Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

Rose I love it. AM I Team Donald? That would be my preference.

Nice job

I'm so glad you like it! I would prefer Mickey (though I like Donald, too:goodvibes) so that works out perfectly!

Do you think we need a team clippie too? I can't decide. That makes for a lot of clippies!

We had lentil burgers for dinner. We were cooking together and I told Mike to measure out the lentils, and he used the green ones instead of the red ones--they were supposed to be red lentil burgers. They were delicious, but the point of this is, if you would have told me a year ago that I would have had two different kinds of lentils in my house I would never have believed it!:lmao:

I probably won't make the Team Donald clippie until later this week. Though if it keeps snowing like this, I might be going into work late! The ice from this morning is gone, but it's been slowing steadily now for about an hour. I'm not sure what they are predicting.

Have a great evening. I am having dinner with a friend tomorrow, so not sure how much I will be around. Hope everyone has a very on plan day!:goodvibes

Lindsay and Cam--I must say that seeing the deer AFTER I had decided to straighten up my attitude meant so much to me. I am soooo not a believer in signs or any of that stuff, just can't after my childhood, but if I did believe, I would say that was definitely a sign.:goodvibes

Almost forgot--we did some shopping today and I tried on some leggings to go with a sweater dress I was thinking about buying and I walked out of the dressing room to show Mike and the salesperson said I could be in an ad for leggings. She is my new BFF.:rotfl: Needless to say, I bought the leggings and the sweater dress.:goodvibes
Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. This week has been busy with work, so I've been doing work at night after my DS goes to bed, which left me little time for the boards. I should be doing work now, but I just don't feel like it.

Dylan is doing good with his tubes, but he ended up with another cold right before it was time to go back to daycare last Monday and then by Wednesday his ears were draining. His teacher left it there for me to see. She said the head teachers said it was normal, but I called his doc anyway and they prescribed some antibiotic drops. He hates his ear plugs and fights me as I try to get them in, but after a few minutes I usually get them in good enough for him to take his bath/shower.

A co-worked brought in her new WW books and my mother bought me the starter set and calculator yesterday, so I think I'm going to read about it and maybe switch over after the first of the year. My DH wants to stick with the old plan since it's working for him. I reached my goal and have been holding there, so I'm hoping to hold until after the holidays and then I think I may add 5 pounds to my goal for the next challenge. I really just need to tone, but maybe striving for those extra 5 pounds will get me where I want to be.

He then started talking about our gingerbread house and how we made it together and thats why it was special. Then he said, and whats even more special is what is underneath this house. He picked up the house and there was a ring. Everyone was so shocked as was I. The tears started coming, the cameras flashing. He talked about who knows what, I cant remember :rotfl:. The only thing I remember was promising to always have gingerbread house parties and so on. He then got on his knee and asked me to marry him. I could barely squeek out "of course" :laughing: we kissed, then all the hugs from everyone came after. I was shaking for two hours straight in shock. My grandmother then came out of the house (because she didnt know this was about to happen). That made me cry even harder as we were hugging. She was sooo happy for me and Im just crying here right now happy that she was there.

Congratulations :cool1: I hope your mom comes around and if not, try not to let it ruin things for you.

Also, if you're a crazy planner like I am, I have a wedding spreadsheet in excel that I used to plan my wedding 4 years ago. PM me if you want me to email you it.

Quick update to let you know that my vein procedure/surgery is now TOMORROW and Friday!!

Hope everything goes well with both of your procedures :hug:

Heres the issues at hand:

1. With xmas shopping/donations/kids holiday stuff money is really tight. I am barely getting enough food to last us so its slim pickins. So when I went to my nanas on sunday I ate everything because I was so excited to have good food to eat. We also had a drug rep lunch brought in and I did the same thing. I think its the feeling of being deprived and then binging. Not sure how to fix this other than to be more observant of why I am eating the wrong stuff.

2. Dh is having BP issues still. He went to the dr for a recheck on tuesday and his bp was still high. He is also having physical anxiety symptoms. waking at night in a sweat, fingers feeling numb, tightness in chest. She made him immediately stop working for the rest of the week to give him a break. Luckily his work is being supportive and he told them it was BP related and didnt say anything about anxiety or stress. He is worried that they will see that as he is too overwhelmed with the job. So I have been worried about him.

3. Ryan has been getting into trouble at his after school program. Fri there was a note sent home saying he has been joking about private parts and had shaken his bottom at another child. I asked him what he was saying and he said him and the other boys joke about their nuts. I couldnt help but to laugh.:rotfl2: I mean hes a 6 year old boy....grown men joke about their nuts all the time.:rotfl2: Im really just making light of it but we are taking it seriously. Yesterday he got another note saying that the past few days they noticed wet toilet paper getting stuck on the ceiling and walls in the bathroom. They checked the bathroom after each child and apparently after ryan used it their was wet toilet paper on the ceiling. I dont know what is going on with him. He seems bored at the program so I dont know if that is it. He doesnt do these things at home so Im not sure even what to do other than to tell him this is wrong and not to do it. He is doing well in kindergarten its just this after school "daycare" that he is having the issues. Still it stressess me out.

Thanks for listening once again to my venting. Im now off to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow.

Sorry to hear about your issues. I hope your husbands BP issues get worked out. I understand how thinking and worrying about BP issues alone can make it worse.

