Disboutiquers Part 16 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

You know.... just when I was starting to feel like I fit in over here..... then you guys go and show me how ORGANIZED you all are!!!! :scared1::scared1::scared1: I'm don't mean to insult any of you, but organized people SCARE me!!!!! The "organized" part of my rather substantial stash is in flip top see through buckets arranged by holiday or theme (I just counted 20 of them....) . I have 4 or 5 filled with just Disney stuff........ Then there's the HUGE pile of Disney princess fabric in a CHAIR in the corner of the sewing room....... There's a pile about 4 feet high of fabrics that have to be sorted and returned to their bins..... and the pile of Satin behind a bunch of costumes to keep it from falling over.......

In my DEFENSE.......... I'm in and out of that stuff every day, so putting it back just seems so senseles......:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

And NO...... there will be no pictures forthcoming......... Now back to sewing a Snow White gown and rags costume before Monday AM.......

I've been dealing with the piles of fabric in my sewing room for TOO LONG! I have all of mine folded, but my shelves were WAY overflowing. I can't take it anymore. I've spent the last two days destashing. MUCH of it HAS to go! I'm up to 75 pics of stuff that needs a new home. I just can't take it anymore!
I've been dealing with the piles of fabric in my sewing room for TOO LONG! I have all of mine folded, but my shelves were WAY overflowing. I can't take it anymore. I've spent the last two days destashing. MUCH of it HAS to go! I'm up to 75 pics of stuff that needs a new home. I just can't take it anymore!

Are you on the swap yahoo group, I'm sure many of us there would love to help you out ;)
I've been dealing with the piles of fabric in my sewing room for TOO LONG! I have all of mine folded, but my shelves were WAY overflowing. I can't take it anymore. I've spent the last two days destashing. MUCH of it HAS to go! I'm up to 75 pics of stuff that needs a new home. I just can't take it anymore!

Wanna sell me some???? :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: OK, just kidding.....

But I keep over 250 dresses listed in my store, so de-stashing really isn't going to work for me. Darn.........
Are you on the swap yahoo group, I'm sure many of us there would love to help you out ;)

Wanna sell me some???? :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: OK, just kidding.....

But I keep over 250 dresses listed in my store, so de-stashing really isn't going to work for me. Darn.........

I'm not on the yahoo board - but if you could send me a link, I might consider it!

I'm planning to put everything on my facebook - if you're on facebook, but not on my friends list, please send a request to REVROB WINTERS

I''m seriously hoping to get this fabric to an appropriate home!
Ok so I finished the girls stripwork twirly skirts. Thank you so much for the tutorial Leslie it was wonderful:flower3:
Unfortunately when I wanted them to model them & took them outside to take pics the heat change fogged up my camera lens ugh. So the pics of them wearing them didn't come out well.

Here is Morgan's skirt:

Great Skirts.

Awesome stuff, but pics are too small for these old eyes.

I was thinking of possibly making my sister a handbag/purse for her birthday but I have never made one before. Can any of you recommend an easy pattern? :confused3 There are so many on YCMT and I am a little nervous about just picking one. I am fairly new to sewing and have really only made a few things - I am used to easy instructions like CarlaC's and stephres vida tutorial. Thanks for the help!

I really like the Aivilo Tote. You can make it in all different sizes and it goes together very easily. http://www.youcanmakethis.com/info/handbags/The-Aivilo-Pocket-Handbag.htm

Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers. The boys' "Nana" passed away very early this morning. We are sad she is gone, but thankful she is no longer suffering.

So sorry for your loss. Hope the boys are doing allright.

Also, great ultrasound pics Adi, cant wait to see her.

And awesome dress for mom, and wristlet and harness Steph.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. The boys are way too little to understand what is going on, thankfully. Though I know when we attend the services, having other people upset is sure to impact them. I have debated leaving them home but they should be there for at least part.

It's difficult. We have such joy with Ryker here in the house, especially seeing the bond he and Draykey are building. But I hate that he moved here because she was dying. (She was originally going to adopt him, which we supported.) Logically I tell myself this was what was going to happen, and at least this way he had a transition to us rather than being there with her while she was so sick and then suddenly losing her. He has gotten to see her frequently in the last six months.

