*Feed Your Family $10 A Day Challenge*(AT HOME)

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I'm curious do the owners of the farm tell you that's ok? just curious as I've never been to one that says that you can eat all you want while you are picking and it's free. Seems that if people took advantage of that it would really decline the profits for the farmer. :confused:

In my area we have a lot of pic-ur-own farms and the farmers encourage you to help yourselves. My DH farms so I have no stake in cutting a farmers profit, but it is common practice in my neck of the woods.
Toby's friend, you're scaring me! DS10 already eats like every meal is his last, and he hasn't hit puberty yet! Now, DD12, OTOH, has always eaten much less. Until recently, an entire sandwich would be too much for her. But now she's in that final growth spurt and starting to really chow down. Not so much at meals, but she's a huge snacker these days. And she's 4'10" and 73 pounds, so I'm not really sure where she's putting it. Then again, she starts cross country next week, and will take 7 (yikes!) dance classes starting next month on top of that. And looks perfectly healthy, so I'm not worried or anything. But I couldn't imagine feeding them small amounts of food or limiting their calorie intake (although I do say things like "have something healthy before you eat a cookie", but that's just the Mom thing!)
I agree. If they are active and using the calories, and eating healthy foods, I would never limit their intake.

My boys eat like crazy, but are solid muscle, and are active for several hours a day.
There are so many things to comment on I don't know where to begin. First 80cents isn't going to cut it for 4 people eating cereal and milk. Plus my 9 yr. old DD also needs protein or she is starving an hour later. So we throw in a few eggs or something. Plus there are no snacks. Once again my very active 9 yr. old DD eats about 7 or 8 times a day. She would starve. My youngest DD also eats 2 to 3 snacks daily. Also, I don't know how .75 covers 4 grilled cheese sandwiches. You also list no fruits in your diet, that is a no-no. Also, .66 isn't going to cover 4 peoples veggies, even from farmers market. We do grow some ourselves, but not all. I could give up the soda and capri suns, but they would drink milk, skim for oldest DD and soy for youngest. Your family would be malnourished.

I skip breakfast. I shouldn't, but I do not allow my kids to skip, even when they want to. I buy generics, don't eat organic and I'm not a food fanatic. Heck, we had ballpark franks and mac and cheese today for lunch (with carrots, cucumbers and watermelon) and we do that about 2x per month. But you just aren't being realistic. Has this just become a game to you?? A growing child should never eat this little. That is the only thing that has bothered me about this thread. I love getting frugal meal tips, but some kids represented on this thread are not eating enough. I would be very worried if my 9 year old only ate as much as some of you post your kids eat. My DD 9 developed GERD earlier this year and lost down to 68lbs. and I was worried sick. She was lethargic, couldn't finish her soccer games and just gaunt looking. Not her at all. Now with meds. she is up to 75lbs. and herself again. She is very athletic and basically all muscle. Please consider the affects of letting your children not eat well. Sorry so long, I just had to say this. Also, I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm just really concerned.
It's a game to me as far as pretending I have kids. I don't have kids, so I'm not able to know how much they actually eat.

80 cents will "cut it" for cereal for four people, since I only pay $1 a box, and I can't imagine four people eating a whole box of cereal in one sitting. 75 cents is doable for grilled cheese. I pay $1 for a pack of 16-slices of American cheese, that is about six cents a slice, figure two slices for each sandwhich, which is 48 cents for the cheese, and I get bread for about a $1 a loaf, so I'm figuring about another quarter for some bread.
Okay, I've read this entire thread & this is what I have found as the top tips for feeding a family (of any size or age group no matter where one lives) for under $10 a day:

#1 Eat free at church
#2 Eat free at work (I wanna work there!)
#3 Eat free at Grandma's
#4 Have your guests pay for their food
#5 Drink only tap water
#6 Don't eat any fruit or vegetables
#7 Skip at least 1 meal a day
#8 Substitute sugar or salt for protein whenever possible
#9 Build your meals around these pantry staples:
Packaged Mac & Cheese
Bargain Hot Dogs
Kool Ade
#10 Move to a farm with a giant garden & orchard that doesn't cost anything to plant, water, or harvest so that everything from it is free.
Okay, I've read this entire thread & this is what I have found as the top tips for feeding a family (of any size or age group no matter where one lives) for under $10 a day:

#1 Eat free at church
#2 Eat free at work (I wanna work there!)
#3 Eat free at Grandma's
#4 Have your guests pay for their food
#5 Drink only tap water
#6 Don't eat any fruit or vegetables
#7 Skip at least 1 meal a day
#8 Substitute sugar or salt for protein whenever possible
#9 Build your meals around these pantry staples:
Packaged Mac & Cheese
Bargain Hot Dogs
Kool Ade
#10 Move to a farm with a giant garden & orchard that doesn't cost anything to plant, water, or harvest so that everything from it is free.