Hop everything else works itself out soon too :hug:

Had a great sandwich at Earl of Sandwich. Eaten there the last two nights!

Did you try the holiday sandwich? I've seen 2 or 3 pictures of various sandwiches at Earl and they all look yummy popcorn::

Good morning everyone. I want to quote and post, but don't have time with this laptop mouse, so I'll try to remember what I wanted to say as i read. We went to the Hospice tree lighting last night and it really is a beautiful ceremony. It's held outside a bank and a gentleman from the bank does the introduction and as he was talking about hospice and how they helped him and his family this year when his dad passed you could hear his voice cracking, and that was it. They end it with a beautiful prayer and someone sang Let there be peace on earth, and they have a reception in the bank but we didn't go in this year. I made a crockpot of chicken corn chowder, so my sisters, bil and niece and nephew came over here for supper. My sister had lost her atm card, and my bil was freaking out over it, so we had a few good laughs on his account. After I put michael to bed, I watched the Christmas Shoes, and had a good cleansing cry. OMG, what a tear jerker. I almost woke michael up when I went in to kiss and hug him goodnight after that movie. I feel good today. I am definitely in a better place this year than I was last year, enjoying the memories more.

Hi Kathy,
Small world, I saw Kevin tonight. I used to work with his mother at DSB for 6 years and every year we get together with another girl from there and the 3 of us meet at S&J's for pizza and drinks. She was telling me how she went this year, because her husband had passed away and how the president of the bank couldn't be there so they asked her son. His dad was a great guy. He worked at the bank for a while too. He was sick for a while, so this is a pretty tough year for them.

Yup, DH came home from the rehab hospital on Tuesday. He was there for just one week... and it was amazing how far he came in a week. He is still weak and a bit shaky, but getting around on his own. In fact, I am going to leave him alone for a bit of time today to go pick up some prescriptions and such. I'm sure he will be fine.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that your DH is doing well. I have been thinking about you guys :goodvibes

Got home about an hour ago. Did not eat well today. Had a big piece of dark chocolate caramel from Germany and then had Panda Express at the airport. I had a Bud Light on the plane and ate the Dorito munchie mix. But that was all I ate today. May hold off my weigh in until Saturday. Gotta get going on my water again.

Oh, how was that place? I drool everytime someone posts a picture of all the caramel treats.

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 13 Superstars!!
#10- 0.70% - OctoberBride03
#9- 0.75% - carmiedog
#8- 0.94% - disneymom2one
#7- 1.12% - tggrrstarr
#6- 1.19 % - corinnak
#5- 1.21% - MickeyMagic
#4- 1.40% - KristiMc
#3- 1.75% - cclovesdis
#2- 3.42% - Worfiedoodles
and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 13 Biggest Loser is:
#1- 3.49% - mammaU4
Wear it with pride this week! :goodvibes:

Yay mammaU4! Great job :cool1:


carmiedog 5.3
corinnak 96.2
Cupcaker 78.8
disneymom2one 144.3
Dreamer24 32.3
dvccruiser76 100.0
keenercam 25.6
liesel 26.7
lisah0711 41.7
lovedvc -15.0
MacG 25.0
MickeyMagic 34.4
mikamah 20.0
mommyof2Pirates 33.0
momof2gr8kids 39.0
NC_Tink 21.9
SettingSail 83.3
tggrrstarr 65.3
tigger813 87.9
tiki23 31.7
Worfiedoodles 25.3

Great job everyone!
DVCCruiser- DH had the holiday sandwich! It was really good and not too salty. He had it without the cranberry sauce. I had the club and the original. DD1 loved the Caribbean Jerk so today we made some Caribbean Jerk chicken sandwiches and then she will take one to school with her for lunch tomorrow.

Watching Amazing Race finale! Not sure who I want to win!

I have a TON of laundry to fold and take care of! I don't know when I will get everything done! Going to work my butt off in the morning trying to organize presents and hopefully wrap some and whatever else I can do before DD2 gets home and we run up to Costco. I will probably get the gift cards I need to get tomorrow too! UGH!!!!

Gotta do some online window shopping now!

TTFN :tigger:
Hi all

Long time no drop in. But i am still alive and reporting in weights. I am amazed to say, that even though work leaves me too tired to workout other than walking the dog, that I am still losing almost every week.

Work at Target is a bear. And I have 2 more weeks left till Christmas. Have started applying for jobs outside Target, cause I am DONE. This has been the worst Black friday/ Christmas shopping season for me and I'm ready to go.

Gave up trying to keep up with the thread awhile ago sadly. I hope that once Christmas is over I can fully participate in the spring challenge. I realize I missed the poll on that but if we are signing up, then throw me in. Only have 10lbs to go to make my original goal, but I'll keep going till I get there.

Pjilla: I did see that your Dh was injured. I hope that he keeps doing well and your family is in my prayers.

With any luck I'll check back in for the wind-up
I've resigned myself to training for this race inside on the TM or walking track. Lots of people have to do that and it turns out just fine. I'm still apprehensive about the race -- especially when my partner is running twice as far as I am now -- but I am just trusting pixiedust: that the training will work and I will be just fine. princess:
I am sure your training will take you to the finishline, just like mine will take me there. There are so many different plans out there, and they all work, as long as you do the training. We are going to do it!!! I'm feeling pretty lucky with the weather, and being able to get out and stick to the plan so far. I also think having each other to run/walk with is going to be a huge motivator for both of us, even if we aren't able to talk much, we will be there to encourage each other along the way.