Eh, I'm blabbering, sorry. Just a lot to wrap my thoughts and feelings around. It's hard when your joy happens due to someone else's sadness.
For me, I chose an embroidery only machine. Even though my sewing machine is a little "mature" (9 years) it's a great machine and I love it. So I really wasn't in a hurry to lose it, and couldn't afford to get a combo machine at the same level as my current machine (the one at the dealer was $10,000 and no, I didn't accidentally add too many zeroes) so there's no way I could afford one of those. Also, some designs take a pretty long time to stitch out, and you kinda have to be there, so why not sew at the same time? Also, God forbid something breaks, I'm only down one of the machines until it's fixed. I ended up choosing the brother PES700ii that's so popular around here:goodvibes
Thanks for the info. I didn't even think about the embroidery taking so long and being able to use that time to sew. I'll stick with my mechanical singer and get an embroidery only. :goodvibes
I decided to finish the tunic dress I promised to make for mom a month ago! Megan took the picture:
I also love the WalMart outfit.THey do have a lot of cute disney outfits right now.
Sewing machine advice

My sewing machine stills sews - but it is 25 years old. Very basic - the kind like they had in home ec class. I would like to look into a newer machine - but what do I look for? Not looking for brands or models - but do I want digital or mechanical? Anything I NEED to have? I don't want anything too complicated. I do have a serger and would like to get an ebroidery machine - one day - but want a new sewing machine now! :rotfl: Should I go to a dealer or WalMart or Joann's or order online??? HELP!!! :worship:
Can't give much advice because I am new to sewing, but Tuesday Morning has 2 sewing machines for a good price/deal. They have the Singer Curvy for $169.99 and retails for $350 and the Singer sew and serge for $199.00.

Ok so I finished the girls stripwork twirly skirts.
Here is Morgan's skirt:
My dd would love this pirate themed skirt - if only it were blue. She doesn't like pink and if anyone calls her a princess, she corrects them and says, "I'm a Pirate princess."
Thank you everyone for your kind words. The boys are way too little to understand what is going on, thankfully. Though I know when we attend the services, having other people upset is sure to impact them. I have debated leaving them home but they should be there for at least part.

It's difficult. We have such joy with Ryker here in the house, especially seeing the bond he and Draykey are building. But I hate that he moved here because she was dying. (She was originally going to adopt him, which we supported.) Logically I tell myself this was what was going to happen, and at least this way he had a transition to us rather than being there with her while she was so sick and then suddenly losing her. He has gotten to see her frequently in the last six months.

Eh, I'm blabbering, sorry. Just a lot to wrap my thoughts and feelings around. It's hard when your joy happens due to someone else's sadness.

All perfectly normal emotions! That may be the most difficult thing about adoption, the fact that our children lose everything so that we gain everything. It's such a double edged sword!
Hi Guys!

Can you share the stripework twirly skirt tutorial. I looked for it but I can't find it. :confused3

Also, Mom is doing much better. She is talking and is coherent, in a lot of pain and is sore but the hospital is taking good care of her. I am not sure how long she will be in there but it's looking up now... Thanks for all of your well wishes, I truly feel like it helped. :love:

You guys are a bad influence on me.
I hang my head in shame ~ today I went into a fabric store:rolleyes1 (and no I haven't used all the fabric in the closet.)
I ended up getting some fine corderoy to made dd a skirt for school.
The worst part, I was looking through fabrics and thinking "oh this would make a cute outfit for AK"
I have never been to DW and have no trip planned for the forseeable future.:sad2:

I can't get over how much talent there is on this board and I want to thank everyone for sharing their expertise (sorry about the spelling):flower3:
You have never been to WDW? How about DisneyLand? I am curious what brought you to DisBoards? You need to be planning a trip? Although with the economy the way it is I can understand how that could be impossible.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers. The boys' "Nana" passed away very early this morning. We are sad she is gone, but thankful she is no longer suffering.
I am sorry to hear she passed away. :hug:
You know.... just when I was starting to feel like I fit in over here..... then you guys go and show me how ORGANIZED you all are!!!! :scared1::scared1::scared1: I'm don't mean to insult any of you, but organized people SCARE me!!!!! The "organized" part of my rather substantial stash is in flip top see through buckets arranged by holiday or theme (I just counted 20 of them....) . I have 4 or 5 filled with just Disney stuff........ Then there's the HUGE pile of Disney princess fabric in a CHAIR in the corner of the sewing room....... There's a pile about 4 feet high of fabrics that have to be sorted and returned to their bins..... and the pile of Satin behind a bunch of costumes to keep it from falling over.......

