The Duggars


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Oct 11, 2007
I was watching a show on TLC about them.........I didn't watch the whole thing, but I have seen previous shows about this family.
but this was the first time I saw their finished home. all I can say is wow!
I would love to know their budgeting/spending tips.......their house is amazing, just perfect inside, and filled with everything you could imagine they would need or want.
I imagine that much was donated once they begin their television show. Someone came in on one of the show to pick out furnishings and decorate and earlier someone came in to help finish up the house.

It is intersting to read about them. The main source of income is real estate investments. They shop Aldi and all second hand for clothes as well as sew a lot of thier clothes.

After 17 was born they expressed interest in addional children.
I believe that towards the end they did have help financially with their house for doing the show, but overall, they are great with money! They live without debt.

One of the TLC decorating shows, I can't remember which one, came in and decorated their house for them.
I'm not impressed with them. I think they're shifty and selfish. They've been allowed to claim their home as a CHURCH, so they pay no taxes. They are a non-profit organization. How is that fair?

A couple of those young girls spend over 20 hours a week DOING LAUNDRY. That's not right.

I really don't like the way their toddlers are forced to sit on their blankets. That's the only way they can keep track of them. They're never allowed to crawl around like normal babies.

The girls are not encouraged to pursue further education; only to marry and be a wife and mother.

The food that they eat is absolute JUNK. One look inside their pantry will make your arteries harden.

I could go on.............................
Agree with them or not, it certainly is interesting to catch a glimpse of a different type of family.
I'm not impressed with them. I think they're shifty and selfish. They've been allowed to claim their home as a CHURCH, so they pay no taxes. They are a non-profit organization. How is that fair?

A couple of those young girls spend over 20 hours a week DOING LAUNDRY. That's not right.

I really don't like the way their toddlers are forced to sit on their blankets. That's the only way they can keep track of them. They're never allowed to crawl around like normal babies.

The girls are not encouraged to pursue further education; only to marry and be a wife and mother.

The food that they eat is absolute JUNK. One look inside their pantry will make your arteries harden.

I could go on.............................

they run a church out of there house that runs 100 plus people that it how it's fair.

the girls go laundry because they are part of a family and as in all families you should do your fair share to keep it running

do you know them personally because I have seen every show about there family and I have never seen them force there children to stay on any blanket

as far as there girls not pursing further education, they (the duggers) are a very religious family and as such they look to the Bible as a guide to raising there children and the Bible has very clear set guides as to the roles of men and woman.
I'm not impressed with them. I think they're shifty and selfish. They've been allowed to claim their home as a CHURCH, so they pay no taxes. They are a non-profit organization. How is that fair?

A couple of those young girls spend over 20 hours a week DOING LAUNDRY. That's not right.

I really don't like the way their toddlers are forced to sit on their blankets. That's the only way they can keep track of them. They're never allowed to crawl around like normal babies.

The girls are not encouraged to pursue further education; only to marry and be a wife and mother.

The food that they eat is absolute JUNK. One look inside their pantry will make your arteries harden.

I could go on.............................

Do you know this to be absolute truth? I have watched their show and read their website and other things about them. I enjoy the simplicity of their lives. Their pantry holds a lot of things including veggies. I guess I am wandering why some down so hard on someone you dont know. :confused3
They also became debt free before all of the TV shows were on. I would like to know how many have learned the gift of salvation through them. It would be interesting to know. Also, I have a lot of Mennonite friends and they stop schooling at 8th grade BUT if they want to further their education they can. It is not frowned upon, just not the norm. I know the Duggars are not Mennonite but they have some of the same values.
I agree. I could have no debt if I took donations in the manner that they do.
I just think they seem phony. I like Jon and Kate (plus 8!) You actually see them argue and get overwhelmed, but it is obvious they love their kids a lot! The Duggars have a system where each older child is assigned to take care of a younger one. I do agree that helping out is part of being in a family, but how in the world can those kids get any quality time with mom and dad? I would love to be a fly on the wall and see what they are really like. Also, some of those kids are bound to grow up and feel like they were raised in some kind of weird glass bubble, for all the world to see. Kinda like being famous and not asking for it, I guess.
And since when do real estate investments in rural Arkansas amount to that much money?
I also agree that the food at Aldi, while super cheap for sure, is crap! It is all loaded with HFCS and high in sodium and all of that nasty stuff. I saw one episode where they were making dad's favorite Tater Tot casserole....YUK!
Some people limit the amount of children they have so that they can afford to feed them properly ya know!
I also don't agree with the "girls don't need a higher education" junk, but sadly as a homeschooling family we hear that one a lot!
I just have 4 kids and they all have such different personalities, those kids seem like clones......
I dont think they are fake. I think they have very laid back personalities, unlike John & Kate. I like them too but the Duggars are so much calmer. She is submissive to her husband, which is Biblical. I dont judge her for that. I dont live like they do but I also dont judge them. I love how people call what other people cook junk. That is his favorite. We all have favorite junk. I just dont understand how people are so judgemental. I would hate to have a fly on my wall because I am FAR from perfect.
Well, I am submissive to my husband too. I don't have a problem with that. If I wasn't I would have a couple of more kids myself.
I don't think it is being judgemental to say I think something about them seems weird. It is just a feeling I get, but I honestly don't care what they do. I just think it is weird how some people seem to worship them and think they are some kind of perfect example of what a family should be. I just find that bizarre.
And, I have shopped at Aldi, read the labels, and I still stand by my assessment that their food is crap. That is how they make it so cheaply.
They had no debt prior to this. Yes, it may keep them out of debt but it is not how they got there.

I don't know the facts, but I would be surprised if they didn't start "accepting" donations a long time ago, long before this house.
they run a church out of there house that runs 100 plus people that it how it's fair.

the girls go laundry because they are part of a family and as in all families you should do your fair share to keep it running

do you know them personally because I have seen every show about there family and I have never seen them force there children to stay on any blanket

as far as there girls not pursing further education, they (the duggers) are a very religious family and as such they look to the Bible as a guide to raising there children and the Bible has very clear set guides as to the roles of men and woman.

They talk about the book they use as a guide to raising the children. The book has been said to be an abusive way to raise children by many experts. I don't recall the name of the book but at one time I did read up on it because I was curious about all of the opposition. The book is horrible and once I read that they use it as a guide to raising their children I was sickened.

I also think you should help out in a family but an 8 year old should not be jumping up and down for joy because you are getting a new washing machine. I don't care what religion you follow that is just wrong. She is a child. Not a worker. JMHO.
They talk about the book they use as a guide to raising the children. The book has been said to be an abusive way to raise children by many experts. I don't recall the name of the book but at one time I did read up on it because I was curious about all of the opposition.

Ugh. Are you talking about the Pearls? That's so sad.. I've only watched one or two of the Duggar shows.. I didn't know they followed that :sad1:


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