So I thought I would give you all a sneak preview of the clip art I am working on for the next challenge. I made an executive decison:thumbsup2 and we are going to go with Team Mickey and Team Donald.

I love this. I am in awe of your clippie creating ability. I am so not computer literate. I think team donald and team mickey is fabulous.

Wow 8 miles...this has been your farthest run yet right? Great job. Like lisa said I am nervous that I only just completed wk 3 and a 4 mile run. But I am going to trust the plan I picked and hope that it will be ok to get me over the finish line. You are doing great!
Thanks Lindsay. 8 is my longest. I am sure you are going to do absolutely fine. We still have 11 weeks, and the plans work, so along as we keep up with the training. I also think we can walk more than run as well if we are struggling. I know they say the adrenaline of race day will bring you through the extra miles, and I can only imagine the excitement we will feel when we are there.
Glad you were able to get the tree and the boys had fun. Good luck with all the services this week.:hug:

Hi Kathy,
Small world, I saw Kevin tonight. I used to work with his mother at DSB for 6 years and every year we get together with another girl from there and the 3 of us meet at S&J's for pizza and drinks. She was telling me how she went this year, because her husband had passed away and how the president of the bank couldn't be there so they asked her son. His dad was a great guy. He worked at the bank for a while too. He was sick for a while, so this is a pretty tough year for them.
Wow, it is a small world. I felt so sad for him, it's such a tough time, that first year. Did you grow up here too? I grew up in beverly, but have been here for almost 7 years now. It is such a great town and community.

QOTD for Sun. 12/12: There has been a lot of discussion about Christmas shopping. If/How is that impacting your weight loss efforts? If you think it's necessary, what change can you make?
Before i had michael, I would have said definitely. I'd plan a day to shop with friends, starting out with coffee and danish, and a lunch usually at the mall restaurant, with a couple celebratory drinks, and dessert, but now, definitely not. I tend to fit my shopping in when i get out of work early, or I'll run to target or walmart in the morning before work, and it's not really an all day affair. I'm actually planning to finish completely this tuesday.

Taryn- Glad the family gathering went ok. Hope you had a successful pc party tonight.

Cam- It's so great to see you posting and feeling better, and I am thrilled that ww is working so well for you. I'm so excited for you and happy you'll be entering a new decade. Glad you looked at the positives of the new coat and are going to enjoy how good it looks on you.

ShawnIt's a tough time of year to stay on track all the time, and even if we sway every weekend, or a little everyday, we are still coming here, and we are still trying our best, and we are not perfect, but we are trying, and by trying, we are doing better than if we completely gave up and started fresh after the holidays, so keep on coming here, and venting and getting back on track, and doing all you can to be the healthiest you can be, and you will be far better off than if you stopped talking about it. Hang in there. It's a busy time, you've got a lot going on, a big trip home, and lots of celebrating to do too.
Hey, I wasn't done posting, but hit something and posted. :rotfl: I had a very productive day, after a rough start. We tried to do a christmas card photoshoot in front of the christmas tree with michael and fredward the guinea pig, but it was cut short when fredward bit michael good, and he ended up in tears. He was able to laugh about it later, but we didn't try to take the pic again. I ended up ordering a collage card from and used several pics from the past year. It came out cute.
We had some friend over for coffee after ccd, and then michael went home with them and I got some cleaning and organizing done, and baked a couple batches of cookies and then I went to pick up michael and we stayed for dinner and played some wii- just dance. Got a little bonus exercise, which will help with the cookie dough and cookies I ate for lunch.:rolleyes1

Off to bed now. Have a great evening, and a healthy monday.:)
Just a short note this morning.

I probably won't be back today. My friend's father died on Friday morning and I have to go to the wake this afternoon. Then I just opened my email and another friend's father died last night.

Rose we won't need a joint clippie. One for each team is fine.

Kathy that is a great story about the picture. I am glad Michael is okay.

dvccruiser76 I am glad your son is doing okay since the tubes went in. I would think the first couple of times you have problems will be a challenge but you will get used to things.

Off to get to school Have a great day everyone.
Some very quick replies and the QOTD will be in the next post. Last night was long and I wasn't able to get back on here. I feel bad.

QOTD for Sun. 12/12: There has been a lot of discussion about Christmas shopping. If/How is that impacting your weight loss efforts? If you think it's necessary, what change can you make?

Mini-Challenge: Make a list of anything you can think of that needs to be done by this Friday.

I'm not sure that it is impacting my weight loss, but it is impacting my stress level. I am definitely starting earlier next year.

Taryn: Glad Sat. night went better than expected and :goodvibes for the next time.

Hope your PC show went very well!

Lindsay: How is DH doing? :hug:

CC, Bird's Eye SteamFresh frozen vegetables are really good. No prep, cook fast, and you can eat a whole bag by yourself for about 100 calories. Frozen vegetables keep their nutritional value very well, too, since they are frozen out in the field.

Thanks! :)

You are training so diligently for the Princess, I'm sure you'll be fine! :thumbsup2

Rose: :goodvibes for no more Malware.

