10/24/2009 Bash On the Boat (I'm with B.O.B.) - Thread 24

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It appears Wisconsinites "DO" have money trees...


Here is Nancy harvesting her crop.




Here is Mike & Chuck playing Wii Golf...We won't talk about their bowling game. ;) Hee Hee! Sorry guys.




I'll post more tomorrow.

Wow! Loving all those photos!

Nancy you have quite a nice place, huge backyard!
And I finally see Chris in a photo:thumbsup2
Seeing this distag list has me wishing.......for coffe candy:love: from Cass, one of our beautiful Canadian BoBers!!!:rotfl::rotfl: As Hazel says, "They're lovely.":goodvibes

Hint, Hint...:thumbsup2 :rotfl2::rotfl2:

I could go for a few of the other ones. Don't really care which one. If it's chocolate...I'll eat it. :banana::banana:
Calling all Parents! - I need help and advice - if you can stand reading all this then I'd like some advice if you have any...

I apologise its very long:rolleyes1

Just got Ellis' year 3 school report for the year:rolleyes1.....

How many times can a teacher write "could try harder if he stopped talking and started work when everyone else does" in one report:rolleyes:

He excels in reading and is already reading at a year 6 level, everything else he's on target and working at an appropriate level for his age etc, but we all know he's capable of soooooo much more. There are kids in his class who struggle and try hard for the whole hours lesson and still don't achieve what Ellis can do in 15 minutes. I just wish he'd realize he's wasting his chance at a good education.. He's been moved down a group this year in both literacy and numeracy - not because he's not capable, but the volume of works he completes just isnt enough to keep him in the top group anymore. I thought this would bother him, but he just says that its even easier now and doesnt even have to try in this group.

Its really frustrating:sad2:. Apparantly, out of an hours lesson, he might actually pick up his pencil after 30 minutes if he feels like it:rolleyes: He enjoys history and ICT, but numeracy and literacy :sad2: - he tunes out and does the littlest amount of work possible. I know what she says is true - its a battle getting him to do homework every weekend.:sad2: I think thats why she doesnt bother anymore... she's lost interest in him because he doesnt care either. I just hope that next year will be better.:guilty: We set him extra work at home, we encourage, nag, moan, beg him to try harder but unless he's interested in the subject then he just doesnt try. I just wish she would do what she did the once before - she sent him into the corridor to complete his work as he'd done nothing in 35 minutes in class. Within 12 minutes he'd completed it all - (it should have took about 45 minutes) - we all know he can do it when forced to, but she just leaves him to do nothing these days:sad2:, even though I've told her she has my blessing to either move him out into the corridor every time or keep him in at playtime til he gets the message etc.

Any ideas:idea:? - at this rate I'll be bald - I'm tearing my hair out with frustration.

I don't want the same thing to happen in September with the new teacher. For those who dont know - I've trained for 4 years as a teachers assistant, so I know all the techniques etc and believe me I've tried them all, nothing seems to work. He's like it in all aspects of his life - slow at everything, doesnt care if he is late, doesn't care what his work looks like - any old rubbish will do just to get it finished.... god help me when he gets to a teenager:scared: I dont want the new teacher to give up on him like this one has.


I can empathize with you Karen.
Sean is still like this. He just doesn't really care to do his best.
Last minute Louey too.

Tried to get him to change, but I'm thinking they are who they are.
If they want to change they will otherwise it's like leading a horse to water.....
Ok... is anyone else depressed today. :sad2: I wanna replay the last 2 weekends.

Better yet...let's have another dis meet. Where shoud we have it...Texas, Canada, California or Virginia (That's much closer for us.) :woohoo: :)
I could have wrote that. He sounds like my Bryce, I don't know how many times, I have heard, he's a brilliant child, but doesn't apply himself. Wish I had answers for you, but I have not found them, and Bryce is 14.:scared:

Hi Janice!:wave2:

Yep, and Sean is almost 19.

I'm thinking that's how a lot of boys are. I read Bob's old school report cards one day and it was lots of the same stuff. He just wanted to be the class clown in school.:rolleyes:
Calling all Parents! - I need help and advice - if you can stand reading all this then I'd like some advice if you have any...

I apologise its very long:rolleyes1

Just got Ellis' year 3 school report for the year:rolleyes1.....

