a summer message to parents: watch your children near water

so glad your DD is ok; thank you for your reminder that we have to be vigilant every single second.
thanks for the reminder, ((hugs)) to you. We just had a 6 year old boy drown here in our town. I don't know the story, other then he was from out of state and visiting his grandparents. It was the grandparents pool....
Unfortunately things happen and thankfully it turned out for the best. My son was not quite 2 when his babysitter at the time took him and her kids to the complex pool. He slipped and fell in the deep end as I was coming around the corner after getting home from work. Another girl said she would save him and jumped in the water on top of him. By that time I was running and jumped in fully dressed in my Army BDUs to get my child out. That babysitter lost her job because it became evident that she just could not watch my child with hers.
Unfortunately things happen and thankfully it turned out for the best. My son was not quite 2 when his babysitter at the time took him and her kids to the complex pool. He slipped and fell in the deep end as I was coming around the corner after getting home from work. Another girl said she would save him and jumped in the water on top of him. By that time I was running and jumped in fully dressed in my Army BDUs to get my child out. That babysitter lost her job because it became evident that she just could not watch my child with hers.

the best swim gear there is. ;)
Sorry you had such a scare! We have an inground pool and our rule is DD2 must have her PDF on to even go past the safety fence. BUT that being said,during the summer we are around many places with water that do not have safety fences.

Your post was a reminder that toddlers are very quick plus we as parents must alway be watchful around water no matter what age our children are. We went to a lake picnic on July 4 and the dock next to ours had a boating accident within 15 feet of the shore. The 20-something year old man died when he fell in and hit his head. It was so sad.
I have also had all three of mine fall into a pool. The first incident still send chills down my spine. We have our family Christmas on my dad's side at my aunt's house every year. She has an in ground pool which you can see from all rooms in the house as all the rooms encircle it and have full sliding glass walls. There's a rule that noone is to open any of the glass sliding doors to access the pools because of all the little ones. There's just too many access points. So everyone is to use the wooden side door down the hall from the kitchen. Well, while we were playing chinese Christmas someone (my uncle *cough cough*) decided to go get a beer out of the vending machine on the covered patio out by the pool. I guess he decided it wasn't important to close the door so, unbeknownst to him, my 15mo slipped outside. Next thing we knew my cousing came running in carrying my 15mo, grinning and sopping wet from the waist down. He too had gone out to get a drink and saw the door ajar and found my baby on the 2nd step in the pool about to step down - if he had he would have been under. This all took a matter of 1 minute maybe as I was following him around the entire party and was actually looking for him when my cousin beat me to it. I'm shocked my uncle admitted it but, as quickly as it happened, everyone knew it had been him that left the door opened. What grown 50 yr old does that?! Leaves an outdoor door open when little babies are running around? I was beyond :mad::mad::mad:

Another time I was with my youngest dd3 and she was about a year old. We were in the kiddy pool at a local pool. At the end of the kiddy pool in a corner was direct access to the deep end of the main pool (why?!). You could just run to the end of the kiddy pool - which was maybe 6-8" deep - and jump right in! Well, while I'm following her around, she decides to do just that. anyone try running in shallow water? I was unable to catch her, the little stink. So I watched as she just jumped right in and sank to the bottom. I was in there so fast not only in my bathing suit but my flowy coverup. I hadn't planned getting wet further than my thighs considering how shallow the kiddy pool is. When I picked her up, maybe 6 seconds after she jumped, the look on her face was priceless. She didn't do it again! And I haven't taken her to that kiddy pool since.
I have also had all three of mine fall into a pool. The first incident still send chills down my spine. We have our family Christmas on my dad's side at my aunt's house every year. She has an in ground pool which you can see from all rooms in the house as all the rooms encircle it and have full sliding glass walls. There's a rule that noone is to open any of the glass sliding doors to access the pools because of all the little ones. There's just too many access points. So everyone is to use the wooden side door down the hall from the kitchen. Well, while we were playing chinese Christmas someone (my uncle *cough cough*) decided to go get a beer out of the vending machine on the covered patio out by the pool. I guess he decided it wasn't important to close the door so, unbeknownst to him, my 15mo slipped outside. Next thing we knew my cousing came running in carrying my 15mo, grinning and sopping wet from the waist down. He too had gone out to get a drink and saw the door ajar and found my baby on the 2nd step in the pool about to step down - if he had he would have been under. This all took a matter of 1 minute maybe as I was following him around the entire party and was actually looking for him when my cousin beat me to it. I'm shocked my uncle admitted it but, as quickly as it happened, everyone knew it had been him that left the door opened. What grown 50 yr old does that?! Leaves an outdoor door open when little babies are running around? I was beyond :mad::mad::mad:

Another time I was with my youngest dd3 and she was about a year old. We were in the kiddy pool at a local pool. At the end of the kiddy pool in a corner was direct access to the deep end of the main pool (why?!). You could just run to the end of the kiddy pool - which was maybe 6-8" deep - and jump right in! Well, while I'm following her around, she decides to do just that. anyone try running in shallow water? I was unable to catch her, the little stink. So I watched as she just jumped right in and sank to the bottom. I was in there so fast not only in my bathing suit but my flowy coverup. I hadn't planned getting wet further than my thighs considering how shallow the kiddy pool is. When I picked her up, maybe 6 seconds after she jumped, the look on her face was priceless. She didn't do it again! And I haven't taken her to that kiddy pool since.

wow, who designed that pool?!?!?! :headache:
Hearing about incidents like this makes me even more upset that the local pool was converted several years ago into a skateboard park. (What possessed them???) DD5 has decided to be brave about water, and I don't have the means to teach her to swim here. I'm going to try next summer to get her to lessons at the next big town over -- roughly 30 miles away. I know her knowing how to swim will not make for 100% foolproof plans against drowning, but it's certainly got to help.