Shawn: You are doing great! I'm planning to aim to maintain between challenges. I often lose the week of Christmas, but not necessarily the weeks before or after the holiday. Sometimes I feel like maintaining is underrated, but I believe that maintaining while losing will help you once you reach goal. :goodvibes

Love your reply to the QOTD! :thumbsup2

CC – How wonderful that you already have a special assignment and that your supervisors must have already tuned in to your special talents for teaching and helping others. I hope it is very satisfying to you.

Thanks! :) You rock too! :cool1:

So happy to hear that you love the new WW plan! :banana:

Im sure we all will do awesome.:thumbsup2

I know all of you will! :thumbsup2

So I thought I would give you all a sneak preview of the clip art I am working on for the next challenge. I made an executive decison:thumbsup2 and we are going to go with Team Mickey and Team Donald.

Love the names and the clip art! :thumbsup2

Tracey: PD for more clients this week and a great loss! :goodvibes

Almost forgot--we did some shopping today and I tried on some leggings to go with a sweater dress I was thinking about buying and I walked out of the dressing room to show Mike and the salesperson said I could be in an ad for leggings. She is my new BFF.:rotfl: Needless to say, I bought the leggings and the sweater dress.:goodvibes

:woohoo: Awesome!

dvccruiser: Glad DS is doing well :yay: and :hug: for your business!

Hi Maureen! Good to hear from you. :hug: on work. :goodvibes for your job search!

Kathy: :goodvibes for finishing your shopping. Love Christmas card idea! :cool1: We've been receiving so many collages this year.
QOTD for Mon. 12/13: What, if any exercise, to have planned for today?

Mini-Challenge: Exercise for 30 minutes today.

Have a great day today!
Good morning! It's so windy here! We only got a couple of inches, but it's blowing all over the place. School is cancelled, I am guessing as much because it's so cold and windy as anything.

Dona--sorry about your friends.:hug: I will just make one more clippie!

Maureen (octoberbride)--I worked at target when Tom was in middle school. In seasonal and toys.:scared1: Yep, the holidays are crazy! More crazy was our hr person and how awful she was. She consistently over scheduled me. I finally just quit. 40 hours a week is not part time. I hope you find something new soon!

Kathy--I hope Michael has recovered from his hamster bite!

CC--Don't feel bad about not getting on a lot. It is a very crazy time of the year!

And I wanted to say--I think that anyone that is able to maintain or even have a modest loss over the holidays, should consider that a huge success! Think about where you were this time last year. I know where I was, and I was not eating lentil burgers for dinner!:rotfl:

Remember, you don't have to be perfect all the time. You just have to do the best you can at any given time. If you are still drinking your water and getting in your exercise, that is a success! If you are making a conscious decision to only eat x amount of treats and you stick to it, that is a success! If you make a plan for eating fruits and veggies and you stick to it, that is a success! Just do the best you can between now and the end of the year.:goodvibes Make a plan for things that you know you will have success with. I agree with CC that maintaining while losing is a valuable lesson--being able to see what you can and cannot eat to maintain your weight helps when it is time to do it full time.

Having said all that, I hope everyone has a great end to the challenge!:goodvibes

QOTD--I am doing strength after work for an hour. If I leave work on time, I will try the elliptical. We'll see how my knee behaves.

Have a good day!
Morning all!

Got in 2 miles this morning. Finished watching BL from last Tuesday though I knew who was in the finals. Feeling good about the upcoming week! Actually lost a bit of weight this weekend so I'm off to a good start. Running to the wellness center to get a jump on my day this morning. DD1 is fighting me to get up. I was hoping to go early this morning with her. Her lunch is made. I only need to fix a snack for DD2.

I'll check in later between cleaning, wrapping and organizing!

TTFN :tigger:
Good Morning friends!!

I just have a few minutes, but I wanted to hop on and try to play catch up. I only went back a few pages though..... too much happening on here lately!

Tracey.... welcome back! I hope your trip was spectacular!

Kathy.... Sorry Michael got bit... our GP's only nipped when they were scared... maybe the flash was too much for him? And nice job keeping up with the running, despite the weather! The Princess should be SO exciting for you!

Taryn.... hope things are going well with PC. Hope the weather didn't put a big damper on your weekend party.

Jeanette.... CONGRATULATIONS!! Exciting times ahead for you!

Dona..... sorry you are getting so much sad news lately.

Rose....... leggings? really? You must look HOT!! And the clippie looks great (I'm putting out a preference now to be on Team Mickey.... but honestly, I'll be happy anywhere!)

Everyone else.... I promise, I read your posts! :hug: to those going through medical issues and financial issues and "kid" issues! It is a difficult time of year, stress-wise, even if it is a happy time. The holiday stresses can really add up! Let's all take a moment to try and relax and let go of some of the smaller things and appreciate each other and what we do have.... health, love, peace, etc.

Thanks to ALL OF YOU who have been so supportive with your prayers, hugs, and kind words as my DH continues to recover. Cam, you were RIGHT! Being the caretaker is VERY stressful and exhausting. But thankfully he is getting better every day. I had to leave him home with DS for a long period of time over the weekend (while I took DD to her swim meet) and it made me a bit apprehensive.... but it went fine. And thankfully DH's sister and BIL came to visit yesterday for several hours, so that gave DS a break. It isn't so much that DH needs constant care, but I just don't want him to be alone much yet.

As far as Christmas goes.... I've got about half of my shopping done. I'm not really worrying about my parents or DH... as long as I have stuff for the kids I'll feel okay. DS is mostly done, but I'm struggling with what to buy for DD.

