Your most embarrassing moments at WDW?


Earning My Ears
Sep 19, 2010
What are your most embarrassing moments at WDW? The most embarrassing time was when I made my dad come on Space Mountain with me...bad choice. My dad was screaming the whole time in the seat behind me, "Never again! Never again! Get me off!" Thinking about it now though, it's kinda funny. :rotfl2:
My most embarrassing moment was when I fainted on Splash Mountain! :scared1: Everyone that went by poured their water bottles on me because they thought that I'd had a heat stroke! :rotfl: Nothing like having an EMT come and get you out of line and put you in an ambulance to make your day! When I finally came around at the hospital, I must have had a funny look on my face as I looked at my soaked clothes because the Dr. asked me if I thought that I had peed my pants! :lmao:
In high school I took a trip as part of the Magical Music Days. After performing at the Magic Kingdom we were allowed to change into regular clothes and enjoy the rest of the day in the park. I put on some nice maroon shorts I had worn only a couple of times prior and set off with my friends for some fun. As is the norm, the sky opened up for a quick afternoon down pour. Being teens we weren't worried about getting we so we just kept walking around. As the rain was letting up I noticed strangers gasping at me in shock. A woman ran over and asked if I was ok. I looked down to see the dye in my shorts pouring down my legs. It looked as though I was bleeding out. I sat in a puddle and tried to wring out as much as I could and rinse off my legs. I was mortified!
I was on a high school Magic Music Days Trip. I had forgotten that I was supposed to meet my choir at the very front of Main Street at a predetermined time to get ready for our performance and I was all the way back by Toon Town. So I RAN all the way through Tomorrowland and as I crossed the bridge right by Cinderella Castle I tripped up and fell and skid right in front of a large group of people. Yeah, I think my ego was wounded more than my knees or hands.
i took my daughter when she was only 6 weeks old.
i wasnt feeling good.. my family took off to ride misson to mars and i headed to the nearest bench to rest up. my daugher was sleep in her stroller. i had huntched over and fallen sleep with my head in her lap.
my family came back both of us sleepin LOL

my husband pleaded with me to go back to the room and sleep it off.. but that 25 minute nap did the trick.. i was right as rain LOL
On the last trip that DH and I took with my Mom and Step-Dad, the 4 of us were coming off of a ride (can't remember which one, maybe Star Tours?) talking and laughing. Assuming that DH was right beside me a step behind, I reached back, grabbed his hand, and kept walking and talking. My Mom looked back at us and stopped dead in her tracks laughing hysterically, and I was very confused...until I saw that I was not, in fact holding DH's hand, but a kid of about 15 with his eyes as big as saucers!

DH had stopped to look at something and was standing about 10 feet back laughing at me too :rotfl:
We went to breakfast in Norway for the first time. I'd been to WDW at leastr8-9 times before this trip, but never to the Norway character meal. We walked in and I, at 40 year old, started crying uncontrollably when I got my picture taken with Belle- my favorite! My girls were horrified, but not surprised. My DH however, looked like he wanted to run away!:laughing:
Oddly enough, I was ALSO on a Magical Music Days trip with my high school band. My group of friends and I were headed back to our bus from Epcot, as it was time to leave, get back on the bus and head north.
However, when we got to where everyone was supposed to meet, the only person waiting for us, was a very mad, red-faced band director. :mad: Apparently the girl we had put in charge of telling us what time it was had her watch still set to the time at home and we were an hour late getting there. :headache:
After the band director yelled at all of us for about 5 minutes, we all got on the bus and everyone started clapping and asking us if we enjoyed our extra hour. :eek:
I'll never let anyone else keep time for me again!
On the first trip we took DD on we went to the honey I shrunk the kids playground. I decided to take my daughter on the slide that looks like a roll of film. There was a line of kids and DD was just turning 1 so I decided to go with her. It was a constant flow of children going down the slide with all of the parents waiting at the bottom, then heres me (a bigger girl) coming down the sldie with DD on my lap. Whe we got to the bottom and I went to stand up I feel over :eek: <- face of all the parents looking. Luckely I cought myself with my hands and didn't squish DD but it was SO embarassing I picked her up and imediately left the play area
The most embarrassing moment is when I went to Disney with my sister and my niece. My niece was 2 and pretty much potty trained. We were waiting for our dinner reservation at Cape May Cafe and I turn to see my niece squatting on the floor. We asked her what she was doing and about that time the flood gates opened and she peed on the rug in the Beach Club lobby. Embarrassing then just funny now.
In February, we were at WDW. At the time, my older daughter was almost 3 and had been potty trained for months. We were on Spaceship Earth and she started screaming that she had to go to the bathroom. Of course, we couldn't get off, so we just kept telling her to try to hold it. We were almost at the end of the ride, and we thought we were going to make it. Nope, we thought wrong. She peed all over the seat!!! :eek: We told the CM as we were getting off what had happened. He was an older gentleman and was so sweet about it. I was mortified at the time but he made me feel so much better!!!!
On the last trip that DH and I took with my Mom and Step-Dad, the 4 of us were coming off of a ride (can't remember which one, maybe Star Tours?) talking and laughing. Assuming that DH was right beside me a step behind, I reached back, grabbed his hand, and kept walking and talking. My Mom looked back at us and stopped dead in her tracks laughing hysterically, and I was very confused...until I saw that I was not, in fact holding DH's hand, but a kid of about 15 with his eyes as big as saucers!

