Aidan's wish trip to Tink's home 3/1-3/7

I hope Aidan is feeling better day!!! I can't wait to read how his reveal party goes!!!! You will have a blast!!
Can't wait to hear about the party and to see some pictures!

I am thinking all is well and Aidan is good to go!

Hoping you are all having a blast at Aidens Reveal Party! I hope he is feeling better! Im so glad to read they included Peyton. Sounds like that is a very generous company. I cannot wait to read the update!!popcorn::
Aidan's reveal party was this afternoon, and let me just tell you, it was more than I could've ever imagined it to be! There really are just no words to describe how wonderful the day was!

I'm going to cover the reveal party in several posts, because it was divided into sections. The amount of work and detail put into it was overwhelming.

When we got to Thyssen Krupp, Aidan was greeted by Tinker Bell at the door:


She told him that she was so glad that he had come to help her look for her fairy dust because she was stuck there until she could find her magic and fly home again. She then gave Aidan a map that would help him on his quest to find her pixie dust.


This map by itself was amazing! I hope that this picture will show the detail of it. Since Thyssen Krupp is an elevator company, we had a lower labyrinth and an upper kingdom. The elevator escorted us between the two. And Aidan always got to push the button. :)


Before we started our journey, we saw this on the wall. It's a giant flat screen TV that welcomed us.


And then we were off. We got on the elevator and headed for the upper kingdom.
When the elevator opened, we found ourselves in the Great Valley. I wish I had taken more pictures here, but I was already crying and in awe, and I just didn't take enough. However, they had about 8 people video taping and taking pictures, and I was told we would get copies of everything.

But anyway, back to the Great Valley. There was a mechanical triceratops in front of us when we stepped off of the elevator. He blinked his eyes and roared, and was bigger than Aidan. Then, we met a man in the Great Valley who needed Aidan's help.


He explained that there are poachers in the Great Valley and that the dinosaurs are in great danger. He told us that we could recognize these poachers by the vests that they wore with dinosaurs on the front. He gave Aidan a magic crystal to stick in his pocket and told him that it would protect him no matter what.


Aidan was given a Nerf gun and told to shoot the poachers whenever he saw them. We then entered the forest where the poachers were "hiding".


There were about 30 grown men hiding behind cubicles and other places that were wearing the "poacher" vests. Aidan was a great shot with the Nerf gun! :rotfl: And these men were having almost as much fun as Aidan was. Every time he would empty his gun, someone beside him would trade him for a fully loaded new gun. And towards the end of the forest, Keegan and Peyton were given guns to help Aidan with his mission.

When Aidan had made the dinosaurs safe from the poachers again, he was rewarded for helping. He received an Imaginex Dinosaur Castle as his prize.


But wait! We haven't found Tinker Bell's pixie dust!
We left the Great Valley and headed toward the Enchanted Forest. Aidan and Tinker Bell led the way.


When we entered the Enchanted Forest, we found Snow White, the evil queen, all seven "dwarfs", and the mirror.


Aidan looked into the mirror and then this lady (who represented the evil queen) said "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" What do you think was the reply? Of course! Snow White is the fairest of them all! The evil queen was not happy. In fact, she left a poisoned apple for Aidan, but you'll see that in a minute.


Snow White asked for Aidan's help in defeating the evil queen. There was a bowling lane set up, but all of the pins were the evil queen. How is Aidan supposed to beat the evil queen? By bowling down all of the pins! :lmao:


It took a few tries. . .


But in the end, Aidan defeated that evil queen!


Or did he? He found this sitting nearby. A "poisoned apple"!


I wish you could've seen this apple to start with. It had holes in it that had gummy worms hanging out. When Aidan pulled a worm out of the apple, it was connected by fishing line to a nearby gift bag. Since Aidan was smart enough not to eat the poisoned apple, the evil queen had failed, and Aidan was again rewarded for his good work.



But Aidan, is there any pixie dust in that bag? No? We must continue our search then.

We moved quickly from the Enchanted Forest to Fantasyland. We were greeted by many people dressed in clothing from many different countries. Bubbles were blown and It's a Small World was playing.


Aidan was given a fishing pole to try to "fish" for Tink's pixie dust. He didn't have much luck with the pixie dust, but he found a lot of great things along the way.



First catch of the day? SpongeBob pajamas.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! Clothes and a beach towel were some of Aidan's other catches.


Ah, but still no pixie dust. But we've covered the entire upper kingdom! Where to next? Where else but the lower labyrinth?!
Where to now? This way!


Arrr, Matey! You're in pirate territory! You must walk the plank! (But you have to actually become a pirate first!)


Oops, gotta pose for the other camera. :laughing:


See the plank? They seriously had a wood plank in the middle of the floor. And see the pirate picture? One of the employees painted that. And yes, Aidan did get to bring it home at the end of the party.

But for now, a game of pin the eyepatch on the pirate. While blindfolded and walking the plank. :lmao:


Eek! He almost fell off the plank! :eek:


But he made it! And with just a little bit of help, he got that eye patch just where it needed to be!


And then, he found the buried treasure!



His pirates booty consisted of an easel, artist's pad, and an art kit in a wood carrying case.


But there was no pixie dust to be found. Where to Tink?


I can't wait to see & read more!