We have a tree, but it has no decorations. Nothing is wrapped, there will be NO cards sent this year, the house is a bit of a disaster.... oh well. Christmas will still arrive, we will all be here at home, healthy (or relatively so) and happy to be together. That is what is most important, right?? Thankfully my kids are old enough to appreciate the situation and be understanding if Christmas isn't "just so".

DD had a GREAT swimming weekend! She got personal best times in almost every event! And she qualified for States in two events at her HS meet on Friday night! She was swimming like a CHAMP! I was thrilled for her. And I was thrilled with her attitude.... even when she isn't swimming her best, she never lets her attitude get the better of her.... and that can't be said for everyone on her team. 'Nuf said.

I was doing well on the scale, but had a bit of a disasterous run-in with some trail mix and Lindt chocolates this weekend. I think I can still pull it together and maintain this week, but I feel like garbage today. That stupid trail mix is sitting like rocks in my gut. That'll teach me to leave a jar of trail mix within reach in the car during a 90 minute drive!! I had a big glass of fresh carrot juice with breakfast (DH isn't the only one enjoying fresh juice lately!) and hopefully that will perk up my system and get things cleared up!!

Did I tell you all that my HS boyfriend found me on FB?? Talk about a blast from the past!! And he was all like "you still look like you did in HS!" Little does he know that I looked a lot different 90 pounds and three years ago! Ha, ha.... let him think that I never put on a pound! (Although honestly, I don't think I was ever this slim in HS!) It was SO STRANGE and surreal.... I haven't kept in touch with ANYONE from HS... so to hear from him was just ..... WEIRD! But we shared stories from the past 28-ish years and it was nice to hear that he was doing well. He came from a strange broken family and my parents never had any hopes that he would amount to anything. But he has worked his butt off and joined the reserves and put himself through undergrad school on the GI bill and then law school working nights and weekends. He is married with two adorable girls! I am so pleased for him. And he told me that I "helped make him the man he is today"!! What a compliment! Anyone else ever get back in touch with any old loves from HS or college? Was is super weird?

Well... time to get DH up and moving! He is sleeping in the bed now and seems to be getting some good rest. But he wants to shower today and that will take some time and energy! And the VNA is coming at noon, so I want to at least have some lights on the tree by then! And I have thoughts that there MAY be a run on the schedule for me today! No excuses about the cold because it is in the 40's here today! And I KNOW I will feel much better just to get out there, even if I only do a few miles. It has honestly been WEEKS since I ran even an inch! I'm kinda craving a good run! (wait... who said that??? couldn't be me!)

Holiday love and hugs to everyone! You are truly a special bunch of folks, no matter WHAT the scale says this week! You are all kind and caring and considerate. You are smart and motivated and determined to make yourselves better! I will say, again, that I feel SO LUCKY to be part of this family. Wish we could have a holiday party together! Sort of sad we are all so far apart, geographically.

QOTD: I did 2 miles on the elliptical at 5:15 and then redwalker and I did about 3 miles in my neighborhood around 10.

Just had TJs pork potstickers for lunch and I will have a protein shake for supper.

Heading out to shop in about 30 minutes so I had better make DD2s lunch so it can have time to cool! Printed out my amazon wish list so I can compare prices. One thing DD2 wants is on sale so I will have to try and get it without her noticing! Need to get most of my shopping done over the next few days so I can mail it to NC and VT!

Better make a list so I don't forget anything like I did the other day!

TTFN :tigger:
Hello everyone. Lets just say I havent been OP lately and gained back 2 pounds :headache: this wedding stuff and holiday parties is making me eat more than I would want to and not exercise! Well I went to go look at venues this weekend. Disneyland was my first stop. We went backstage to go look at the Animation Building in California Adventure. I also looked at some of the ballrooms they have at the hotels. The animation building is my first choice, but it comes with a big price tag, however less headaches in terms of planning. We then went to look at some other places non-Disney. What I found out is that I do not like halls/ballrooms, whatever theyre called. I checked out a restored 1930's theater, a restaurant, and an outdoor venue. I really like retro/vintage things, so the art deco theater appealed to me. I then researched some venues around the area that are from the 1930's. I came up with more theaters, restaurants, a train station, and a horse race track. I like how these places are not traditional, but have lots of character. They are definitely memorable. They also cost less. However, lots of headaches involved with trying to create an entire wedding from the ground up. I would have to get vendors for every single part of the wedding. May even have to hire a wedding planner just to handle the nitty gritty. Sorry for the long book. As you can tell, its something thats really on my mind and driving me crazy. My attention should be on my weight loss, but these decisions are starting to stress me out :confused3

Hope everyone has a good day :goodvibes

P- Im glad things are good. Congrats to DD for qualifying for states. Wow really talk about a blast from the past. That’s so nice what he had to say. I hope you are able to get your run in. It will be nice “me” time.

Lindsay- So sorry to hear about DHs nana.

Rose- Sounds like you had a nice run. You had me laughing with your leggings experience. Your hot!

Kathy- santa by the sea festival sounds cool!

Deb- Im glad you celebrated Hunter’s anniversary. That’s a great thing to celebrate.

Lisa- good luck with the training. I think with all the running you are doing, you will be fine.

Shawn- good luck with your homework. Im very impressed with the jumping rope inside.