How many times can a teacher write "could try harder if he stopped talking and started work when everyone else does" in one report:rolleyes:

He excels in reading and is already reading at a year 6 level, everything else he's on target and working at an appropriate level for his age etc, but we all know he's capable of soooooo much more. There are kids in his class who struggle and try hard for the whole hours lesson and still don't achieve what Ellis can do in 15 minutes. I just wish he'd realize he's wasting his chance at a good education.. He's been moved down a group this year in both literacy and numeracy - not because he's not capable, but the volume of works he completes just isnt enough to keep him in the top group anymore. I thought this would bother him, but he just says that its even easier now and doesnt even have to try in this group.

Its really frustrating:sad2:. Apparantly, out of an hours lesson, he might actually pick up his pencil after 30 minutes if he feels like it:rolleyes: He enjoys history and ICT, but numeracy and literacy :sad2: - he tunes out and does the littlest amount of work possible. I know what she says is true - its a battle getting him to do homework every weekend.:sad2: I think thats why she doesnt bother anymore... she's lost interest in him because he doesnt care either. I just hope that next year will be better.:guilty: We set him extra work at home, we encourage, nag, moan, beg him to try harder but unless he's interested in the subject then he just doesnt try. I just wish she would do what she did the once before - she sent him into the corridor to complete his work as he'd done nothing in 35 minutes in class. Within 12 minutes he'd completed it all - (it should have took about 45 minutes) - we all know he can do it when forced to, but she just leaves him to do nothing these days:sad2:, even though I've told her she has my blessing to either move him out into the corridor every time or keep him in at playtime til he gets the message etc.

Any ideas:idea:? - at this rate I'll be bald - I'm tearing my hair out with frustration.

I don't want the same thing to happen in September with the new teacher. For those who dont know - I've trained for 4 years as a teachers assistant, so I know all the techniques etc and believe me I've tried them all, nothing seems to work. He's like it in all aspects of his life - slow at everything, doesnt care if he is late, doesn't care what his work looks like - any old rubbish will do just to get it finished.... god help me when he gets to a teenager:scared: I dont want the new teacher to give up on him like this one has.


First of all... don't panic! I have gone thrugh this one and currently going through again..lol Our geration of children are for lack a better word.. spoiled and very used to things coming easy.. we did the grounding and reward.. blah blah blah... well now that my son is 19 and entering University we made the choice (sounds harsh but please bare with me) he has to pay for his own schooling.. this way he has learned "oh um hey when the money is coming out of my own pocket I expect better of myself" we are going to be "helping out" with cost but he has to aswell.. he has even and I qoute " why didn't you push me harder in school so i was better prepared?" :scared1: I politly told him of the MANY occasions that he played the I am staying at dad's card..lol he looked down at his feet and said sorry..lol so the long and short is... they have to discover the world.. and how it is not always easy for everyone and to learn to appriciate how well they have it.. now i am not saying kids are little punks and are all bad.. just that they have no clue... perhaps a reality check is due.. sooner than later.. volunteer at a shelter for a lunch or something.. sometimes they need to see the world is not always perfect. I offten wonder if in giving my kids everything I didn't have if I caused a huge blinder over their eye's and made them very unself reliant.. I lost my parenting manual I guess.. lol

The good news is my dughter is "better" than my son was.. not as good as she could be.. but she has a understanding of the world and we have chosen to expose her to more of the world.. which seems to have helped her to appriciate more...lol

:DISCLAMER: I am not a certified counseler and only offered my opinion and do not expect anyone to agree with it wholy or follow any suggestions provided ;)

Ok... is anyone else depressed today. :sad2: I wanna replay the last 2 weekends.

Better yet...let's have another dis meet. Where shoud we have it...Texas, Canada, California or Virginia (That's much closer for us.) :woohoo: :)

I vote Canada.. hey you will get more for your dollar here at least..lol :rotfl2:
Bernie, I don't think I ever congratulated you on the new house, so CONGRATS ON THE NEW HOUSE! I hope you have many happy years residing there.:thumbsup2
ongoing investigation as to which bobber chic nearly gave afeg a lapdance!!
not sure what the chics see in him, i mean really, he doesnt even have a scar but i'm going to have to watch him and learn.