In my DEFENSE.......... I'm in and out of that stuff every day, so putting it back just seems so senseles......:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

And NO...... there will be no pictures forthcoming......... Now back to sewing a Snow White gown and rags costume before Monday AM.......

I keep my fabric in plastic bins as well. I don't want it to get dusty or have the cat decide to nap on it. And my thread is the most organized I have it on wooden racks I love those things. But I don't have enough room in my house to have my own sewing/crafting room I have to share the office with DH and there are two computers in here.
1.)Please post a picture of gore. I just KNOW that Heather and Teresa would so enjoy the visual feast of another sock monkey. They love them so!

2.)Moi? Mean??? I think not! I prefer to look at it as protective! I just wanted to warn you of what you could possibly encounter if you headed out in certain parts of the country. I ask you...... what harm is there in that?? I even gave you several chances not to look- and posted warnings! So- you see......... I really am your friend!

3.)I know you really want to see pics of Gore- maybe you will be enlightened by the beauty of a well loved sock monkey!

2.) Refer to 1.) above! ENCOURAGING people to post pictures to scare us!!!! :snooty:

3.) Yeah, right... I have to say, I think that is a PERFECT name for a sock monkey!

4.)I have to say that I think it's kind of neat that you thought of Heather while you were out and about!

Well my parents are supposed to fly back from their trip tonight at 9:07 so I decided to finish the tunic dress I promised to make for mom a month ago! Megan took the picture:


I made a little clutch/wristlet to match:


And one for my sister:


Also, we were in Wal mart looking for white t-shirts for Jessica and I found this totally cute outfit. I am glad Megan still likes little girl stuff!


And a little something for Scrappy! You can tell by the expression of his face that he hates it. I am hoping it will grow on him though. Megan picked out the fabric and I am happy with the way it came out.


Your Mom's tunic dress looks great!!! Did she like it?
I love Megan's new outfit, she looks adorable! Mom took the girls school shopping last night and they gave us a little fashion show at Pizza Night! Lydia picked out a shirt with the Jonas Brothers on it. She has a bit of a crush on Nick. ;) Lydia got her new Skecher's light up shoes last night too! They are so cute! And BRIGHT! Wow, those lights are REALLY REALLY bright! I'm not real happy my baby girl is wearing a size 3 shoe either! They are a bit big, but not too much.

Scrappy looks very dapper in his new harness! Where did you get the hardware for it? I want to make my cat a new collar and I don't know where to get the clasps.

I love the little purses!!! Those are so cute!

I have to go back about 20 pages to catch up. . . but wanted to post this now, and then catch up later:

Had my 32 week appointment yesterday. Isabel had her head down still - yeay - and she will hopefully stay that way :) Her heart rate was at 144 and the poking and prodding to measure my uterus got her SUPER active!! I'm measuring at 34 weeks - a little big, but they say you can be +/- 2 and that is normal. Today we did the 3D/4D ultrasound, she was sooo sleepy, but still looking adorable (at least to us). . .

My daughter ALWAYS has her hands touching or hiding her face, and has had her legs crossed at EVERY ultrasound - even back at 12 weeks! So it was no surprise that both were true this time!

This is how the u/s started, and how she wanted to be most of the time (she's either shy or was very comfortably sleeping

LOVE how clear you can see her little face here:


Oh Adi, you can just tell she is a little cutie pie!

OT question for those of you on

I bought a custom dress over a month ago. The person has not sent the dress nor sent me any emails other than july 25 when she sent a note saying she had almost finished it. I don't want to be a pest but would any of you object to a buyer sending a just checking on the progress email. I really wanted the fabric as it was about 3 yards of silk for under 20 made into a custom dress. Buying the fabric alone from anywhere else was about 3x more.


