Grand floridian teddy bear lady

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We were there at the end of September/beginning of October and saw her in the lobby in the afternoon. I know who she is and can recognize her because of the DIS, but I've never approached her. That's not a judgement on folks who do' it is just my personality.
I have yet to see a post on this thread or others where people who enjoy saying hi to her view or describe her as an attraction. My daughter and I always enjoy time in the lobby of the GF when we go over there to 1900 or when we go to visit our friends who often travel the same time we do and always stay at the GF. I have never seen people pestering her and again, she enjoys the company.

If she was being a bother or if hoardes of people flocking around her were being a bother, the GF staff would put a stop to this. Instead, they happily allow her to be there and tell guests about her a bit when they ask.

WDW has made this woman very happy over the years, to me she sort of signifies what its all about, which is enjoying the experience and sharing it with others.

Sometimes I think we all forget that in spite a huge number of posters, we are still a very small slice of the WDW pie. The vast majority of people who are in the GF lobby at any given time have no idea Lynn exists. Its easy to read threads and assume everyone else on the planet is aware of whatever we are posting about whichis hardly the case. Again, if she was being pestered for autographs and annoying guests, she'd be asked to leave. Or maybe would leave on her own to escape all the hoopla.

Most of the time she's just sitting there with a smile on her face surrounded by tourists doing their own thing and not noticing her.

When you specifically post a thread about when is the best time to catch her in the lobby, in my opinion, it is a bit much.

It sounded much like when is the best time to ride Space Mt. hence my attraction comment.

If you are there as guest or dining and see her and talk to her is very different from intentionally going there to see "if" she is there.
When you specifically post a thread about when is the best time to catch her in the lobby, in my opinion, it is a bit much.

It sounded much like when is the best time to ride Space Mt. hence my attraction comment.

If you are there as guest or dining and see her and talk to her is very different from intentionally going there to see "if" she is there.

At the end of the day if you see her on chance or see her on purpose - who cares - you saw her...So the comment of not going if it is intentional makes no sense?
I wouldn't really say it is loitering. Lots of non-GF guests pass through the GF lobby. They could be dining or shopping or seeing the gingerbread house at Christmas. The lady visits to listen to the piano player. I don't consider her an attraction or a loiterer. To me, she looked like a person enjoying the music.
It sounds to me that she would very much enjoy having someone visit with her. She's there for company, after all.

And when I'm older, I hope someone is kind and visits with "that guy with the Duffys" hanging around the food court of POFQ.
Hmm, based on what I've read here it sounds like the exact definition of loitering.

She's a valued past guest of the hotel, who continues to enjoy the resort's entertainment offerings with the blessing of the hotel's staff. That's hardly loitering.
I am the OP. I have sat with Lynn and enjoyed numerous conversations with her. Some times she is more approachable than others. She enjoys reminiscing about Disney trips with her late husband. Childeren walking by always make her eyes light up. My wife promised her some crocheting materials and we were trying to find the best time to catch her at the GF to drop them off. This thread was in no means started as an STALKER thread or to encourage others to GAWK at Lynn. If you know her story, you know that she is special. I have seen that in her first hand and believe we have a mutual enjoyment of each others company.
Observation: As I've returned to the DIsboards the past several weeks to plan our upcoming trip, it is striking just how negative and intolerant some of the members have become since I first joined over a decade ago. Since I come and go from the boards based on trips we are planning, the change is perhaps more obvious than if I were here everyday. A little like seeing an old friend who has let himself go, packing on pounds and growing old gradually, albeit noticeably. What is surprising, and a little sad, is that the grumpiest and least tolerant posts seem to come from those who have had the most opportunity to enjoy all things Disney. One would think spending so much time acquainting oneself with the "happiest place on earth" would result in a happier, more pleasant demeanor. Sadly, in some it seems to have created a general sense of entitlement to spout scorn, intolerance for others, and to become, well, bullies. It's just not as fun here as it was 12 years ago.
Sorry to be judgmental -- but, like another poster, I find the whole teddy bear thing creepy. If she were just there listening to the music, fine. But, I don't understand the teddy bears. It makes her the subject of conversation and attention -- which she brings on herself and obviously wants.

