking". We had to pull over and take a picture of us stopped, standing and parked. Funny in a weird way.

More PC run amok that we have to fire people for stuff like this.

The problem with this outlook is that the sign itself says quite clearly where she is (it actually reads "Arlington National Cemetery"), so it's obvious what the request for silence and respect represented.

NEVER post anything on the internet that you don't want the whole world to see (and/or comment on). The Internet is not private. Not only that, but this particular person is utterly clueless about why that photo was offensive to many. She thinks it was just a joke and no big deal.

Her employer can decide whether or not they want her working for them, based on her apparent complete lack of judgment while on company time.

Even if there was no picture online, let's say her boss happened to walk up as these people were taking their shot.

Her boss actually took the photo. She's been suspended also.
She posted something publicly that two rational people can have wildly different opinions about. That was a stupid of her, and it's probably going to follow her for the rest of her life. I think she's learned whatever "lesson" she can take from this.

The "Fire Lindsey Stone" Facebook page is serious step too far, though.

Right. She has been called out on her unacceptable behavior. An apology has been issued.
What else do people want?

Honestly, I can't believe adults on Facebook participate in such immature things.
Like I said, flipping off a sign isn't against the law.

I replied before and I will reply again. There is an article that explains what she did that was against the law. I am still looking for it. I believe it was deleted so I am going through to see it I can catch it elsewhere.

It has something to do with the fact she was on land that is owned by the I believe the Dept of Defense and not public property. They have certain rules that must be respected and followed. If not they can be arrested and charged. Now please, I stated before and I am stating it now. I am still looking for the article that gave the information and confirmed it also.

No need to keep copying my post and stating that it is not against the law to give the finger. It is not about that.

I apologize to the other posters as I am still looking and should have waited until I had the article to back up my post. That was my mistake. But I stand by my post. She broke the law but was not caught at the time.

I will continue to look and hopefully I will find it. Many of the posts on her companies facebook were deleted overnight. So it may take a while.
It doesnt matter WHO is watching, you need to be able to accept the consquences of your actions and stand behind them...some days those actions may be deemed accceptable other days not acceptable. Even if there was no picture online, let's say her boss happened to walk up as these people were taking their shot. If he/she deemed it as disgusting as the rest of us, then they are entitled to fire her. She did something, she got caught, she needs to accept the consquences whatever they may be.

:rotfl2: The person who took the picture WAS HER BOSS.

I wonder how many of the outraged here also posted their disgust over on the DIS tattletale thread? Now I have to go and see...
I replied before and I will reply again. There is an article that explains what she did that was against the law. I am still looking for it. I believe it was deleted so I am going through to see it I can catch it elsewhere.

It has something to do with the fact she was on land that is owned by the I believe the Dept of Defense and not public property. They have certain rules that must be respected and followed. If not they can be arrested and charged. Now please, I stated before and I am stating it now. I am still looking for the article that gave the information and confirmed it also.

No need to keep copying my post and stating that it is not against the law to give the finger. It is not about that.

I apologize to the other posters as I am still looking and should have waited until I had the article to back up my post. That was my mistake. But I stand by my post. She broke the law but was not caught at the time.

I will continue to look and hopefully I will find it. Many of the posts on her companies facebook were deleted overnight. So it may take a while.

I quoted your post to reply to it, since it was the info you posted I was addressing. :confused3

Rules (per your post you don't want quoted again) are different than laws.
Right. She has been called out on her unacceptable behavior. An apology has been issued.
What else do people want?

What else people want???


If you kill someone as a prank, later saying I'm sorry is NOT going to bring them back, is it? The damage is done.

I never hear anyone apologizing for something no one knows about, only after they get cough. So tell me, is she truly sorry??? Or she said that because she had to... :rolleyes2

What else people want???


If you kill someone as a prank, later saying I'm sorry is NOT going to bring them back, is it? The damage is done.

I never hear anyone apologizing for something no one knows about, only after they get cough. So tell me, is she truly sorry??? Or she said that because she had to... :rolleyes2


Killing someone isn't even remotely the same as flipping off a sign.

Apples to basketballs.


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