Cam- Thanks! Glad WW is really working for you. Im happy you got the wedding of your dreams. You look great in your pictures!

Dvccruiser76- I am definitely one of those crazy organized types. I will pm you soon. Glad Dylan has been doing well. So far we’ve heard good things about the new WW plan, hope it works well for you too.

:cheer2: to everyone. We only have a few more days to the end of the challenge. YOU CAN DO IT.
Hello everyone. Lets just say I havent been OP lately and gained back 2 pounds :headache: this wedding stuff and holiday parties is making me eat more than I would want to and not exercise! Well I went to go look at venues this weekend. Disneyland was my first stop. We went backstage to go look at the Animation Building in California Adventure. I also looked at some of the ballrooms they have at the hotels. The animation building is my first choice, but it comes with a big price tag, however less headaches in terms of planning. We then went to look at some other places non-Disney. What I found out is that I do not like halls/ballrooms, whatever theyre called. I checked out a restored 1930's theater, a restaurant, and an outdoor venue. I really like retro/vintage things, so the art deco theater appealed to me. I then researched some venues around the area that are from the 1930's. I came up with more theaters, restaurants, a train station, and a horse race track. I like how these places are not traditional, but have lots of character. They are definitely memorable. They also cost less. However, lots of headaches involved with trying to create an entire wedding from the ground up. I would have to get vendors for every single part of the wedding. May even have to hire a wedding planner just to handle the nitty gritty. Sorry for the long book. As you can tell, its something thats really on my mind and driving me crazy. My attention should be on my weight loss, but these decisions are starting to stress me out :confused3

You're attention is right where it should be... on planning your perfect day! I'm envious that you know what you want. We went with the "standard" country club ballroom, and while it was very pretty, it was also very.... bland. Nothing memorable, nothing super special. My niece's wedding reception was in an old boat hangar (is that what you call it with boats and planes both??). It was so cool! It had these old wood floors and huge high ceilings and big beams and such. It was all decorated up with white twinkle lights and white tulle and fabric and big tables. The table decor was beachy (she lives on Cape Cod)... blue and green sea glass, shells, ceramic star fish.... LOVELY!! Classy and funky and pretty and memorable! And much more memorable than my beige walls, beige carpets, pale pink candles, etc. I loved my wedding day and I did the best I could with the budget and knowledge I had at the time, but I would do it so much differently now! I wanted something UNIQUE at the time and I allowed other people to talk me out of it! But I didn't let them talk me out of wearing a pink gown and I've NEVER regretted that decision!! Honestly, I've told DD over and over.... the only things I regret about my wedding day are the things that I let other people decide on and the things I let other people talk me into!! GO with your heart!!!!

On here for a second time today.... new record for me!! DH finally let me cut the rest of his hair. He had an OR haircut from the surgery, but he has been hesitant on letting me cut (shave) the rest to match. But he finally did today and it looks so much better. But he said he feels like Samson.... he got his hair cut and lost his strength! But I suppose that makes me Delilah and she was HOT!! :laughing:

He is up and showered and dressed and waiting for the VNA to come (they are late.... nothing new). This was my FB status for today....

Kids off to school - check
DH up, showered, dressed - check
Healthy breakfast made and eaten - check
5 mile run - check (well... mostly run... walked the hills)
3 loads of laundry moving along - check
Life finally feeling back to "normal"! - check

Still far behind on the Christmas stuff, but I'm trying not to sweat it. I might get a bit of shopping done today. DS has a follow up with the Naturopath/Homeopathic doctor today for his skin. Hoping to hit the grocery store and maybe a few other stores before we head home again. DD will be here with DH, so I will have a bit of time to play with.

It felt SO GOOD to be out running again today. I still don't love it but it made me feel so "normal" again! I pushed to do 6 miles, but bladder issues shortened it to 5. And it definitely kicked my butt, but I walked the uphills and held my own. Time wasn't great, but I didn't really care. I felt "in control" again! What a great feeling.

Hi all :wave:,

This is going to be a short post today. P - It's awfully good to see you around again :goodvibes :hug:

Hugs to all that need them :hug:

I got to my 3 miles today, but it was TOUGH, super, super tough. :sad1: And I think I might have over-did it again so I may hold at a 35 minute run for a couple of weeks. Slowing down and intervals may be the way to go once I hit the 2.85 mile mark, I may have to give it a shot.

Eating has been good today, was pretty good during the weekend, and I'm still :drinking1 my water.

Christmas question: We just starting our Santa Christmas' for our family so not much has really evolved yet. So far DS thinks that Santa is only around to eat cookies and drink chocolate milk (he hasn't quite grasped the gift part yet, but he's got the leaving milk and cookies out part down :lmao:)

I'm so excited I just purchased DH's gift online. I got him the Nike+ and an armband to hold his IPhone while he runs. I hope he likes it. He's one of those that likes to have the "toys" for his hobbies :laughing:

Hope everyone has a great evening! Hopefully I'll be able to post more tomorrow.

Good afternoon all! :goodvibes

Well, it's one of "those" Mondays for me. I still have lots to do but am taking a break because I deserve it! :cool2:

Ok, I have had one reply disappear, if this one goes, I'm giving up for now!

Bummer! Darn that poof fairy anyway! :wizard: She tried to get me, too, but luckily I remembered to cut and paste!

