TTC thread take 2

Hi ladies. It's been a long while since I've posted here. I'll try to catch up with everyone when I can. Hi to all the ladies I already know and Hi to the ones I hope to get to know better.

I'm currently focusing most of my energy on weight loss, eating better and exercise. I started running again last week. I gained 5lbs of muscle over the week and shed 5lbs of fat over the weekend so I'm back to where I was to begin with. I have lost about 30lbs since September though with just eating a little bit better. Now I'm really trying to get down to business. I started P90X yesterday and man is that ever a work out! I hope to look and feel better by the end of the 90 days while I continue with my running too. Here's to results!

DH is still taking Clomid. He went for blood work last Friday but we haven't gotten the results back yet. He will be on it until at least the end of May and then go get a repeat S/A if we haven't gotten pregnant yet. We're still TTC on our own with him taking the Clomid. This is our 2nd cycle really trying. I've been using the CBFM, preseed and instead cups. I'm currently 5dpo on cycle 2 of trying these things. I'm tracking my BBT and my temps have been really wonky this TWW but I'm assuming that's from the exercising.

Anyways, hope to see some BFP's happening here again real soon!
Rienchen, sounds like your making progress!!!!! Congrats.

I am very excited. Annoyingly I missed a call this morning from the clinic, they left a voicemail to let me know that a last minute appointment had become available this Friday but by the time I called back it was gone :( Guess I'm keeping the one in 5 weeks.

Leger, I too am still working on eating better, but my consultation is 5 days after I get back from 12 days on QSDP at WDW, so I think I might be up by a few lbs then, yet still a BMI of under 30 so shouldn't be a problem, though obviously trying not to overdo the 'free' cakes and icecreams while I'm away.
Hi ladies! Can I join your thread?

We have been TTC #2 for me, #3 for DH since I had my Mirena removed on 08/11. I didn't have a period until Christmas Day. I ovulated normally in January and February, got pregnant in February but lost the baby prior to six weeks (chemical pregnancy). I did not ovulate in March and I am currently on CD51. At CD60 we are going to induce AF with provera and then we are on to Clomid this cycle.

This whole TTC journey has been a rollercoaster ride. I am ready to get off :)
Hi ladies! Can I join your thread?

We have been TTC #2 for me, #3 for DH since I had my Mirena removed on 08/11. I didn't have a period until Christmas Day. I ovulated normally in January and February, got pregnant in February but lost the baby prior to six weeks (chemical pregnancy). I did not ovulate in March and I am currently on CD51. At CD60 we are going to induce AF with provera and then we are on to Clomid this cycle.

This whole TTC journey has been a rollercoaster ride. I am ready to get off :)

Wishing you luck and hearing some positive news very soon!!!!
Sorry went MIA! My uncle passed away and while we were in Houston for his funeral after a 5 hour drive, we get word my Grandpa fell and was unconscious. Grandpa died a week later. I left my Uncle's funeral (missed it) to turn around and drive back to Dallas same day with my mom so we could be with Grandpa. We sat with him all week until he passed, never regaining consciousness. He was 91. My Uncle was terminally ill (pancreatic cancer). What a couple of weeks.

So finally back to life. I thought about this thread and all you great ladies last night and how I needed to check in and see how everyone is. Always thinking of you guys and praying for everyone!!!:goodvibes

I'm so sorry to hear that! My grandfather passed away that way too, except he died the same day, and this was back when I was in high school. My grandmother (his wife) passed away when she was 91 as well. That's good you got to at least see him before he passed.
Hi ladies. It's been a long while since I've posted here. I'll try to catch up with everyone when I can. Hi to all the ladies I already know and Hi to the ones I hope to get to know better.

I'm currently focusing most of my energy on weight loss, eating better and exercise. I started running again last week. I gained 5lbs of muscle over the week and shed 5lbs of fat over the weekend so I'm back to where I was to begin with. I have lost about 30lbs since September though with just eating a little bit better. Now I'm really trying to get down to business. I started P90X yesterday and man is that ever a work out! I hope to look and feel better by the end of the 90 days while I continue with my running too. Here's to results!

Good job with staying fit! My husband&I have been going to the gym since the end of December. We even went once during our 2nd anniversary trip (which we used the D.V.C. for ;))! :) One of my good friends is doing P90X right now and she's lost more weight than my husband has (about 10lbs. more) and she's been at it since Jan.
UPDATE: I just made my first appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist today. D.H.&I have been t.t.c. since Feb. 2011 and I finally called my gyn. last week to make an appt. which would've been for May 8th, but then I tried to change it today because now I have to work May 8th, and they didn't have anything until AUGUST! I almost cried while still on the phone, and did once I got off the phone. I couldn't wait until AUGUST! It's ridiculous it took me until this month to call as it was! So once I got myself together, I called my p.c.p. and left a message for her explaining and asking if she could recommend anyone or even if she could see me. I actually had to hang up the first time I called because the receptionist who answered knows my mom, and my mom doesn't know yet (long story, but she gives mixed messages on how she feels about when D.H.&I should have kids, so we're not planning on telling her until I AM, she worries enough as it is and would stress me out even more in terms of the me not being able to get pg. yet thing). My p.c.p. hasn't called me back yet, so after a little while I remembered how I saw an article about how my gyn. isn't really who to see anyway, how it's a reproductive endocrinologist, so I tried looking up ones I could see based on my insurance. The website wasn't working, so I called, and they and the place I'm going to go were so nice. It's so nice to hear people that seem to care and understand vs. like, "Okay, we have this appt." when I've just told them we've been t.t.c. for OVER A YR.! The receptionist at the r.e.'s even wished me good luck. :) Another good thing: the appt.'s even earlier than my original gyn. one was...May 7th.
another update