OP: I'm glad that, thought traumatic, everything turned out alright.
You posted the most important thing I have read all summer! Sometimes we wonder why things happen to us...well, you just shared your story and experience and probably saved some lives! I too treat my older children as though they are adults - and that is just not right. Today, for example, I was swimming in our pool with DD7 and DD2. An inspector came to do an electrical inspection on some work we're doing on our house, and although I got the girls out of the pool, my initial response was to tell my DD7 to "make sure your sister doesn't go in the water until I get back". Thank goodness I had the sense to stop, realize that was stupid, and figured the inspector could wait the few extra minutes it would take me to install the baby gate entrance back up.

Thanks for taking the time to post. And remember, we all do things we could beat ourselves up over. And, we will again do things that aren't so bright! But, everything is fine, everyone learned a lesson, and it's time to move on! Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer!:grouphug:
Thanks for the reminder.

We were at the beach one summer with about 20 extended family members. I walked up to the dunes to get my younger DD and asked a family member to watch my then 3yo. By the time I came back (2-3 minutes), another group came up to me, pointed to the guards, and asked if that was my DD. She thought we had left to walk down the beach for lunch and was trying to follow us. The guards saw her walking alone and went to her and she was already in tears looking for us. Luckily, another mom saw her, remembered talking to me, and saw me walking down the beach from the dunes. I was horrified!

Where was the family member during that time ? Chatting away, no clue that she was gone and in tears. I was thankful for the watchfulness of another mom.

Brings me to another point: I've heard (anecdotally) that during parties and gatherings is a very dangerous time because "everyone" (read: no one) is watching the kids. When we have parties (we have a pool), we hire someone to sit and watch the pool. I don't announce that it is a lifeguard, because I don't want people to "check out", but I tell the 'guard' that I don't want any bodies at the pool at the end of the night.
Thank you so much for posting this as a reminder to all of us. I'm so glad that everything turned out OK. Last summer we had a near drowning in our town's kiddie pool. The pool is no more than 3 ft deep, with a zero entry. The mother was distracted, when she looked around she couldn't locate her 3year old son. He was found floating face down a few yards away, in the crowded pool, with lifeguards all around. Thankfully there was a Dr. there who was able to resuscitate the child. Your story is a reminder to all of us that it can happen in an INSTANT, and that when there is water around, anything can happen.
It's also a reason why everyone should learn infant and child CPR. I know it because of my job and it's reassuring to know.
Thanks to the Mom who posted this reminder. Everyone has made good suggestions as well. I just wanted to add two quick things. If you are at the water and are with another person and you need to walk away for what ever reason, make sure the other adult is watching your child. Dont just assume your husband or friend is aware. Verbally make sure they are attending to them.

Also I know this has mostly been about infants but it can happen to anyone, so keep an eye on older children as well. I grew up swimming from a very early age and was on the swim team for years. In 8th grade we went on a field trip and there was a pool. It was a hot day and the pool was crwded, way to many kids for the # of lifeguards. Anyway I jumped in and then while I was underwater some kids fooling around on deck pushed in someone who landed on my back. I clearly remember not knowing how to get to the top. trying to tell myself not to panic. The Lifeguards had no clue, A student on the side jumped in and pulled me up and saved my life.

Lifeguards are great but you still need to be vigilant, and it can happen to anyone.
Big HUG OP, I'm so sorry you and DD went through this and luckily that man was at the right place, right time. I think you have made us all more aware of the dangers near water, thank you for posting.

re: the poster with the rip tide incident, I was thinking the same thing how could those people just sit by without helping but then the other poster said rip tides could pull in more people.
Okay, first stop beating yourself up. Your two year old is fine because you were nearby and would have gotten to her fast enough had another person not done so. Second, it is fine for your older girls to get snacks/juice for your tot but until they are 13 they are too young to really watch a tot.
Okay, first stop beating yourself up. Your two year old is fine because you were nearby and would have gotten to her fast enough had another person not done so. Second, it is fine for your older girls to get snacks/juice for your tot but until they are 13 they are too young to really watch a tot.

13 is a pretty arbitrary cutoff age.

I was watching toddlers, and yes, around pools, but the time I was 10 or 11. We had a pool and my parents drilled into me a heightened awareness while watching kids around water. Basically, my eyes never left them!

I think the OP's reminder is great, but she is being tough on herself. I would also recommend swimming lessons right away, and ditch the floaties. They are a toy only.

By the time my son was 2, he was able to get to the wall and pull himself out. (I know, he actually fell in while he was trying to follow me at a pool In Mexico. My DH was right there, but DS was already pulling himself out of the pool before DH needed to do anything.)

Swimming lessons work, even for very young kids!
13 is a pretty arbitrary cutoff age.

I was watching toddlers, and yes, around pools, but the time I was 10 or 11. We had a pool and my parents drilled into me a heightened awareness while watching kids around water. Basically, my eyes never left them!

I think the OP's reminder is great, but she is being tough on herself. I would also recommend swimming lessons right away, and ditch the floaties. They are a toy only.

By the time my son was 2, he was able to get to the wall and pull himself out. (I know, he actually fell in while he was trying to follow me at a pool In Mexico. My DH was right there, but DS was already pulling himself out of the pool before DH needed to do anything.)

Swimming lessons work, even for very young kids!

I wouldn't of even left my kids with a 13 year old at a pool let alone a 10 or 11 year old.


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