The old me would say screw it until after the Holidays but I'm wise enough to know now that could mean going backwards 10 pounds or so. I need to keep myself in line as many days as possible!

This shows that you are making that lifestyle change that will help you to get where you want to be and stay there! :cool1:

I'm so excited for you -- only five days now! :dance3:

I am so relieved that things are going so well for me on the new WW plan. I am a person who enjoys new beginnings and actually sometimes needs a new start in order to put the negativity aside and give myself a break about what I view as failures. So far, things are going well and I am seeing small losses on the scale almost every day. I should hit a new decade at Thursday's WI and that will be very validating for me.

Ooo, Cam, I can't wait to celebrate your new decade with you! :yay:

Like lisa said I am nervous that I only just completed wk 3 and a 4 mile run. But I am going to trust the plan I picked and hope that it will be ok to get me over the finish line. You are doing great!

So are you, Lindsay! :cheer2: We will all be fine at the Princess. princess:

So I thought I would give you all a sneak preview of the clip art I am working on for the next challenge. I made an executive decison:thumbsup2 and we are going to go with Team Mickey and Team Donald.

I love the Team Mickey clippie, Rose! :thumbsup2 My only suggestion is to try bolding the lettering to see if that crisps it up a bit. As you have probably noticed, clippies live on forever and ever on the Disboards. Team clippies are plenty. I don't think we need one for the challenge.

I hope to pick up some Christmas presents tomorrow too for DD2 despite the fact that she'll be with me and DH. Planning on going to Costco and Best Buy. I still have to visit another Best Buy to pick up the Santa Paws stuffed animal that wasn't in the last time I was there. I will try calling them tomorrow morning to see if it has come in yet.

How did that shopping with DD around work, Tracey?

Rose I love it. AM I Team Donald? That would be my preference.

I'm so glad you like it! I would prefer Mickey (though I like Donald, too:goodvibes) so that works out perfectly!

Well, that did work out nicely, didn't it? :goodvibes

Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. This week has been busy with work, so I've been doing work at night after my DS goes to bed, which left me little time for the boards. I should be doing work now, but I just don't feel like it.

I can so totally relate! ;) Glad that your DS is doing better.

Long time no drop in. But i am still alive and reporting in weights. I am amazed to say, that even though work leaves me too tired to workout other than walking the dog, that I am still losing almost every week.

:wave2: Hi Maureen! Nice to see you! :flower3: Great job keeping up the weight loss in spite of your crazy busy work!

Hey, I wasn't done posting, but hit something and posted. :rotfl: I had a very productive day, after a rough start. We tried to do a christmas card photoshoot in front of the christmas tree with michael and fredward the guinea pig, but it was cut short when fredward bit michael good, and he ended up in tears. He was able to laugh about it later, but we didn't try to take the pic again. I ended up ordering a collage card from and used several pics from the past year. It came out cute.

Too bad about Fredward biting Michael. Fredward probably felt bad about it, too. ;)

QOTD for Mon. 12/13: What, if any exercise, to have planned for today?

Mini-Challenge: Exercise for 30 minutes today.

Well, I had hopes of switching my running schedule this week to M/W/F but that is not going to happen baring a miracle or my walking out of the office in a snit (which could happen ;)). Some days are like that! :rolleyes1

The holiday stresses can really add up! Let's all take a moment to try and relax and let go of some of the smaller things and appreciate each other and what we do have.... health, love, peace, etc.

You are so right, Pamela! :santa:

Hello everyone. Lets just say I havent been OP lately and gained back 2 pounds :headache: this wedding stuff and holiday parties is making me eat more than I would want to and not exercise! Well I went to go look at venues this weekend. Disneyland was my first stop. We went backstage to go look at the Animation Building in California Adventure. I also looked at some of the ballrooms they have at the hotels. The animation building is my first choice, but it comes with a big price tag, however less headaches in terms of planning. We then went to look at some other places non-Disney. What I found out is that I do not like halls/ballrooms, whatever theyre called. I checked out a restored 1930's theater, a restaurant, and an outdoor venue. I really like retro/vintage things, so the art deco theater appealed to me. I then researched some venues around the area that are from the 1930's. I came up with more theaters, restaurants, a train station, and a horse race track. I like how these places are not traditional, but have lots of character. They are definitely memorable. They also cost less. However, lots of headaches involved with trying to create an entire wedding from the ground up. I would have to get vendors for every single part of the wedding. May even have to hire a wedding planner just to handle the nitty gritty. Sorry for the long book. As you can tell, its something thats really on my mind and driving me crazy. My attention should be on my weight loss, but these decisions are starting to stress me out :confused3

Jeanette, sounds like some interesting venues for weddings that you've found. I absolutely love Animation Courtyard. I can sit in there for hours -- it's a great place to cool down on those hot California days, too.
It is stressful while you figure all this stuff out but when it is all said and done it is something that you will remember for the rest of your life. :love:

Two NSVs for me today. Went to the ob/gyn and boy were they happy to see the numbers on the scale. :woohoo: And my size 20 work pants I got two weeks ago -- haven't even received the bill yet -- are almost too big! :cool1:

Have a great evening all!
Hi all :wave:,

This is going to be a short post today. P - It's awfully good to see you around again :goodvibes :hug:

Hugs to all that need them :hug:

I got to my 3 miles today, but it was TOUGH, super, super tough. :sad1: And I think I might have over-did it again so I may hold at a 35 minute run for a couple of weeks. Slowing down and intervals may be the way to go once I hit the 2.85 mile mark, I may have to give it a shot.