And, I really doubt that there is any proof that she is sitting in the lobby with the "hotel staff's blessing". The hotel lobby, though private property, is treated for legal purposes as a "public square". And I suspect Disney does not want to be accused of barring entry to someone who isn't really causing any disturbance. But, tolerating her does not equate to having her there with the staff's blessing. I have read the story posted by her sister some time ago, by the way.

If someone has verifiable information that the hotel management is pleased to have her there in the lobby with her teddy bears, then I would be interested in seeing it. Until then, I am going to assume (as I always do when I am staying there and see her) that she is tolerated more than welcomed. Just my two cents.
Observation: As I've returned to the DIsboards the past several weeks to plan our upcoming trip, it is striking just how negative and intolerant some of the members have become since I first joined over a decade ago. Since I come and go from the boards based on trips we are planning, the change is perhaps more obvious than if I were here everyday. A little like seeing an old friend who has let himself go, packing on pounds and growing old gradually, albeit noticeably. What is surprising, and a little sad, is that the grumpiest and least tolerant posts seem to come from those who have had the most opportunity to enjoy all things Disney. One would think spending so much time acquainting oneself with the "happiest place on earth" would result in a happier, more pleasant demeanor. Sadly, in some it seems to have created a general sense of entitlement to spout scorn, intolerance for others, and to become, well, bullies. It's just not as fun here as it was 12 years ago.

Sadly, I agree with your post.
And, I really doubt that there is any proof that she is sitting in the lobby with the "hotel staff's blessing".

I also doubt she has the hotels blessing, but come on. Do you really think Disney would allow her to "camp out" on a regular basis for years if they had any issue whatsoever with her.
Perhaps "blessing" is not the perfect word, but bottom line, if the GF staff really didn't want her there, she'd be gone. Whatever she does, whoever she attracts, its not enough of a bother or concern for them to remove her. I think Disney has enough of an in with local law enforcement that if she was a distraction or bad for business, she would have been gone a long time ago.

I doubt any of us can find soemthing in writing from a GF manager stating the Teddy Bear Lady is a blessing, but I can tell you the staff know her and many of them consider her a friend.

I still say that the a very high percentage of guests and visitors of the GF, even regular ones, have no idea about this woman. She doesn't hold court, cause a scene or wander around stalking guests and handing out teddy bears. I do believe she has been known to give bears to people she's very comfortable with that she considers a friend.

She's just a pleasant woman who enjoys Disney, the Grand Floridian and all the memories both bring to her. She lost her husband and going there is a way for her to feel connected to him. To me thats not creepy and I don't think the OP's post or intention was strange or stalk worthy!

If anyone wants to avoid her, its easy to do. If you happen to see this little lady in that big lobby, just keep walking. She won't come running after you yelling your disboard username and demanding to give you a teddy bear!
I am the OP. I have sat with Lynn and enjoyed numerous conversations with her. Some times she is more approachable than others. She enjoys reminiscing about Disney trips with her late husband. Childeren walking by always make her eyes light up. My wife promised her some crocheting materials and we were trying to find the best time to catch her at the GF to drop them off. This thread was in no means started as an STALKER thread or to encourage others to GAWK at Lynn. If you know her story, you know that she is special. I have seen that in her first hand and believe we have a mutual enjoyment of each others company.

if you had included this explanation in your leading post, the responses would have been different.

The times I have seen her have been early afternoon.
At the end of the day if you see her on chance or see her on purpose - who cares - you saw her...So the comment of not going if it is intentional makes no sense?

It makes a lot of difference. One is a chance meeting the other depending on the motive could be quite different.

The OP has furthered explained why he asked the best to time to catch her there, and it was a legitimate reason.

Others could simply want to find out what time she is there to go and see her as if she is some type of freak or sideshow or as Deb said character.

So yes there is a huge difference.
We were there one night last May for dinner at 1900PF, just sitting on a couch waiting to be called. We had our backs to the piano player, and when I turned around to watch him play I realized we were sitting back to back to this lady.

I actually had to distract my dd from noticing her. You see, my dd has a "thing" for plushies of all types, and had she spotted that mountain of bears she would have tried to guilt her out of one, lol.
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