That's it in a nutshell;)
Okay, I've read this entire thread & this is what I have found as the top tips for feeding a family (of any size or age group no matter where one lives) for under $10 a day:

#1 Eat free at church
#2 Eat free at work (I wanna work there!)
#3 Eat free at Grandma's
#4 Have your guests pay for their food
#5 Drink only tap water
#6 Don't eat any fruit or vegetables
#7 Skip at least 1 meal a day
#8 Substitute sugar or salt for protein whenever possible
#9 Build your meals around these pantry staples:
Packaged Mac & Cheese
Bargain Hot Dogs
Kool Ade
#10 Move to a farm with a giant garden & orchard that doesn't cost anything to plant, water, or harvest so that everything from it is free.


Add to that: buying all your food in a magical place where everything is only a dollar!
My children are 16 (DS) and 12 (DD). For years they have prepared their own lunches. In the summer they can choose leftovers or make a sandwich, have yogurt, fruit, salad, pasta, etc. I cannot imagine fixing their lunches in the summer and I don't tell them what to make or limit what they eat (unless it is junk!). They rarely have the same thing. Sundays, after church, we always go out to eat. Other than that they are in charge of their own lunch 95% of the time, and I'm a SAHM. I am in charge of dinner though! :)

I guess this is why I cannot do these daily menus as I never know what they will eat and often don't know at the end of the day what they ate. No way to limit a 16 yr old boy to a bagel, a sandwich, a scoop of casserole and fruit in one day. No way DD could survive on that either. I think doing so could affect their health/metabolism for a long time. They are both fit, great BMI's, very active, average size teen and teen to be!
Also, it depends on the area. I noticed someone said they could get pork loin for $4.49 on a good day. Here it is around $1.89/lb almost every other week! I get a 4-5 pound whole pork loin and use it up for about 3 different meals.
I am buying pork tenderloin for $4.49 a lb. - not pork loin, so there's the difference.

80 cents will "cut it" for cereal for four people, since I only pay $1 a box, and I can't imagine four people eating a whole box of cereal in one sitting.
My 3 girls & I will eat an entire box of Special K in one sitting. My brother could eat an entire box of cereal in one sitting. Depending on the size box, a box of cereal is not that much for 4 or 5 people if you are feeding adults & teens.
Okay, I've read this entire thread & this is what I have found as the top tips for feeding a family (of any size or age group no matter where one lives) for under $10 a day:

#1 Eat free at church
#2 Eat free at work (I wanna work there!)
#3 Eat free at Grandma's
#4 Have your guests pay for their food
#5 Drink only tap water
#6 Don't eat any fruit or vegetables
#7 Skip at least 1 meal a day
#8 Substitute sugar or salt for protein whenever possible
#9 Build your meals around these pantry staples:
Packaged Mac & Cheese
Bargain Hot Dogs
Kool Ade
#10 Move to a farm with a giant garden & orchard that doesn't cost anything to plant, water, or harvest so that everything from it is free.

Okay, I've read this entire thread & this is what I have found as the top tips for feeding a family (of any size or age group no matter where one lives) for under $10 a day:

#1 Eat free at church
#2 Eat free at work (I wanna work there!)
#3 Eat free at Grandma's
#4 Have your guests pay for their food
#5 Drink only tap water
#6 Don't eat any fruit or vegetables
#7 Skip at least 1 meal a day
#8 Substitute sugar or salt for protein whenever possible
#9 Build your meals around these pantry staples:
Packaged Mac & Cheese
Bargain Hot Dogs
Kool Ade
#10 Move to a farm with a giant garden & orchard that doesn't cost anything to plant, water, or harvest so that everything from it is free.

That's definitely what I've noticed.
#1 Eat free at church

Our church is continually having to put notes in the bulletin explaining that while God does provide, he didn't pay the Grocery bill for the buffet in the kitchen during Fellowship hour and to PLEASE drop a couple of dollars in the basket before sending your 4 kids through. :laughing:
Our church is continually having to put notes in the bulletin explaining that while God does provide, he didn't pay the Grocery bill for the buffet in the kitchen during Fellowship hour and to PLEASE drop a couple of dollars in the basket before sending your 4 kids through. :laughing:

I can imagine some Do take advantage;)
It's a game to me as far as pretending I have kids. I don't have kids, so I'm not able to know how much they actually eat.

80 cents will "cut it" for cereal for four people, since I only pay $1 a box, and I can't imagine four people eating a whole box of cereal in one sitting. 75 cents is doable for grilled cheese. I pay $1 for a pack of 16-slices of American cheese, that is about six cents a slice, figure two slices for each sandwhich, which is 48 cents for the cheese, and I get bread for about a $1 a loaf, so I'm figuring about another quarter for some bread.

