What was your most disappointing ride?


I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.
Oct 6, 2005
We are just back and I have never been disappointed by a ride before. I usually know what to expect. Perhaps Expedition Everest was not as thrilling as I expected but other than that I always knew what I was getting into and had a great time on every ride.

Well we usually skipped water rides, ie. splash and Kali since getting wet isn't our favorite thing. We finally did both. We were super happy with Splash Mountain. I don't think we realized how much there was in that ride. But Kali... what a boring ride.

Kali didn't do anything. Yeah I got soaked but only because they put a stupid fountain at the bottom of the first drop. Then it was like the speed of IASW. I finally thought it was gonna get going when there was something that actually looked like a rapid but it was very short and when we passed it the ride was over. I was waiting for the "rapids" part to start when the ride ended. Just have to say it wasn't worth getting soaked over.
Kali is up there also the cheap carnival rides they slapped in there a few years back like Aladins carpets and triceratops spin (Not the wild mouse rip off , the one that just goes around)

Kali is the worst one of several of the same rapids ride I have been on.
I too have to agree with Kali River Rapids. Just not much to it. A few drops and you're done, and sopping wet. Just not worth it for me! I don't see the fun in it. I was expecting a lot more excitment and drops/spinning.
"Stitch's Great"

Good point! :)

I also don't mind the Alladin ride since it's like dumbo and nicely themed, but yeah the stuff in AK dinoland bothers me. The entire area is carnival like. Especially the carny games. I go to disney to get away from that stuff, especially games that cost extra. We managed to just walk by that stuff this time and the kids didn't seem to notice.

Also we noticed how they added the dance party stuff in MK Tomorrowland. We didn't stop to watch and while it looked like people were having fun it just didn't seem Disney to me, too nightclubish.
Stitch and Space. Stitch, well, you all know why.

Space because it breaks down every time I get in line for it. It doesn't get any more disappointing than that! I'd hoped with the refurb my luck would change, but it had just reopened on our last trip and seemed to be reclosed more than it was really open.
Well, it's not a ride per-se, but Sounds Dangerous was the most boring attraction I have ever gone to. With the exception of the air conditioning, I could not find one redeeming quality of this production. I am sure there are those who love it...hey, I love the Magic Carpets of Alladin, especially when you get wet...but Sounds Dangerous was a complete waste of time, IMO.

My 2nd choice is a ride...The Finding Nemo ride at Epcot. I find it boring. It is cool how they mix the animation with the fish, but I feel they put more thought and energy into similar rides like Winnie The Pooh than this one...plus WHAT A WALK to get to the ride!

The only other ride I can think of is the new POTC w/Jack Sparrow. I understand why they did it, but I am a traditional kind of guy. Also, the first time I went on POTC was at Disney Land, and I thought the ride was better than the one at WDW.
At Disney, I'd say Stitch. The most disappointing ride I've ever been on ANYWHERE was The Dark Knight at Six Flags Great America. For the money they put into that ride, it could've been so much better than just another "wild mouse".
Well, it's not a ride per-se, but Sounds Dangerous was the most boring attraction I have ever gone to.

I guess I forgot that one. Yeah, we enjoyed the AC but the show was very boring. Didn't really get it. Then the rooms that have sounds when you leave, what are they for? Couldn't get it to work and when it did couldn't figure out why we were in there.
Don't flame me :), but we just didn't get the hype over Space Mountain. I think something must have been wrong with it because we could see the wiring and lights and it wasn't very fast......don't really know but we didn't ride it again.
I thought Great Movie Ride would of been better.
They tried with the scenes and acting....but not impressed.
stitch's great escape and carousel of progress

but we use the carousel of progress as a cool "down time"
Dinosaur. It was pretty lame. Kali was also not as fun as raft rides I'd done at other parks (Bot IoA and a local park).
Sounds Dangerous is the worse. I am not really impressed with Mission Space either and I rode both versions.

I love Carousel of Progress, it is one of my favorite attractions.
Kali was definitely one of the worst raft rides we've ever been on. Did it once, and we haven't bothered since. It's an unfortunate fact that Disney does lack thrill rides. We love thrill rides and thank heavens Cedar Point is only an hour away. Maybe instead of expanding Fantasyland.....a fifth park with more thrill rides would have been a better investment, especially with IOA and HP opening, but that's just MHO.
i like kali river rapids but everytime i go on it im one of the 2 people who get DRENCHED and dont dry for the whole day

stitchs great escape is deffinately the most dissapointing

peter pan- i dont see why people wait 2 hours yes its a cute ride but unless its 30 min or less wait or using a fastpass ill pass

i agree about MCoA and triceratop spin just knockoffs of dumbo.
I may be in the minority but I am glad that Kali is a milder ride. It is something my whole family can do together and since we mainly go in the summer, it is a great way to cool my 4yo off in the summer. ;)

That being said, we were beyond disappointed in Stitch. There was actually a 20 minute wait for it when we were there over the summer and we took pity over the poor people actually waiting to ride it. :scared1:

Peter Pan, I never rode it due to the line waits, we once caught it with a 15 min wait so we hopped on, biggest let down ever. Its just not fun or interesting, sorry.
After going to Disneyland 7 times and this is our first trip to WDW(we are currently here) I must say that most of the Magic Kingdom has been a disappointment to us. Pirates just doesn't compare to DL version...Space is way to rough and Kali River Rapids has nothing on Grizzly River Run in DCA...that being said we have found somethings that we do like better like Big Thunder. Sorry...we are warming up to WDW but I think we will always be DL folks.


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