Eating has been good today, was pretty good during the weekend, and I'm still :drinking1 my water.

Hi Nicole! :wave2: I can't run for 35 minutes straight or anything even close. Intervals can help you to run farther and faster than you thought you could.
Wow, it is a small world. I felt so sad for him, it's such a tough time, that first year. Did you grow up here too? I grew up in beverly, but have been here for almost 7 years now. It is such a great town and community.

Hee hee, I am a complete townie :goodvibes I lived on Locust street for 28 years then moved to Ash street with my DH where we've been since 2005.

I probably won't be back today. My friend's father died on Friday morning and I have to go to the wake this afternoon. Then I just opened my email and another friend's father died last night.

Oh no, sorry to hear that. This is such a tough time to lose someone. Hugs to you and both your friends :grouphug:

Hey, I wasn't done posting, but hit something and posted. :rotfl: I had a very productive day, after a rough start. We tried to do a christmas card photoshoot in front of the christmas tree with michael and fredward the guinea pig, but it was cut short when fredward bit michael good, and he ended up in tears. He was able to laugh about it later, but we didn't try to take the pic again. I ended up ordering a collage card from and used several pics from the past year. It came out cute.

Sorry to hear that Michael got bit. I got a collage card this year from a friend and it was great. I might have to do that next year. We actually did the full family photo and getting both DH and DS to smile in the same photo was quite the challenge. I'd like to get a good pic from our cruise in May, but it might be too far from Christmas to use since DS will probably change a lot by then, but maybe if we used it in a collage it would work.

DD had a GREAT swimming weekend! She got personal best times in almost every event! And she qualified for States in two events at her HS meet on Friday night! cleared up!!

Glad to hear that your DH is doing better. And yay for your DD :cool1: It's great to have something so great cheering you up along the way and it's great to cheer her up as well.

Hello everyone. Lets just say I havent been OP lately and gained back 2 pounds :headache: this wedding stuff and holiday parties is making me eat more than I would want to and not exercise! Well I went to go look at venues this weekend. Disneyland was my first stop. We went backstage to go look at the Animation Building in California Adventure. I also looked at some of the ballrooms they have at the hotels. The animation building is my first choice, but it comes with a big price tag, however less headaches in terms of planning.

Dvccruiser76- I am definitely one of those crazy organized types. I will pm you soon. Glad Dylan has been doing well. So far we’ve heard good things about the new WW plan, hope it works well for you too.

A Disney wedding :cloud9: I hope it all works out for you. I would be in heaven. I've decided I'll have my 25th vow renewals Disney style, but that's far off in the distance :rotfl:

P.S. The spreadsheet has been emailed!

Christmas question: We just starting our Santa Christmas' for our family so not much has really evolved yet. So far DS thinks that Santa is only around to eat cookies and drink chocolate milk (he hasn't quite grasped the gift part yet, but he's got the leaving milk and cookies out part down :lmao:)

Now that made me laugh :lmao: How old is your DS? Is this something I have to look forward to? Mine is only 17 months old.

And, if anyone is on the WW, might I say the new WW coffee cakes are freakin incredible popcorn::popcorn:: Maybe I was just starving, but I could have eaten all 4 in the box. They even have a yummy cinnamon filling.
QOTD for Friday, 12/10: What is your favorite dairy product or substitute?

Mini-Challenge: Enjoy your favorite dairy serving and 1 other serving of dairy today.
I am not much of a milk or cheese person, so I am gonna have to go with yogurt. I've also been eating a lot of eggbeaters.

QOTD for Sun. 12/12: There has been a lot of discussion about Christmas shopping. If/How is that impacting your weight loss efforts? If you think it's necessary, what change can you make?

Mini-Challenge: Make a list of anything you can think of that needs to be done by this Friday.

Replies in the next post.

Haven't even started yet. I think most of my shopping this year is gonna be gift cards, so that can be done with my grocery shopping.

Food - omgoodness. SOOO much. I ended up overindulging more on pineapple than anything, which I guess is good, but ended up with serious heartburn this am??:confused3

I love pineapple! It could be the acid. My newest tea from Teavana is Pineapple Kona Pop. OMG, it is sooo yummy!

Work at Target is a bear. And I have 2 more weeks left till Christmas. Have started applying for jobs outside Target, cause I am DONE. This has been the worst Black friday/ Christmas shopping season for me and I'm ready to go.
This is definitely the time of year I want to quit retail! We probably aren't nearly as busy as you though, good luck!

QOTD for Mon. 12/13: What, if any exercise, to have planned for today?

Mini-Challenge: Exercise for 30 minutes today.

Have a great day today!

Snow shoveling. House cleaning. Laundry. Do these count?

I let my DH take the car today so I wouldn't have to deal with driving in the snow. Its not supposed to stop til Wednesday. I am so ready for spring! I wanted to go to the gym, but I figured a full day of housework would be a decent substitute.

So I found something horrible in my mailbox today. A grand jury summons for my husband for January 4th. First, its on my birthday, which I can deal with. Second and most importantly, it is two weeks before our WDW trip, and grand jury duty is a four month long process! I know we can write a request for postponement, so I really really hope that works out. I am kinda freaking out a little.


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