I guess that's it, your pretending to have kids and really have no idea what it is actually like. Our generic cereals aren't even $1 per box, nor is our cheap cheese. Yes, we can get bread for a buck, but we buy whole wheat white, which on sale is $1.90, usually $2.50 a loaf. We used to eat whole wheat, also more expensive, but the kids wouldn't eat even though it was the only bread I had ever fed them. So I gave up and went to whole wheat white by Sara Lee. They eat that!
I know the Orchard comment was Towards me but please if you do not have a farmer like this don't blame us but them they Actually TELL YOU TO DO THIS !!!!!!!! We brought TONS AND TONS of apples and grapes . I make 6 jars of apple butter , 6 jars of chunky apple sauce , 2 apple pies to freeze 15-20 dozen apple muffins to freeze for the yr , apple crisp for us to eat now not to mention we are going to try to make donuts and apple dumplings this yr . Also my kids eat apples like candy so yes we brought a ton . And I know we brought about a ton of Honey crisp last yr after trying them for the first time had we not tried them I would never had brought them . So yes the farmers make more by letting you try them . Its just like samples at Sam's club you try the item and if you like it you buy the item . Same with freebies threw the mail . I am truly sorry I even mentioned it that my kids ate free apples and grapes while picking . But I didn't want anything thinking my kids had no fruit cause On this thread I would of then gotten yelled at for that ! Also As sad be for mac and cheese in the box in eaten 2 times a month here ! And hot dogs are eaten 1 time a week during the summer and then 1 time a month maybe during the school yr . So no not all your points are true !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess that's it, your pretending to have kids and really have no idea what it is actually like. Our generic cereals aren't even $1 per box, nor is our cheap cheese. Yes, we can get bread for a buck, but we buy whole wheat white, which on sale is $1.90, usually $2.50 a loaf. We used to eat whole wheat, also more expensive, but the kids wouldn't eat even though it was the only bread I had ever fed them. So I gave up and went to whole wheat white by Sara Lee. They eat that!

I can get name brand cereal, $1 a box, at the Dollar Tree. It easily lasts two meals, for four people.

My boys eat Whole Wheat. No options, no arguments, 89 cents a loaf.

Ground Turkey, every day, 79 cents a pound. Every day, that's not a sale. Mind you, we rarely eat meat, but that is what i use, in place of ground beef, when the kids are craving some meat.

It can be done. We've discussed before, different regions, different prices.
It would be appreciated if those who feel the need to offer criticisms would do it in a constructive manner. Please offer some ideas with what you consider to be a healthy, budget menu so that others can learn from you. We can all benefit from each others' experience and knowledge.

I found this .pdf file from the Louisville Kentucky Public Health & Wellness Dept. I contains a week's worth of healthy menus for a variety of caloric intakes (1200 to 2000 calories per day).

I haven't done a cost analysis of the meals, but they are pretty standard fare...nothing gourmet nor expensive cuts of meat. I'm going to do some more google searches to see if I can find a website that does both.
It's a game to me as far as pretending I have kids. I don't have kids, so I'm not able to know how much they actually eat.

80 cents will "cut it" for cereal for four people, since I only pay $1 a box, and I can't imagine four people eating a whole box of cereal in one sitting. 75 cents is doable for grilled cheese. I pay $1 for a pack of 16-slices of American cheese, that is about six cents a slice, figure two slices for each sandwhich, which is 48 cents for the cheese, and I get bread for about a $1 a loaf, so I'm figuring about another quarter for some bread.

A dollar for a box of cereal?!!!! Even with all mu coupons doubled and a super sale I have never gotten cereal for a dollar. I fancy myself as a bit of a cereal expert as I buy no less than 10 boxes at a time. Also a dollar for cheese and bread? Where is this secret dollar grocer? With what I spend in a month I could finace his whole store for a year!:confused3
Our church is continually having to put notes in the bulletin explaining that while God does provide, he didn't pay the Grocery bill for the buffet in the kitchen during Fellowship hour and to PLEASE drop a couple of dollars in the basket before sending your 4 kids through. :laughing:

As far as us eating free at church.. We tith 10% of our income and we also donate snacks to the youth group program. So if we are eating free do not get up set we have allready paid for it:cloud9:
A dollar for a box of cereal?!!!! Even with all mu coupons doubled and a super sale I have never gotten cereal for a dollar. I fancy myself as a bit of a cereal expert as I buy no less than 10 boxes at a time. Also a dollar for cheese and bread? Where is this secret dollar grocer? With what I spend in a month I could finace his whole store for a year!:confused3

I have found deals on cereal for 1$ I walked in to walmart one day and found Spider man and Pirates of the carabian. for 1$ each. I grabbed 12 boxes. Now normally we never eat that type of cereal. It wasa great deal and a great treat:love:
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