I'm really glad you said Ebay and not Etsy! ;)
Personally, I don't mind at all if a customer emails me to ask the progress of something they have bought. If they said it was almost done a month ago, then you certainly have a right to know what's going on.

OT....so we had to cancel our trip to Boston. stupid hurricane. our hotel was one block away from the ocean...with 20 foot swells on the way and an expected 1-2 inches of rain it was better to stay home. I'm so sad!! I made that sponge bob skirt for my DD because sponge bob was going to be at the aquarium. but the worst part is the hotel won't refund our 150.00 room!!!!! I am SO mad.

Oh no!!!! Would they let you at least change your dates?

Ok so I finished the girls stripwork twirly skirts. Thank you so much for the tutorial Leslie it was wonderful:flower3:
Unfortunately when I wanted them to model them & took them outside to take pics the heat change fogged up my camera lens ugh. So the pics of them wearing them didn't come out well.

Here is Morgan's skirt:


I see more of these skirts in my future cause my girls love them.

The skirt and your girls look adorable!!! A little foggy, but adorable!

Ya know.... really............... how can Heather and Teresa be so afraid of an innocent sock monkey when they have THAT doll in the family?? :confused3

We are pretty scared of that doll too!

Wow! I can't believe how fast this board moves-I can't keep up. I am continually amazed and inspired by everyone on this board. I wanted to share my back to school creations. I made a little Minnie Mouse inspired bag to keep her set of extra clothes in at Pre-K. My husband wanted to know why she couldnt just use a ziploc like all the other kids-sometimes he just doesnt get it.
I also wanted to post some of the creations I made for our May trip, but I only have a couple of pictures where you can see her clothes cause the rest of the time we were encased in ponchos. I'm going to try to get her to model some of the outfits I've been working on for our September trip. (sorry about the big picture-I swear I resized it!)



I can't see it! When you resize something in Photobucket, you will often still see it as big here, while the rest of us see it as the right size. I would love to see these, could you repost them bigger? Please?? :flower3:

You know.... just when I was starting to feel like I fit in over here..... then you guys go and show me how ORGANIZED you all are!!!! :scared1::scared1::scared1: I'm don't mean to insult any of you, but organized people SCARE me!!!!! The "organized" part of my rather substantial stash is in flip top see through buckets arranged by holiday or theme (I just counted 20 of them....) . I have 4 or 5 filled with just Disney stuff........ Then there's the HUGE pile of Disney princess fabric in a CHAIR in the corner of the sewing room....... There's a pile about 4 feet high of fabrics that have to be sorted and returned to their bins..... and the pile of Satin behind a bunch of costumes to keep it from falling over.......

In my DEFENSE.......... I'm in and out of that stuff every day, so putting it back just seems so senseles......:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

And NO...... there will be no pictures forthcoming......... Now back to sewing a Snow White gown and rags costume before Monday AM.......

See, I like you more and more!!! I am sooooo unorganized!!! Did you see my sister's sewing room?? Or Karen's??? Well, if you can imagine something the complete oposite of that, you will have my "sewing room" !! Which really isnt' a room. My machines and any current projects are on the kitchen table and my fabric stash is spread amongst 1/2 the basement. I have some storage containers, but most stuff is just on top of them. It's mostly folded. I was just telling Corey today that I REALLY want some shelves to put things on.

Thank you everyone for your kind words. The boys are way too little to understand what is going on, thankfully. Though I know when we attend the services, having other people upset is sure to impact them. I have debated leaving them home but they should be there for at least part.

It's difficult. We have such joy with Ryker here in the house, especially seeing the bond he and Draykey are building. But I hate that he moved here because she was dying. (She was originally going to adopt him, which we supported.) Logically I tell myself this was what was going to happen, and at least this way he had a transition to us rather than being there with her while she was so sick and then suddenly losing her. He has gotten to see her frequently in the last six months.

Eh, I'm blabbering, sorry. Just a lot to wrap my thoughts and feelings around. It's hard when your joy happens due to someone else's sadness.

