What does 53 degrees feel like to you?


Dec 11, 2006
Right now, where I live it's below zero. I have forgotten what 53 degrees feels like. Will we northerners think that's shorts weather? Will my kids want a coat or will a sweatshirt suffice. Of course, 53 is the projected overnight low, so I'm not sure how cold it will actually get while we're in the parks (most close by 7 or 8 pm). Advice? We are packing extremely light, no checked baggage only a backpack per person for the six of us!
Well 53 depends on when it occurs... Last week, 53 during the day with the sun shining was great during the day. You could definitely where shorts but needed a long sleeve and/or sweatshirt. At night, 53 felt better. The morning we went to DHS, it was 48. That was chilly...

BTW, I'm from the Twin Cities and every single day we were in FL (even when it was cool) was heaven compared to this winter. Not seeing snow was the icing on the cake!:wave2:
Im from the north, admittedly the most mild part this far north, if it gets to freezing for a few days in a row thats pretty amazing. 53 is still cold here.

53 at night would be quite chilly. I'd say sweatshirt and pants would be fine though. Too cold probably for shorts at night. The mid 50s are about our march weather here, february if lucky.
If it were 53 degrees here at this time of year, we'd say "beautiful day!!":thumbsup2 :beach:

If I were in WDW, I'd probably bring a light jacket. I think shorts might be pushing it though. Short sleeved shirts would probably be fine for the day.
Well, yesterday morning it was -22 here (that was the temp., NOT the wind chill). So, 53...hmmm...I'd be tempted to wear my swimsuit all day!!! ;)

We always go to Disney President's week - and there can be days when it's that cool (although it's normally in the 60's, sometimes 70's...). I wear capris and layer up on tops. That seems to do the trick! (The mornings can be downright cold - so sometimes I also have a fleece jacket!)
We were there last week during the cold spell. It was no where near as cold as up north but we never wore shorts or short sleeves in 10 days. We always had sweatshirts on. It was beautiful for walking in the parks. I had winter coat for evenings and it did come in handy. It was downright cold at the parks and downtown after the sun went down. Now it's a difficult call because now that we are home it's 75-85 there during the day so you could get a warm spell. From what I hear it was not the norm last week when it was cold. Have fun!
It was 51 yesterday morning when we headed out for a day at MK.....we didn't take coats and it was fine. It warmed up nicely and was a gorgeous day.

the day before it was 46 when we headed out and we took jackets. Within 2 hours they were tied around our waists and we were getting warm.
I would rather be cold for a little while (although we weren't).
I say chilly and jeans and sweatshirt or light jacket weather.iam also up North but that is still too cool for shorts and short sleeves.
Just before going onto Disboards, the temp on my computer said -18, yes 18 degrees below zero. We leave Thursday for WDW. I need warmth.
53 at night means mid-70s in the afternoon. Definitely shorts and t-shirt weather for the day and a light jacket for the evening.
Gotta tell you....53 in central Florida is vastly different than 53 in central Mass. Can't say why, it just is. When I was there at a time when the temp went to about 48, the 'natives' all had on hats, scarves, mittens..it was way too funny. Up here, 48 is time to scream..'Here comes spring'.
If it's in the low 50's when I'm at WDW, I wear capri's with a sweatshirt over a long sleeved tee shirt. As the day warms up, if it does, the sweatshirt goes around my waist.
I seldom wear shorts now unless it's over 75..either capri's or jeans.
We were there from Jan 11-21 and believe it or not it was cold. Now being from CT and being used to the cold I never thought it would bother me but by the 2nd day when it was in the 50's it was cold. Now I honestly can tell you I am never cold but for some reason it was cold in orlando. Now we didn't need winter coats and hat and scarves like the natives but every day we wore jeans and sweatshirts. Go figure.
Layer yourself with a top, then sweater or sweat shirt, then hoodie, then jacket or coat. I would even wear shorts under by pants. It sounds like you are tight on space. If you are going by car, don't turn on the heater so high, if you are layered up with more clothes. On a plane you can stuff your jacket, etc. into the overhead compartment or sit on them. You can always hold your jacket, if it's warm once you get there.

It's strange, but it feels colder in warmer climates when it hits the fifties and lower. I think the extremes are worse in warmer climates; you can have a 40 degree spread between day and night sometimes. The days feel so nice and warm, then the sun goes down and it feels extra chilly.

You should be able to get hot chocolate in the evening and that always makes me feel warmer. Get into the attractions that are more enclosed, if it gets too cold.
Bring Layers!!! That's the key with traveling to Florida. We are from South Florida and were up at WDW during Thanksgiving last year when there was a cold snap. DH thought it was ok to walk around AK at night in shorts and a short sleeved shirt. I was wearing jeans and had a sweater. He thought I was crazy, but he quickly learned that HE was the crazy one. The rest of our trip he layered. Its easy to take layers off than having to run in a store to buy new clothes to add layers.
We were also there January 11 - 21 and only wore shorts two days. It was freezing at night and we are from MN where it was -25 regular temp. while we were gone.

We mainly wore pants and light jackets on a few days when the highs were in the 50's.

By the way, people were swimming in the POP pool on the coldest night we were there....brrrr!
Fifty-three degrees? BRRRR! Winter!

I admit it--I'm a wimp when it comes to cold weather! But I live in the low desert, and our overnight low temperatures in the winter can be 30 or 40 degrees lower than hour daily high temperatures. That definitely feels colder than it actually is!

Have to agree with the opinions on layers. It probably will be rather cool when you leave for the parks in the mornings. While I probably would just wear long pants rather than layer shorts/pants, it really depends on what works for each person in your family. Some people's thermostats run warmer or colder than others. You can rent a locker in a pinch to stow the extra sweatshirts/jackets. :)
53 is still pretty cold, but I know what you mean about it seeming warm when it's been so cold. I was still cold in vegas over Christmas, even thought it was so much warmer than PA.


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