Lightning McQueen can't make the race today! They need Aidan to drive for him! What? Aidan doesn't have a driver's license? We can fix that!


No pit crew! We've got that handled, too! Mom, Dad, Keegan, and Peyton get pit passes to be a part of Aidan's crew! (By the way, Peyton's nickname is Jo Jo, so don't think we've got an extra kid we're not telling you about!)


License? Check. Pit Crew? Check. Now we've got to get you to the track! Quick! Here, we'll take this motorcycle!


Aidan arrives safely at Radiator Springs and takes his place at the starting line. His "race car" is a remote controlled car that he drives around the track.


Look at the wall:



Aidan has won the race! We get to celebrate on Victory Lane!



Did you see all those prizes?!?! Yes, we came home with all of those, plus more. The van literally would not hold anything else at the end of the night. One of the employees lives close to us and offered to bring a few things to our house for us. Anyway, he got all those prizes AND a trophy!


I think I mentioned how much attention they paid to details, but if I didn't, these are perfect examples. The trophy was great, and look at these shirts:


They are going to make some of the shirts for us, but we won't have them until we get back.

Anyway, Aidan won the Piston Cup, but do you think the journey ends there? Nope. More to come.
Still on the search for Tink's pixie dust, we find our way to Agrabah. When we get there, Aidan boards his magic carpet. They have taken a utility cart and made it into a magic carpet. They put Aidan on top, gave him a turbin (Sp?) and vest, and the magic carpet took off (i.e. they pushed it).


The first people we ran into were snake charmers.


Now, this guy would play the recorder and that snake would really start dancing out of the chest. He would stop and the snake would go back it. I could not figure out how this was working. Well, do you see the man in the black vest leaning against the wall and the garbage can? He has fishing line that runs up from the snake, along the ceiling, and down to his hand. He would pull the fishing line to make the snake "dance". :rotfl2:

Ah, but enough of the snake charmers. We have to go to the market. These people lined up along our route would ask Aidan if he wanted to buy stuff. It was so funny.


At the end of the "marketplace", we reach this tent where Aidan is presented with a magic lamp.


When Aidan rubs the lamp. . .


The genie appeared! :lmao::rotfl::rotfl2:

The genie told Aidan he had three wishes, but not to say them out loud because then they might not come true. Well, Aidan closed his eyes and looked like he was wishing really hard.

The genie then handed him the "Aladdin" DVD and said, "This must be what you were wishing for!" He then told Aidan he had two more wishes. Aidan again closed his eyes and was wishing really hard.


When he opened them, the genie gave him a 19" LCD HDTV with built in DVD player! :scared1: The genie said, "You must have wished you had something to play that DVD on!" Again, he told Aidan that he had a wish remaining. When Aidan opened his eyes, the genie handed him a Nintendo DS with an accessory case!


Umm, can we say that these people take their wish granting privileges to the extreme?!?!

Oh, I almost forgot, Aidan got a stuffed monkey when he boarded the magic carpet to represent Abu.

It was time to leave Agrabah, but I want to post this last picture. Although Aidan's face is partially hidden, I want you to notice how happy he is. :cloud9: And then, look at the faces of the people standing around him and notice how happy they are. They really put their hearts and souls into this, and it completely showed.


And now, the rest of the story. . .
Okay, please don't shoot me now. I have been hit with enough darts today. My camera died at this part of the story. And I mean died. Black screen, changing batteries didn't work, changing memory cards didn't work. Nothing worked. My camera is dead. Luckily, when Aidan was in the Enchanted Forrest, he got a kid's digital camera. But they had already taken all of his prizes down to the break room, so it took a few minutes to get it to me. And when they did, well, the reveal was over.

The good news is that we only missed getting photos of Area 51, which was home to the Men in Black. They were all dressed in black suits, ties, sunglasses, and equipped with Nerf guns. :cool2: Aidan played a little game where he flipped little plastic aliens into a goal. When he got three in, he was rewarded for capturing them. Rewarded?! Again?! When does this stop? Well, soon, but first, he got a Men in Black briefcase with Nintendo DS games and a MIB DVD.

We kept walking, and got to one of the break rooms where Tink's pixie dust was sitting on the table. Tink acted so excited, and said that now she could fly home. She then told Aidan that since he found her pixie dust, she could grant his one true wish. She then threw pixie dust on Aidan and gave him five "tickets" to Disney. Everybody clapped, lots of us cried, and Aidan was beyond excited!

This reveal was totally worth keeping the secret for almost two months!

But believe it or not, the magic doesn't end there. We stayed for a little while talking to employees, having cake and punch, and letting all of the boys enjoy the moment. It was at this point that Aidan's camera finally makes it to me.


Those Jeep backpacks that are sitting on the right side of the picture are for the boys. They were full of pixie dust! They had everything from bubbles to snacks for the plane to MAW Hot Wheels to Playdoh, Stickers, toothbrushes, etc. And these are no small backpacks.

Like I said in the beginning, there are absolutely no words at all for what they did for us! But I hope this gave you a glimpse into our wonderful day!
Oh my goodness! Waiting was completley worth it for that reveal! They did such an amazing job and seemed like they really cared. :thumbsup2 Did Aidan get to keep the motorcycle to?? I can imagine how excited he was with everything. I tered up with every post and Yes, I had to stay awake until all the posts were done. :goodvibes


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