Marah, I can't imagine how hard this is, but I'm really glad the boys are with you and in a safe, stable home. I'm also glad Ryker was able to be loved and cared for by his Grandma? for the first part of his life. :hug:
I'll try to explain it - I can measure how long and how far apart I did the casing's in the morning if you need me to.

For the casing I cut a strip of fabric 1inch by 6inches (or however long you want your casing. I think I folded the sides in so the edges wouldn't fray) I pinned the fabric strip (so it is vertical) with the bottom of it just about even with the hem. I stitched up both sides - leaving both short ends unstitched. Then I inserted 2 pieces of ribbon 10 inches long (just guessing - you want you ribbon long enough to tie a bow. You can always trim the ribbons later) and stitched the top of the casing, catching the end of the ribbon in the seam. Then you just hold onto the ribbon and push your fabric up to get the gathers. You can gather it tight or loose, however you like it.

I made both the top and bottom layer the same length. If I make it again I'd make the top length a couple of inches lonyer then the bottom layer. When you gather all those casings it makes it quite a bit shorter.

Thank you for explaining this....now to just make sure I understand this....(and please forgive me if I sound ignorant :confused3 LOL)...the strip of fabric I cut for the casing is stiched to the backside of the skirt I have made?? Is that correct?

Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers. The boys' "Nana" passed away very early this morning. We are sad she is gone, but thankful she is no longer suffering.

Thank you everyone for your kind words. The boys are way too little to understand what is going on, thankfully. Though I know when we attend the services, having other people upset is sure to impact them. I have debated leaving them home but they should be there for at least part.

It's difficult. We have such joy with Ryker here in the house, especially seeing the bond he and Draykey are building. But I hate that he moved here because she was dying. (She was originally going to adopt him, which we supported.) Logically I tell myself this was what was going to happen, and at least this way he had a transition to us rather than being there with her while she was so sick and then suddenly losing her. He has gotten to see her frequently in the last six months.

Eh, I'm blabbering, sorry. Just a lot to wrap my thoughts and feelings around. It's hard when your joy happens due to someone else's sadness.
]:hug: Oh I am so sorry Marah, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I can only imagine how many different feelings and emotions you have right now. I bet she was happy knowing that both little guys would be together, happy and well-loved by your family!! Bless your hearts!
Okay I am in the planning stages of my Halloween costumes and need some help. Where is the best place to buy tulle? I need bright red and black!!! :thumbsup2
Hi Everyone!

April and Marah, your families are in my prayers.

Love the cute outfits posted - home made and Walmart versions!!

Ahh, sewing room organization - I just cant keep mine organized!! I have a large amount of space - my attic - but I just cant keep things organized!! Got the comic book boards - but then what do you do when you just have some of the yard of material left? Ugh - but anyways...

Today we were in IKEA and we were in their scratch and dent section and saw 8ft long pieces of conter top - for $5 each!!! We got 2 so DH can make me a place for my sewing machines!! Im thinking an L shaped area with my regular sewing machine, serger and embroidery machine on it ...what do you think???

Oh, the funny thing about the counter top????? Its BRIGHT YELLOW!!!!:rotfl2: but who cares, right??????
I miss you guys. My computer time is still limited. My neck just feels so much better sitting in my recliner! :sad2:

Now we are trying to figure out when to go. We're pretty open ended with that because my DH works 14 and 14, so we can go pretty much anytime. We're trying to decide if we should go in December of this year or wait until next year sometime. I'm sooo excited! I know he hates the idea, but is doing it for me and Hannah. :lovestruc

I'm about to attempt to start cutting out the Patricia Tunic for myself. Yay!
I hope to love it and make one of those pretty dresses Stephres has made. I love those dresses! Dh likes me to wear dresses, but I have a hard time finding ones that I like. I'm very optimistic about this pattern. :goodvibes
Just back from Hancock's - picked out some halloween fabric for my first Vida



Hoping to get started Monday when school starts back!! FYI - Hancocks will have all of their decorator fabrics 60% off the Sunday and Monday of Labor Day weekend!

Also, does anyone have any opinions good or bad about the Janome 8077? Hancock's has it on sale for $249.00 right now (down from $349)

Loving all of the new creations!


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