I think maybe it's the accent ;)

lets just say underdog went to bed with a smile on his face on "pillowfight nite"

You went to bed with more than a smile I think :rolleyes1 :lmao:

I am home! I arrived about an hour ago, but I had kids to talk to and a dog to play with. And I had to fill Rob in on all the fun we had!

Wow, what fun this weekend was! I had a great time surprising the Bobers. Y'all should have seen Nancy's face when she realized it was me with Jeff and co. Too funny! Jeff and Suz were wonderful hosts. I'm so grateful to them for putting me up for three days and picking me up and dropping me off at the airport. I had a great time comparing recipes with Suz and Hazel and Jeff and AFEG were in rare form as well. We laughed all weekend.

The fireworks were AWESOME! Watching Chris and Jeff run from the low ones was beyond phenomenal!!And meeting my buddy Bendy Girl was absolutely terrific!

I am so happy I went, and Rob even said that maybe we could go again next year!!!

Unfortunately I forgot my camera. Everyone has assured me that they will share.

Glad you got home safe and sound :thumbsup2

Those are great!!! It sure looks like Nancy and Chuck know how to spoil people.

That they do!!!! ::yes:: They wouldn't let me lift a finger!!!

Seeing this distag list has me wishing.......for coffe candy:love: from Cass, one of our beautiful Canadian BoBers!!!:rotfl::rotfl: As Hazel says, "They're lovely.":goodvibes

Wow, that stuff sure was a big hit with all of you! Might have to chuck my dis tag gifts and just fill the bag with chocolates :rolleyes:

Mark would like those too.

I didn't know he liked them too!!! Good thing the scary customs dude didn't confiscate them ;)

G'night peeps - I'm off to workout on my treadmill - maybe I can take out some of my frustration with a few thousand steps.:rolleyes:

Sorry to whine everyone :flower3: - I'm just looking for hints on how you all cope and still come out the other end sane and smiling!

I have zero answers for you Karen, but here's some :hug: and pixiedust: to get you through it!

Jay and I just got home about 20 minutes ago ... just wanted to thank Jeff and Suz for letting us crash their party for a few hours on Saturday afternoon. :hug: Getting away from the chaos at Jay's brother's house for a little while did wonders for my fragile nerves. ;)

It was wonderful seeing old friends again and meeting some others in the real world for the first time. You're all a lovely group of people and I promise, some day, Jay and I are actually not going to cancel our reservations and we will sail with you and then you'll be sorry! :laughing:

I have some pictures to share but I don't know if I'll get them posted tonight - still have to grocery shop and do the laundry.

It was fabulous to see you again Bendy! Did you get hooked on the chocolate too? :rolleyes1

Wow! Loving all those photos!

Nancy you have quite a nice place, huge backyard!
And I finally see Chris in a photo:thumbsup2

There's some really ummm *cough* ahem interesting pics of Chris taken that day. I'm sure someone will post a few more for our viewing pleasure :rolleyes:

Ok... is anyone else depressed today. :sad2: I wanna replay the last 2 weekends.

Better yet...let's have another dis meet. Where shoud we have it...Texas, Canada, California or Virginia (That's much closer for us.) :woohoo: :)

Another vote for Canada :thumbsup2
Hi Janice!:wave2:

Yep, and Sean is almost 19.

I'm thinking that's how a lot of boys are. I read Bob's old school report cards one day and it was lots of the same stuff. He just wanted to be the class clown in school.:rolleyes:

I know what the teachers' are going to say before I ever go in to conferences. Don't know how to change it, though that's not what Karen wants to hear.
2 little bits of news:

Rikki is back from her stay at the vet's office since last Thursday.
Quite a brush with death, a bad virus that kept her not wanting to eat or drink, she was so dehydrated they put her on an IV and tube fed her!

But she's home!:banana::cool1:

You should see how shaved her paws/leg and neck are from blood tests and IV's:eek:

Amazing they can put an IV into such a teeny tiny thing.

Anyway, she's happy to be home:thumbsup2

(yikes! i earned lots with my Disney card for all that! $1400 for everything since the emergency vet too).:headache:
I didn't know he liked them too!!! Good thing the scary customs dude didn't confiscate them ;)
He didn't actually get to try them, they were gone when he went to grab one, but he is certain he would like them, since he likes coffee.

But don't scrap your current tag gift, yours are awesome.
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