Feeling like $#^& today. D.H. took one of those at home sperm analysis test things Saturday, or Sunday? I don't know. It came up negative. So now he seems pretty sure he doesn't have enough half the time (or more than half the time), and trying to convince himself that it was wrong the other half. This morning he whispered in my ear as I was half-asleep or more, "I'm sorry I can't give you a baby" or something to that effect, and I woke up feeling like crap pretty soon after my alarm went off.
another update

Feeling like $#^& today. D.H. took one of those at home sperm analysis test things Saturday, or Sunday? I don't know. It came up negative. So now he seems pretty sure he doesn't have enough half the time (or more than half the time), and trying to convince himself that it was wrong the other half. This morning he whispered in my ear as I was half-asleep or more, "I'm sorry I can't give you a baby" or something to that effect, and I woke up feeling like crap pretty soon after my alarm went off.

Oh dear...I don't know that I would put a lot of faith in one of those. Glad you can see an RE soon.
Oh dear...I don't know that I would put a lot of faith in one of those. Glad you can see an RE soon.

I know. I basically told him that once we saw the result, that it was just an at-home one, and that they'll probably have him do it again there, and he even read that when they do at a dr.'s office, they have the guy there three seperate times, but he's still going back and forth with how he feels. I just feel awful today and of course no matter where I look there are pg. women or women with babies. Monday can't come soon enough in that sense.
Having a bad day today. :sad1::sad1:

My SIL is pregnant. They did have problems getting here and finally did. Im happy for her, but just feeling miserable.

I feel like a failure and even question my feminity.

Whats scary is that my severe depression is coming back. I am a self harmer. I just can't feel happy. I can't tell anyone else about the thoughts running through my head. They'd tell me to just get over it or worse, pity me.
Having a bad day today. :sad1::sad1:

My SIL is pregnant. They did have problems getting here and finally did. Im happy for her, but just feeling miserable.

I feel like a failure and even question my feminity.

Whats scary is that my severe depression is coming back. I am a self harmer. I just can't feel happy. I can't tell anyone else about the thoughts running through my head. They'd tell me to just get over it or worse, pity me.

Please please please see your doctor! He will not minimize your thoughts and he will be able to help you!

I am sending many hugs.

Anna please call your Dr. There is lots of stuff on the horizon coming up that you probably can't even imagine for yourself yet but it's coming! Call your Dr. and let him/her know what is going on and see if you can't get an emergency scrip to bring down your anxiety and level out your mood until you can see a therapist. You are to important to to many people,:cutie: I'm one of them! Please take care of yourself ok:hug: I'm sending pixi dust and hugs your way!
Thank you for your concern. :hug:

I have an appointment with my neuro this month and Im going to ask for medicine for my depression/anxiety. I used to take Sertraline and it helped a lot.
The 30th, we are meeting with the RE for our next step. I am thinking of having an MRI and seeing how much needs to be done. I've been taking medicine to help with the blockage. If I don't need it as much or they think I can still conceive without it, Im considering skipping to IUI. :wizard:

I've actually tossed around the idea of having it done the week before we go to WDW so Id have something to do during the 2ww. Is that a bad idea? Id be afraid to ride anything though. Has anyone done that? :confused3

Hi everyone, hope you are all well. I have been MIA for awhile (had failed IUI in March & took a break in April)

Just stated shots for IVF over the weekend & yesterday had an anxiety/panic attack prior to baseline bloodwork & ultrasound. RE now wants me to take zanix (probally spelled wrong) to help me relax.

Has anyone ever gone thru this - massive anxeity prior to IVF?

Thinking back while I was taking the shots for the IUI, I had the some of the same feelings but the RE associated it with side effects from the shots. I am not sure I could go for another 2-3 weeks feeling like this.

Thanks for listening.
Hi Girls,

I see some of you have been having a tough time and I am sending prayers your way.

I wanted to let you know that on May 2 our baby boy was born. We are over the moon and feeling blessed beyond words.

I wanted to share our news because we tried & waited 10 years for our dream to finally come true. I hope you all hold on, follow you hearts and know I would love to check in and share a photo with you all if that's ok.

Would love to still offer my support.
Baby Dust for All,
Hi everyone, hope you are all well. I have been MIA for awhile (had failed IUI in March & took a break in April)

Just stated shots for IVF over the weekend & yesterday had an anxiety/panic attack prior to baseline bloodwork & ultrasound. RE now wants me to take zanix (probally spelled wrong) to help me relax.

Has anyone ever gone thru this - massive anxeity prior to IVF?

Thinking back while I was taking the shots for the IUI, I had the some of the same feelings but the RE associated it with side effects from the shots. I am not sure I could go for another 2-3 weeks feeling like this.

Thanks for listening.

I did just read an article that one hospital seems to have better IVF success by having clowns perform afterward, because laughter lets off stress and stress is bad for IVF. So you might try listening to some good comedy or something after?

No news here. This is the last month before we try Clomid.
Anyone w/ PCOS....did Clomid work for you? If not what was the next step after that?


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