DH had stopped to look at something and was standing about 10 feet back laughing at me too :rotfl:

I am literally Laughing Out Loud at this one!:laughing::laughing::laughing:
I went on a high school trip with my choir. I had never owned a bikini before. We were at Blizzard beach and I went down Summit Plummet. Well I go to stand up and my top is completely gone, as in NOWHERE TO BE FOUND and my bottoms were so far up my, well, bottom that they might as well have been!

Thankfully my BFF Danny was standing at the bottom, fully clothed, and he quickly gave me his teeshirt!
When my daughter was not quite two, just the two of us were strolling around World Showcase with her in a stroller. A woman who didn't speak english very well came up to me and politely tried to explain that my daughter had vomitted all over herself. I spent the next 20 minutes in the bathroom trying to clean her up as best I could and there must have been at least a dozen women trying to help. It truely does take a village to raise a child, at least one soaked in vomit, lol! As embarassing as it was at the time, it is one of my fondest memories, all those very kind strangers helping my daugher and I!
DS was 13 mos and we were in line for Nemo the Musical......we were waiting for a long 1yr old time....and with a group of 15.....DS had a huge #2 diaper and DH decided to change him in line instead of letting me take him out to the restroom......the people behind us threw up! I guess they didn't have kids.

edited to add....
a year later.....we take DD at 10 mos.....she met Mickey at DHS......and she threw up on him and me (she had reflux really bad then) the people behind us in line were all like ewwwww gross Mickey threw up!
While standing in line, ds(4 at the time) wrapped his arms around the leg of a stranger. He didn't look up and thought it was me. When I realized what he was doing the lady was laughing. I was really apologetic when I saw him rubbing her leg up the leg of the shorts!
I actually have two.

1st one, was during the vacation when everyone threw up.. so it had went through just about everyone but my dh and oldest daugher we were just about to get on test track ( probably our 10th time in a row on it cause it had rained and just about everyone had left ) well my oldest wasnt feeling well so me and her and the baby and my oldest son went to wait outside.. well she ended up getting sick in the middle of the sidewalk.. well honestly I wasnt going to clean it up lol no way too.. so we just walked away and went to sit on a bench on the other side, well as everyone was coming out my dh and I started to walk away well we notice flashing and a kid missing.. we turn around to see my oldest standing there taking pictures of the throw up in the middle of the sidewalk ( holding up people that were wanting to walk around it ) all the while shouting HEY THIS IS MY SISTERS THROW UP.. I really wanted to just leave him standing there and pretend he wasnt mine lol!!

the 2nd one was our very first trip to disney. My oldest daughter was probably 9 then .. lets just say she pee'd on spaceship earth ride.. not a little a lot .. and she didnt say anything and I heard people talking about sprinkles of wet and when I looked the whole back of her pants were wet and it was VERY obvious .. I then took my hoodie off and gave her to it all while people walked passed us giving us dirty looks .. my poor daughter was so upset :(
On the last trip that DH and I took with my Mom and Step-Dad, the 4 of us were coming off of a ride (can't remember which one, maybe Star Tours?) talking and laughing. Assuming that DH was right beside me a step behind, I reached back, grabbed his hand, and kept walking and talking. My Mom looked back at us and stopped dead in her tracks laughing hysterically, and I was very confused...until I saw that I was not, in fact holding DH's hand, but a kid of about 15 with his eyes as big as saucers!

DH had stopped to look at something and was standing about 10 feet back laughing at me too :rotfl:

I can't stop laughing! Priceless!:rotfl2::rotfl2:
We were at MNSSHP last year, and DS was 2.5 years old. There was another guest in line behind us in a really well done Green Giant costume. DS would not leave the poor man alone. He kept turning around and hugging the man! We apologized several times and luckily the guy thought it was pretty funny. I think DS was just as excited about meeting the "Green Giant" as he was about meeting Mickey!


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